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NAMESort::ArbBiLex - make sort functions for arbitrary sort ordersSYNOPSISuse Sort::ArbBiLex ( 'fulani_sort', # ask for a &fulani_sort to be defined "a A c C ch Ch CH ch' Ch' CH' e E l L lh Lh LH n N r R s S u U z Z " ); @words = <>; @stuff = fulani_sort(@words); foreach (@stuff) { print "<$_>\n" } CONCEPTSWriting systems for different languages usually have specific sort orders for the glyphs (characters, or clusters of characters) that each writing system uses. For well-known national languages, these different sort orders (or someone's idea of them) are formalized in the locale for each such language, on operating system flavors that support locales. However, there are problems with locales; cf. perllocale. Chief among the problems relevant here are:* The basic concept of "locale" conflates language/dialect, writing system, and character set -- and country/region, to a certain extent. This may be inappropriate for the text you want to sort. Notably, this assumes standardization where none may exist (what's THE sort order for a language that has five different Roman-letter-based writing systems in use?). * On many OS flavors, there is no locale support. * Even on many OS flavors that do suport locales, the user cannot create his own locales as needed. * The "scope" of a locale may not be what the user wants -- if you want, in a single program, to sort the array @foo by one locale, and an array @bar by another locale, this may prove difficult or impossible. In other words, locales (even if available) may not sort the way you want, and are not portable in any case. This module is meant to provide an alternative to locale-based sorting. This module makes functions for you that implement bi-level lexicographic sorting according to a sort order you specify. "Lexicographic sorting" means comparing the letters (or properly, "glyphs", as I'll call them here, when a single glyph can encompass several letters, as with digraphs) in strings, starting from the start of the string (so that "apple" comes after "apoplexy", say) -- as opposed to, say, sorting by numeric value. "Lexicographic sorting" is sometimes used to mean just "ASCIIbetical sorting", but I use it to mean the sort order used by lexicographers, in dictionaries (at least for alphabetic languages). Consider the words "resume" and "résumé" (the latter should display on your POD viewer with acute accents on the e's). If you declare a sort order such that e-acute ("é") is a letter after e (no accent), then "résumé" (with accents) would sort after every word starting with "re" (no accent) -- so "résumé" (with accents) would come after "reward". If, however, you treated e (no accent) and e-acute as the same letter, the ordering of "resume" and "résumé" (with accents) would be unpredictable, since they would count as the same thing -- whereas "resume" should always come before "résumé" (with accents) in English dictionaries. What bi-level lexicographic sorting means is that you can stipulate that two letters like e (no accent) and e-acute ("é") generally count as the same letter (so that they both sort before "reward"), but that when there's a tie based on comparison that way (like the tie between "resume" and "résumé" (with accents)), the tie is broken by a stipulation that at a second level, e (no accent) does come before e-acute ("é"). (Some systems of sort order description allow for any number of levels in sort orders -- but I can't imagine a case where this gets you anything over a two-level sort.) Moreover, the units of sorting for a writing system may not be characters exactly. In some forms of Spanish, ch, while two characters, counts as one glyph -- a "letter" after c (at the first level, not just the second, like the e in the paragraph above). So "cuerno" comes before "chile". A character-based sort would not be able to see that "ch" should count as anything but "c" and "h". So this library doesn't assume that the units of comparison are necessarily individual characters. Limitations* The most notable limitation of this module is that its identification of glyphs must be context-insensitive. So you can't stipulate that, for example, ":" normally counts as a letter after "h", but that it doesn't count (or that it counts as a letter after "z", or whatever) in the special case of appearing at the start of words.* You can't declare whitespace characters of any kind as sortable glyphs using the single-string ("short form") declaration. This is, obviously, because in that declaration format, whitespace is reserved as the delimiter for glyphs and families. So if you want to have space, tab, CR, and/or LF be sortable glyphs, you just have to declare that with the long form (LoL-reference) format. See the sections on these formats, below. * When you have Sort::ArbBiLex generate a new bi-level sort function based on a sort-order declaration, both levels of comparison obviously have the same sort-order declaration -- so you can't have Sort::ArbBiLex make a function where at one level "ch" counts as one glyph, and at the other, it counts as two; nor where it counts as a glyph in one position in one level, and at another position in the other level. * When you declare a glyph as consisting of several characters, you're saying that several letters should be considered as one unit. However, you can't go the other way: you can't say that a single letter should be considered as a combination of glyphs. But I've seen some descriptions of German sort order that say that a-umlaut (etc) should be treated as if it were a literal "ae" -- i.e. an "a" glyph followed by an "e" glyph. This can't be done simply with Sort::ArbBiLex. * Note that ArbBiLex-generated sort routines always start sorting (at both levels) with glyphs at the start of the string, and continue to the end. But some descriptions (like p138 of the Unicode Standard Version 3.0) of French sort order say that the the first level of sorting goes as you'd expect, start to finish, but a later level, ties between different accents are broken starting from the end, and working backwards. This can't be done simply with Sort::ArbBiLex. (But it's my experience that the difference is not significant, in the case of French data.) * If you're using a pre-Unicode version of Perl: you cannot declare more than 255 glyph-groups (i.e., glyphs that sort the same at the first level), and no glyph-group can contain more that 255 glyphs each. However, it's fine if the total number of glyphs in all glyph-groups sums to greater than 255 (as in the case of a declaration for 30 glyph-groups with 10 glyphs each). * This library makes no provision for overriding the builtin "sort" function. It's probably a bad idea to try to do so, anyway. * If all of the glyphs in a given sort order are one character long, the resulting sorter function will be rather fast. If any of them are longer than that, it is rather slower. (This is because one-character mode does its work with lots of "tr///"'s, whereas "multi"-character mode (i.e., if any glyphs are more than one character long) uses lots of "s///"'s and hashes. It's as fast as I can make it, but it's still necessarily much slower than single-character mode. So if you're sorting 10,000 dictionary headwords, and you change your sort order from one that uses all one-character glyphs, to one where there's even just one two-character glyph, and you notice that it now takes 15 seconds instead of 3 before, now you know why. * Remember, if this module produces a function that almost does what you want, but doesn't exactly, because of the above limitations, then you can be have it output the source (via "source_maker") of the function, and try modifying that function on your own. DESCRIPTIONThis module provides two main functions, "Sort::ArbBiLex::maker" and "Sort::ArbBiLex::source_maker", and it also presents an interface that accepts parameters in the "use Sort::ArbBiLex ( ... )" statement."use Sort::ArbBiLex;"This merely loads the module at compile-time, just like any normal "use [modulename]". But with parameters, it's special:"use Sort::ArbBiLex ( 'name', DECLARATION, ... );"This compile-time directive, besides loading the module if it's not already in memory, will interpret the parameters as a list of pairs, where each pair is first the name of a sub to create and then the DECLARATION of its sort order. This calls "Sort::ArbBiLex::maker(DECLARATION)" to make a such-named function, that sorts according to the sort order you specify.This is probably the only way most users will need to interact with this module; they probably won't need to call "Sort::ArbBiLex::maker(DECLARATION)" (much less "Sort::ArbBiLex::source_maker(DECLARATION)"!) directly. Unless your sort-order declarations are variables, you can simply use this "use Sort::ArbBiLex (...)" syntax. Feel free to skip ahead to the "Values for DECLARATION" section. The function Sort::ArbBiLex::maker(DECLARATION)"maker" is called thus:Sort::ArbBiLex::maker(DECLARATION) This will make a sort function, based on the contents of DECLARATION. The return value is an anonymous subroutine reference. While you can store this just like any another anonymous subroutine reference, you probably want to associate it with name, like most functions. To associate it with the symbol "fulani_sort" in the current package, do this: *fulani_sort = Sort::ArbBiLex::maker($my_decl); Then you can call "fulani_sort(@whatever)" just like any other kind of function, just as if you'd defined "fulani_sort" via: sub fulani_sort { ...blah blah blah... } As you might expect, you can specify a package, like so: *MySorts::fulani_sort = Sort::ArbBiLex::maker($my_decl); If you don't know what "*thing = EXPR" means or how it works, don't worry, just use it -- or duck the whole issue by using the ""use Sort::ArbBiLex ('fulani_sort', DECL);"". Actually, there's a minor difference between the various ways of declaring the subroutine "fulani_sort": if you declare it via a call to this: *fulani_sort = Sort::ArbBiLex::maker($my_decl); then that happens at runtime, not compile time. However, compile-time is when Perl wants to know what subs will exist if you want to be able to call them without parens. I.e., this: @stuff = fulani_sort @whatever; # no parens! will cause all sorts of angry error messages, which you can happily avoid by simply adding a "forward declaration" at some early point in the program, to express that you're goung to want to use "fulani_sort" as a sub name: sub fulani_sort; # yup, just that! ...later... *fulani_sort = Sort::ArbBiLex::maker($my_decl); ...later... @stuff = fulani_sort @whatever; # no parens! And then all should be well. The short story is to use the ""use Sort::ArbBiLex ('fulani_sort', ...)"" syntax whenever possible (at which point you're free to omit parens, since the "use" makes it happen at compile-time, not runtime). But when you can't use the ""use Sort::ArbBiLex ('fulani_sort', ...)"" syntax, and you need to use a ""*foo = ..."" syntax instead (which is usually necessary if your declaration is a variable, instead of a literal), then either add a ""sub fulani_sort;"" line to your program; or just be sure to use parens on every call to the "fulani_sort" function. See also: perlsub, for the whys and wherefors of function protoptying, if you want all the scary details. The function Sort::ArbBiLex::source_maker(DECLARATION)"Sort::ArbBiLex::source_maker" is just like "Sort::ArbBiLex::maker", except that it returns a string containing the source of the function. It's here if you want to, well, look at the source of the function, or write it to a file and modify it.Values for DECLARATIONDECLARATION is a specification of the sort order you want the new function to sort according to.It can occur in two formats: short form (a single string), and long form (a reference to a list of lists of glyphs). Short-form DECLARATION valuesA short-form specification consists of a string that consists of lines containing glyphs. The example in the SYNOPSIS section shows this format.Formally, lines in the short-form declaration string are separated by carriage returns and/or linefeeds. Each line consists of glyphs separated by whitespace (other than CRs or LFs). Lines that are empty (i.e., which contain no glyphs) are ignored. A declaration that contains no glyphs at all is illegal, and causes a fatal error. A "glyph" is any sequence of non-whitespace characters. No glyph can appear more that once in the declaration, or it's a fatal error. A degenerate case of there being only one glyph-family with many glyphs in it (i.e., a one-level sort instead of a bi-level), like this: Sort::ArbBiLex::maker('fulani_sort', "a A c C c' C' e E h H x X i I : l L n N r R s S u U z Z zh Zh ZH" ); is actually treated as if it were that many glyph-families with only one glyph in each. This in an internal optimization. PLEASE NOTE that any characters that are in the data being sorted but which do not appear in the sort order declaration (neither as themselves, or as part of glyphs) are treated as if they are not there. In other words, given the sort order in the above example, if you had "David" as an item to sort, it would sort just as if it were "ai" -- since "D", "v", and "d" aren't in that declaration. So think twice before deciding that certain letters "are not part of the alphabet" of the language in question. Note also that if, say, "ch" is in the sort order, but "h" isn't, then an "h" not after a "c" (like in "helicopter" or "pushed") will not be counted for sake of sorting. Long-form DECLARATION valuesA long-form specification consists of a reference to a list of lists of glyphs. For example, the example from the SYNOPSIS section could just as well be denoted with a long-form declaration like this:use Sort::ArbBiLex ( 'fulani_sort', [ [ "a", "A" ], [ "c", "C" ], [ "ch", "Ch", "CH" ], [ "ch'", "Ch'", "CH'" ], [ "e", "E" ], [ "l", "L" ], [ "lh", "Lh", "LH" ], [ "n", "N" ], [ "r", "R" ], [ "s", "S" ], [ "u", "U" ], [ "z", "Z" ], ] ); The main practical reason I provide this declaration is that, as discussed in the Limitations section, the short form doesn't allow you to declare whitespace characters of any kind as sortable glyphs using the single-string ("short form") declaration, because in that declaration format, whitespace is reserved as the delimiter for glyphs and families. But you can do it in the long form. In the above example, you'd just add a line before the one for a/A, like this: use Sort::ArbBiLex ( 'fulani_sort', [ [ " ", "\t", "\cm", "\cj" ], # whitespace characters. [ "a", "A" ], ...etc... That'd make whitespace the first glyph family. The effect of this would be to make sorting sensitive to whitespace, such that "for", "for sure", and "forest" would sort in that order. It's my impression that most modern English dictionaries sort without respect to whitespace (so that that list, sorted, would be "for", "forest", "for sure"), but I also realize that that's not the only way to do it. In fact, sensitivity to whitespace seems an inevitable part of conventional sort orders for some languages. A thought: Presumably the only place you'd want to put the whitespace family is at the start of the declaration. It'd be really strange in the middle or the end, I think. A word of caution: Note that, if you have whitespace as a glyph family, "for sure" (with just the one space) and "for sure" (with two spaces inbetween) do not sort the same. You may expect that the sorter would magically collapse whitespace, seeing all sequences of whitespace as equal. Au contraire! They're glyphs, just like any others, so sorting "for sure" and "for sure" (two spaces) is totally analogous to sorting "ika" and "ikka". COMPARATOR FUNCTIONSFor most purposes, a sorter function generated by Sort::ArbBiLex is all you need. However, in some cases, you need the equivalent of a language-specific "cmp" function. For example, consider this construct:@records = sort { $a->{'headword'} cmp $b->{'headword'} } @records; If you think want a language-specific "cmp", you can work around it by start with a ArbBiLex-made function called "my_sort", and having: { my %hw2rec; # temporary mapping from headwords to records for(@records) { push @{$hw2rec{ $_->{'headword'} }}, $_ } @records = map @{$hw2rec{$_}}, my_sort( keys %hw2rec ); } and that's fine, and probably more time-efficient than what I'm about to suggest. If you really insist on having functions that act like "cmp" and the other Perl comparator functions ("lt", "gt", "le", "ge"), you can use these meta-functions: Sort::ArbBiLex::xcmp(\&my_sort, $a,$b) Sort::ArbBiLex::xlt( \&my_sort, $a,$b) Sort::ArbBiLex::xgt( \&my_sort, $a,$b) Sort::ArbBiLex::xle( \&my_sort, $a,$b) Sort::ArbBiLex::xge( \&my_sort, $a,$b) Incidentally, these all work by seeing what the "my_sort" function (i.e., whatever you pass a reference to) does when asked to sort the two values you pass. Ideally, language-specific comparators would instead have been implemented by generating new comparator functions based on sort-order declarations, i.e., the same way we get sort functions. However, comparators are needed rarely enough, and in already inefficient enough settings, that I sacrifice comparators' efficiency for the sake of the clarity of the module. So a concise way to say this @records = sort { $a->{'headword'} cmp $b->{'headword'} } @records; with language-specific sorting is: @records = sort { Sort::ArbBiLex::xcmp(\&my_sort, $a->{'headword'}, $b->{'headword'}) } @records; If you'd be doing that a lot, you can even wrap that comparator in a new function: sub my_cmp { Sort::ArbBiLex::xcmp(\&my_sort, @_) }; The full repertory of these would be: use Sort::ArbBiLex ('my_sort' => ...whatever...); sub my_cmp { Sort::ArbBiLex::xcmp(\&my_sort, @_) }; sub my_lt { Sort::ArbBiLex::xlt( \&my_sort, @_) }; sub my_gt { Sort::ArbBiLex::xgt( \&my_sort, @_) }; sub my_le { Sort::ArbBiLex::xle( \&my_sort, @_) }; sub my_ge { Sort::ArbBiLex::xge( \&my_sort, @_) }; Using these functions makes for very readable code, like so: @records = sort { my_cmp($a->{'headword'}, $b->{'headword'})} @records; but this will be almost definitely be much less time-efficient, for large lists, than the workaround mentioned at the top of this section. Benchmark both ways if you really need to know which is faster for your data set. If neither are as fast as you really need them to be, then use "sort_maker" to generate source code for a given declaration, and fiddle with that code to make comparators; the result should be much faster, even though it may take you a bit of doing. As always, though, don't try optimizing unless you're sure you need to (and don't be surprised if it doesn't have as great an effect as you hoped for). A GOOD STARTING POINTHere's a declaration for a sort function that uses all the characters A-Z / a-z and also all the alphabetic characters in Latin-1. It should be a a good starting point for most declarations you'd want:use Sort::ArbBiLex ( 'schmancy_sort' => " a A à À á Á â Â ã Ã ä Ä å Å æ Æ b B c C ç Ç d D ð Ð e E è È é É ê Ê ë Ë f F g G h H i I ì Ì í Í î Î ï Ï j J k K l L m M n N ñ Ñ o O ò Ò ó Ó ô Ô õ Õ ö Ö ø Ø p P q Q r R s S ß t T þ Þ u U ù Ù ú Ú û Û ü Ü v V w W x X y Y ý Ý ÿ z Z " ); Edit and re-shuffle letters as necessary. GUTS* ArbBiLex stands for "arbitrary bi-level lexicographic".* The source to this module may tie your brain in knots. That's what it does to me, and I wrote it. Code that writes code can be icky that way. If you want to figure out this module's workings, try using: print Sort::ArbBiLex::source_maker($decl); where you start out with $decl as something short. Understand the code that this module makes before you try to understand how it makes it. * The sorter functions this module makes are built around the Schwartzian transform -- i.e., the construct "map BLOCK sort BLOCK map BLOCK List". For a brief discussion of that, see perlfaq4, under the question "How do I sort an array by (anything)?". Or maybe I'll write a Perl Journal (www.tpj.com) article about it some time. * If you look at, say, use Sort::ArbBiLex (fu => "a b c ch d i h s sh x"); @x = fu( qw(chachi baba) ); and if you wonder how the "ch" in "chachi" ends up as one glyph "ch" (which is what happens), instead of as a glyph "c" and a glyph "h" (which is not what happens), then consider that this print "<$1>" while 'chache' =~ /(ch|c|h|a|e)/g prints "<ch><a><ch><e>", not "<c><h><a><c><h><e>". * While you're at it, consider that this: print "<$1>" while "itlha" =~ /(tl|lh|l|h|i|a)/g prints "<i><tl><h><a>", never "<i><t><lh><a>". Presumably this is always The Right Thing. * Most modules that define an "import" method (either directly, or by inheritating from the Exporter module), use it to just export pre-existing subs from their own package into the calling package. But Sort::ArbBiLex's "import" is different -- there's no pre-existing subs to export, so it just makes new anonymous subs on demand, and sticks them into the package that's current for the given ""use Sort::ArbBiLex"" line (unless the given subname already has a package name on it, like "MySorts::nornish"). COPYRIGHTCopyright 1999-2004, Sean M. Burke "sburke@cpan.org", all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. AUTHORSean M. Burke "sburke@cpan.org"POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: