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Archive::Rar(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Archive::Rar(3)

Archive::Rar - Interface with the 'rar' command

  • Windows
  • Linux

 use Archive::Rar;
 my $rar = Archive::Rar->new();
        -size => $size_of_parts,
        -archive => $archive_filename,
        -files => \@list_of_files,

To extract files from archive:

 use Archive::Rar;
 my $rar = Archive::Rar->new( -archive => $archive );
 $rar->List( );
 my $res = $rar->Extract( );
 print "Error $res in extracting from $archive\n" if ( $res );

To list archived files:

 use Archive::Rar;
 my $rar = Archive::Rar->new( -archive => $archive );
 $rar->List( );
 $rar->PrintList( );

Using further options:

 use Archive::Rar;
 my $rar = Archive::Rar->new( -archive => $archive );
 my $res = $rar->Extract(-donotoverwrite => 1, -quiet => 1 );
 print "Error $res in extracting from $archive\n" if ( $res );

This is a module for the handling of rar archives.

Locates the rar command (from PATH or from regedit for Win32) and encapsulate it to create, extract and list rar archives.

Note: There are a few things that have gone awry. Have a look at the Archive::Rar::Passthrough module that is part of this distribution. It is a lower-level interface to the "rar" command, but it does some things in a safer way than this module (namely shell escaping or lack thereof).

At the moment these methods are implemented:

Returns a new Rar object. You can pass defaults options.
Add file to an archive.
Extract the contains of an archive.
Fill the 'list' variable of the object whith the index of an archive. Returns 0 on success or a numerical error code.
Prints the file contents list that was previously generated using "List()" to STDOUT.
Returns an array with the file contents list that was previously generated using "List()". Adding the -excludepaths option and setting it to true, the pathnames will be excluded and a simple basename of the listed files will be returned.

Archive filename.
List of files to add. You can use a scalar value or an array reference.
No output for the rar command if True.
Create self-extracting archive.
Size of the parts in bytes.
Level of verbosity.
Exclude paths from names.
Do not overwrite existing files if True.
For Unix-like systems only, this options runs the extraction with low scheduling priority, if Ture.

As of the current version, the system commands calling 'rar' are assembled as a string. This means that some parameters which take a string may have problems with shell quoting.

jean-marc boulade <>

Copyright (c) 2002-2006 jean-marc boulade. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Modified by Steffen Mueller in 2007-2008. The changes carry the same license as stated above.

  "C:/Program Files/WinRAR/rar.exe"

  RAR 2.80    Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Eugene Roshal    2 Mar 2001
  Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help
  Usage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
                 <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>
    a             Add files to archive
    c             Add archive comment
    cf            Add files comment
    cw            Write archive comment to file
    d             Delete files from archive
    e             Extract files to current directory
    f             Freshen files in archive
    k             Lock archive
    l[t]          List archive [technical]
    m[f]          Move to archive [files only]
    p             Print file to stdout
    r             Repair archive
    rr[N]         Add data recovery record
    s[name|-]     Convert archive to or from SFX
    t             Test archive files
    u             Update files in archive
    v[t]          Verbosely list archive [technical]
    x             Extract files with full path
    -             Stop switches scanning
    ac            Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction
    ag[format]    Generate archive name using the current date
    ao            Add files with Archive attribute set
    ap<path>      Set path inside archive
    as            Synchronize archive contents
    av            Put authenticity verification (registered versions only)
    av-           Disable authenticity verification check
    c-            Disable comments show
    cfg-          Disable read configuration
    cl            Convert names to lower case
    cu            Convert names to upper case
    df            Delete files after archiving
    dh            Open shared files
    ds            Disable name sort for solid archive
    e<attr>       Set file exclude attributes
    ed            Do not add empty directories
    ep            Exclude paths from names
    ep1           Exclude base directory from names
    ep2           Expand paths to full
    f             Freshen files
    idp           Disable percentage display
    ierr          Send all messages to stderr
    ilog          Log errors to file (registered versions only)
    inul          Disable all messages
    isnd          Enable sound
    k             Lock archive
    kb            Keep broken extracted files
    m<0..5>       Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
    md<size>      Set dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024 or A,B,C,D,E)
    mm[f]         Multimedia compression [force]
    o+            Overwrite existing files
    o-            Do not overwrite existing files
    os            Save NTFS streams
    ow            Save or restore file owner and group
    p[password]   Set password
    p-            Do not query password
    r             Recurse subdirectories
    r0            Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only
    ri<P>[:<S>]   Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms
    rr[N]         Add data recovery record
    s[<N>,d,e]    Create solid archive
    s-            Disable solid archiving
    sfx[name]     Create SFX archive
    tk            Keep original archive time
    tl            Set archive time to latest file
    tn<time>      Add files newer than <time>
    to<time>      Add files older than <time>
    u             Update files
    v             Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes
    v<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]
    vd            Erase disk contents before creating volume
    vp            Pause before each volume
    w<path>       Assign work directory
    x<file>       Exclude specified file
    x@            Read file names to exclude from stdin
    x@<list>      Exclude files in specified list file
    y             Assume Yes on all queries
    z<file>       Read archive comment from file
2008-03-06 perl v5.32.1

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