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AppConfig::State(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
AppConfig::State(3) |
AppConfig::State - application configuration state
use AppConfig::State;
my $state = AppConfig::State->new(\%cfg);
$state->define("foo"); # very simple variable definition
$state->define("bar", \%varcfg); # variable specific configuration
$state->define("foo|bar=i@"); # compact format
$state->set("foo", 123); # trivial set/get examples
$state->foo(); # shortcut variable access
$state->foo(456); # shortcut variable update
AppConfig::State is a Perl5 module to handle global configuration variables for
perl programs. It maintains the state of any number of variables, handling
default values, aliasing, validation, update callbacks and option arguments
for use by other AppConfig::* modules.
AppConfig::State is distributed as part of the AppConfig
To import and use the AppConfig::State module the following line should appear
in your Perl script:
use AppConfig::State;
The AppConfig::State module is loaded automatically by the
new() constructor of the AppConfig module.
AppConfig::State is implemented using object-oriented methods. A
new AppConfig::State object is created and initialised using the
new() method. This returns a reference to a new AppConfig::State
my $state = AppConfig::State->new();
This will create a reference to a new AppConfig::State with all
configuration options set to their default values. You can initialise the
object by passing a reference to a hash array containing configuration
$state = AppConfig::State->new( {
CASE => 1,
ERROR => \&my_error,
} );
The new() constructor of the AppConfig module automatically
passes all parameters to the AppConfig::State new() constructor.
Thus, any global configuration values and variable definitions for
AppConfig::State are also applicable to AppConfig.
The following configuration options may be specified.
- Determines if the variable names are treated case sensitively. Any
non-zero value makes case significant when naming variables. By default,
CASE is set to 0 and thus "Variable", "VARIABLE" and
"VaRiAbLe" are all treated as "variable".
- By default, CREATE is turned off meaning that all variables accessed via
set() (which includes access via shortcut such as
"$state->variable($value)" which
delegates to set()) must previously have been defined via
define(). When CREATE is set to 1, calling set($variable,
$value) on a variable that doesn't exist will
cause it to be created automatically.
When CREATE is set to any other non-zero value, it is assumed
to be a regular expression pattern. If the variable name matches the
regex, the variable is created. This can be used to specify
configuration file blocks in which variables should be created, for
$state = AppConfig::State->new( {
CREATE => '^define_',
} );
In a config file:
name = fred # define_name gets created automatically
name = john # other_name doesn't - warning raised
Note that a regex pattern specified in CREATE is applied to
the real variable name rather than any alias by which the variables may
be accessed.
- The PEDANTIC option determines what action the configuration file
(AppConfig::File) or argument parser (AppConfig::Args) should take on
encountering a warning condition (typically caused when trying to set an
undeclared variable). If PEDANTIC is set to any true value, the parsing
methods will immediately return a value of 0 on encountering such a
condition. If PEDANTIC is not set, the method will continue to parse the
remainder of the current file(s) or arguments, returning 0 when complete.
If no warnings or errors are encountered, the method returns
In the case of a system error (e.g. unable to open a file),
the method returns undef immediately, regardless of the PEDANTIC
- Specifies a user-defined error handling routine. When the handler is
called, a format string is passed as the first parameter, followed by any
additional values, as per printf(3C).
- Turns debugging on or off when set to 1 or 0 accordingly. Debugging may
also be activated by calling _debug() as an object method
("$state->_debug(1)") or as a package
function (AppConfig::State::_debug(1)), passing in
a true/false value to set the debugging state accordingly. The package
variable $AppConfig::State::DEBUG can also be set
The _debug() method returns the current debug value. If
a new value is passed in, the internal value is updated, but the
previous value is returned.
Note that any AppConfig::File or App::Config::Args objects
that are instantiated with a reference to an App::State will inherit the
DEBUG (and also PEDANTIC) values of the state at that time. Subsequent
changes to the AppConfig::State debug value will not affect them.
- The GLOBAL option allows default values to be set for the DEFAULT,
ARGCOUNT, EXPAND, VALIDATE and ACTION options for any subsequently defined
$state = AppConfig::State->new({
DEFAULT => '<undef>', # default value for new vars
ARGCOUNT => 1, # vars expect an argument
ACTION => \&my_set_var, # callback when vars get set
Any attributes specified explicitly when a variable is defined
will override any GLOBAL values.
See "DEFINING VARIABLES" below which describes these
options in detail.
The "define()" function is used to pre-declare
a variable and specify its configuration.
In the simple example above, a new variable called "foo"
is defined. A reference to a hash array may also be passed to specify
configuration information for the variable:
$state->define("foo", {
DEFAULT => 99,
ALIAS => 'metavar1',
Any variable-wide GLOBAL values passed to the new()
constructor in the configuration hash will also be applied. Values
explicitly specified in a variable's define() configuration will
override the respective GLOBAL values.
The following configuration options may be specified
- The DEFAULT value is used to initialise the variable.
$state->define("drink", {
DEFAULT => 'coffee',
print $state->drink(); # prints "coffee"
- The ALIAS option allows a number of alternative names to be specified for
this variable. A single alias should be specified as a string. Multiple
aliases can be specified as a reference to an array of alternatives or as
a string of names separated by vertical bars, '|'. e.g.:
# either
$state->define("name", {
ALIAS => 'person',
# or
$state->define("name", {
ALIAS => [ 'person', 'user', 'uid' ],
# or
$state->define("name", {
ALIAS => 'person|user|uid',
$state->user('abw'); # equivalent to $state->name('abw');
- The ARGCOUNT option specifies the number of arguments that should be
supplied for this variable. By default, no additional arguments are
expected for variables (ARGCOUNT_NONE).
The ARGCOUNT_* constants can be imported from the AppConfig
use AppConfig ':argcount';
$state->define('foo', { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_ONE });
or can be accessed directly from the AppConfig package:
use AppConfig;
$state->define('foo', { ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE });
The following values for ARGCOUNT may be specified.
- Indicates that no additional arguments are expected. If the variable is
identified in a confirguration file or in the command line arguments, it
is set to a value of 1 regardless of whatever arguments follow it.
- Indicates that the variable expects a single argument to be provided. The
variable value will be overwritten with a new value each time it is
- Indicates that the variable expects multiple arguments. The variable value
will be appended to the list of previous values each time it is
- Indicates that the variable expects multiple arguments and that each
argument is of the form "key=value". The argument will be split
into a key/value pair and inserted into the hash of values each time it is
- The ARGS option can also be used to specify advanced command line options
for use with AppConfig::Getopt, which itself delegates to Getopt::Long.
See those two modules for more information on the format and meaning of
these options.
$state->define("name", {
ARGS => "=i@",
- The EXPAND option specifies how the AppConfig::File processor should
expand embedded variables in the configuration file values it reads. By
default, EXPAND is turned off (EXPAND_NONE) and no expansion is made.
The EXPAND_* constants can be imported from the AppConfig
use AppConfig ':expand';
$state->define('foo', { EXPAND => EXPAND_VAR });
or can be accessed directly from the AppConfig package:
use AppConfig;
$state->define('foo', { EXPAND => AppConfig::EXPAND_VAR });
The following values for EXPAND may be specified. Multiple
values should be combined with vertical bars , '|', e.g.
- Indicates that no variable expansion should be attempted.
- Indicates that variables embedded as $var or
$(var) should be expanded to the values of the relevant AppConfig::State
- Indicates that '~' or '~uid' patterns in the string should be expanded to
the current users ($<), or specified user's home directory. In the
first case, "~" is expanded to the value
of the "HOME" environment variable. In
the second case, the "getpwnam()" method
is used if it is available on your system (which it isn't on Win32).
- Inidicates that variables embedded as ${var} should be expanded to the
value of the relevant environment variable.
- Equivalent to "EXPAND_VARS | EXPAND_UIDS |
- Indicates that embedded variables that are not defined should raise a
warning. If PEDANTIC is set, this will cause the read() method to
return 0 immediately.
- Each variable may have a sub-routine or regular expression defined which
is used to validate the intended value for a variable before it is set.
If VALIDATE is defined as a regular expression, it is applied
to the value and deemed valid if the pattern matches. In this case, the
variable is then set to the new value. A warning message is generated if
the pattern match fails.
VALIDATE may also be defined as a reference to a sub-routine
which takes as its arguments the name of the variable and its intended
value. The sub-routine should return 1 or 0 to indicate that the value
is valid or invalid, respectively. An invalid value will cause a warning
error message to be generated.
If the GLOBAL VALIDATE variable is set (see GLOBAL in
DESCRIPTION above) then this value will be used as the default VALIDATE
for each variable unless otherwise specified.
$state->define("age", {
VALIDATE => '\d+',
$state->define("pin", {
VALIDATE => \&check_pin,
- The ACTION option allows a sub-routine to be bound to a variable as a
callback that is executed whenever the variable is set. The ACTION is
passed a reference to the AppConfig::State object, the name of the
variable and the value of the variable.
The ACTION routine may be used, for example, to post-process
variable data, update the value of some other dependant variable,
generate a warning message, etc.
$state->define("foo", { ACTION => \&my_notify });
sub my_notify {
my $state = shift;
my $var = shift;
my $val = shift;
print "$variable set to $value";
$state->foo(42); # prints "foo set to 42"
Be aware that calling
"$state->set()" to update the same
variable from within the ACTION function will cause a recursive loop as
the ACTION function is repeatedly called.
Variables may be defined in a compact format which allows any ALIAS and ARGS
values to be specified as part of the variable name. This is designed to mimic
the behaviour of Johan Vromans' Getopt::Long module.
Aliases for a variable should be specified after the variable
name, separated by vertical bars, '|'. Any ARGS parameter should be appended
after the variable name(s) and/or aliases.
The following examples are equivalent:
$state->define("foo", {
ALIAS => [ 'bar', 'baz' ],
ARGS => '=i',
AppConfig::State defines two methods to manipulate variable values:
set($variable, $value);
Both functions take the variable name as the first parameter and
"set()" takes an additional parameter
which is the new value for the variable.
"set()" returns 1 or 0 to indicate
successful or unsuccessful update of the variable value. If there is an
ACTION routine associated with the named variable, the value returned will
be passed back from "set()". The
"get()" function returns the current value
of the variable.
Once defined, variables may be accessed directly as object methods
where the method name is the same as the variable name. i.e.
$state->set("verbose", 1);
is equivalent to
Without parameters, the current value of the variable is returned.
If a parameter is specified, the variable is set to that value and the
result of the set() operation is returned.
$state->age(29); # sets 'age' to 29, returns 1 (ok)
The varlist() method can be used to extract a number of variables into a
hash array. The first parameter should be a regular expression used for
matching against the variable names.
my %vars = $state->varlist("^file"); # all "file*" variables
A second parameter may be specified (any true value) to indicate
that the part of the variable name matching the regex should be removed when
copied to the target hash.
my %vars = $state->varlist("^file_", 1);
# %vars:
# name => /tmp/file
# path => "/foo:/bar:/baz"
The interal (private) methods of the AppConfig::State class are listed below.
They aren't intended for regular use and potential users should
consider the fact that nothing about the internal implementation is
guaranteed to remain the same. Having said that, the AppConfig::State class
is intended to co-exist and work with a number of other modules and these
are considered "friend" classes. These methods are provided, in
part, as services to them. With this acknowledged co-operation in mind, it
is safe to assume some stability in this core interface.
The _varname() method can be used to determine the real
name of a variable from an alias:
Note that all methods that take a variable name, including those
listed below, can accept an alias and automatically resolve it to the
correct variable name. There is no need to call _varname() explicitly
to do alias expansion. The _varname() method will fold all variables
names to lower case unless CASE sensititvity is set.
The _exists() method can be used to check if a variable has
been defined:
The _default() method can be used to reset a variable to
its default value:
The _expand() method can be used to determine the EXPAND
value for a variable:
print "$varname EXPAND: ", $state->_expand($varname), "\n";
The _argcount() method returns the value of the ARGCOUNT
attribute for a variable:
print "$varname ARGCOUNT: ", $state->_argcount($varname), "\n";
The _validate() method can be used to determine if a new
value for a variable meets any validation criteria specified for it. The
variable name and intended value should be passed in. The methods returns a
true/false value depending on whether or not the validation succeeded:
print "OK\n" if $state->_validate($varname, $value);
The _pedantic() method can be called to determine the
current value of the PEDANTIC option.
print "pedantic mode is ", $state->_pedantic() ? "on" ; "off", "\n";
The _debug() method can be used to turn debugging on or off
(pass 1 or 0 as a parameter). It can also be used to check the debug state,
returning the current internal value of
$AppConfig::State::DEBUG. If a new debug value is
provided, the debug state is updated and the previous state is returned.
$state->_debug(1); # debug on, returns previous value
The _dump_var($varname) and _dump() methods may also be
called for debugging purposes.
$state->_dump_var($varname); # show variable state
$state->_dump(); # show internal state and all vars
Andy Wardley, <abw@wardley.org>
Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
AppConfig, AppConfig::File, AppConfig::Args, AppConfig::Getopt
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