- $AGI->answer()
- Executes AGI Command "ANSWER"
Answers channel if not already in answer state
Example: $AGI->answer();
Returns: -1 on channel failure, or 0 if successful
- $AGI->channel_status([$channel])
- Executes AGI Command "CHANNEL STATUS
Returns the status of the specified channel. If no channel
name is given the returns the status of the current channel.
Returns: -1 Channel hungup or error
0 Channel is down and available
1 Channel is down, but reserved
2 Channel is off hook
3 Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed
4 Line is ringing
5 Remote end is ringing
6 Line is up
7 Line is busy
- $AGI->control_stream_file($filename, $digits [, $skipms [, $ffchar [,
$rewchar [, $pausechar]]]])
$filename $digits [$skipms
[$ffchar [$rewchar [$pausechar]]]]"
Send the given file, allowing playback to be controled by the
given digits, if any. Use double quotes for the digits if you wish none
to be permitted. Remember, the file extension must not be included in
the filename.
Note: ffchar and rewchar default to * and # respectively.
Returns: -1 on error or hangup;
0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed;
the ASCII numerical value of the digit of one was pressed.
- $AGI->database_del($family, $key)
- Executes AGI Command "DATABASE DEL $family
Removes database entry <family>/<key>
Example: $AGI->database_del('test',
Returns: 1 on success, 0 otherwise
- $AGI->database_deltree($family, $key)
- Executes AGI Command "DATABASE DELTREE
$family $key"
Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family in the
Asterisk database
$AGI->database_deltree('test', 'status');
Example: $AGI->database_deltree('test');
Returns: 1 on success, 0 otherwise
- $AGI->database_get($family, $key)
- Executes AGI Command "DATABASE GET $family
Example: $var =
$AGI->database_get('test', 'status');
Returns: The value of the variable, or undef if variable does
not exist
- $AGI->database_put($family, $key, $value)
- Executes AGI Command "DATABASE PUT $family
$key $value"
Set/modifes database entry <family>/<key> to
Example: $AGI->database_put('test',
'status', 'authorized');
Returns: 1 on success, 0 otherwise
- $AGI->exec($app, $options)
- Executes AGI Command "EXEC $app
The most powerful AGI command. Executes the given application
passing the given options.
Example: $AGI->exec('Dial',
Returns: -2 on failure to find application, or whatever the
given application returns
- $AGI->get_data($filename, $timeout, $maxdigits)
- Executes AGI Command "GET DATA $filename
$timeout $maxdigits"
Streams $filename and returns when
$maxdigits have been received or when
$timeout has been reached. Timeout is specified
in ms
$AGI->get_data('demo-welcome', 15000, 5);
- $AGI->get_full_variable($variable [, $channel])
- Executes AGI Command "GET FULL VARIABLE
Similar to get_variable, but additionally understands complex
variable names and builtin variables. If
$channel is not set, uses the current
Returns: The value of the variable, or undef if variable does
not exist
- $AGI->get_option($filename, $digits [, $timeout])
- Executes AGI Command "GET OPTION $filename
$digits $timeout"
Behaves similar to STREAM FILE but used with a timeout
Streams $filename and returns when
$digits is pressed or when
$timeout has been reached. Timeout is specified
in ms. If $timeout is not specified, the command
will only terminate on the $digits set.
$filename can be an array of files or a single
$AGI->get_option('demo-welcome', '#', 15000);
'demo-echotest'], '#', 15000);
- $AGI->get_variable($variable)
- Executes AGI Command "GET VARIABLE
Gets the channel variable <variablename>
Returns: The value of the variable, or undef if variable does
not exist
- $AGI->hangup($channel)
- Executes AGI Command "HANGUP $channel"
Hangs up the passed $channel, or the
current channel if $channel is not passed. It is
left to the AGI script to exit properly, otherwise you could end up with
Example: $AGI->hangup();
Returns: Always returns 1
- $AGI->noop()
- Executes AGI Command "NOOP"
Does absolutely nothing except pop up a log message.
Useful for outputting debugging information to the Asterisk console.
Example: $AGI->noop("Test
Returns: -1 on hangup or error, 0 otherwise
- $AGI->receive_char($timeout)
- Executes AGI Command "RECEIVE CHAR
Receives a character of text on a channel. Specify timeout to
be the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for
infinite. Most channels do not support the reception of text.
Returns: Returns the decimal value of the character if one is
received, or 0 if the channel does not support text reception. Returns
-1 only on error/hangup.
- $AGI->receive_text($timeout)
- Executes AGI Command "RECEIVE TEXT
Receives a string of text on a channel. Specify timeout to be
the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for infinite.
Most channels do not support the reception of text.
Returns: Returns the string of text if received, or -1 for
failure, error or hangup.
- $AGI->record_file($filename, $format, $digits, $timeout, $beep,
$offset, $beep, $silence)
- Executes AGI Command "RECORD FILE $filename
$format $digits
$timeout [$offset [$beep [s=$silence]]]"
Record to a file until $digits are
received as dtmf. The $format will specify what
kind of file will be recorded. The $timeout is
the maximum record time in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
$offset samples is optional, and if
provided will seek to the offset without exceeding the end of the
$silence is the number of seconds of
silence allowed before the function returns despite the lack of dtmf
digits or reaching timeout.
Example: $AGI->record_file('foo',
'wav', '#', '5000', '0', 1, '2');
Returns: 1 on success, -1 on hangup or error.
- $AGI->say_alpha($string, $digits)
- Executes AGI Command "SAY ALPHA "$string"
Say a given character string, returning early if any of the
given DTMF $digits are received on the
Returns Example:
$AGI->say_alpha('Joe Smith', '#');
Returns: 0 if playback completes without a digit being
the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed;
-1 on error/hangup.
- $AGI->say_date($time [, $digits])
- $AGI->say_time($time [, $digits])
- $AGI->say_datetime($time [, $digits [, $format [, $timezone]]])
- Executes AGI Command "SAY DATE $number
$digits" Executes AGI Command "SAY TIME
$number $digits"
Executes AGI Command "SAY DATETIME $number
$digits $format
Say a given date or time, returning early if any of the
optional DTMF $digits are received on the
channel. $time is number of seconds elapsed
since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
commonly known as "unixtime."
For say_datetime, $format is the
format the time should be said in; see voicemail.conf (defaults to
"ABdY 'digits/at' IMp"). Acceptable values for
$timezone can be found in /usr/share/zoneinfo.
Defaults to machine default.
$AGI->say_time('100000000', '#');
$AGI->say_datetime('100000000', '#', 'ABdY
IMp', 'EDT');
Returns: -1 on error or hangup;
0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed;
the ASCII numerical value of the digit of one was pressed.
- $AGI->say_digits($number, $digits)
- Executes AGI Command "SAY DIGITS $number
Says the given digit string $number,
returning early if any of the $digits are
Returns: -1 on error or hangup, 0 if playback completes
without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit
of one was pressed.
- $AGI->say_number($number, $digits, $gender)
- Executes AGI Command "SAY NUMBER $number
$digits [$gender]"
Says the given $number, returning
early if any of the $digits are received.
Returns: -1 on error or hangup, 0 if playback completes
without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit
of one was pressed.
- $AGI->say_phonetic($string, $digits)
- Executes AGI Command "SAY PHONETIC "$string"
Say a given character string with phonetics, returning early
if any of the given DTMF digits are received on the channel.
Example: $AGI->say_phonetic('Joe
Smith', '#');
Returns: 0 if playback completes without a digit being
the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed;
-1 on error/hangup.
- $AGI->send_image($image)
- Executes AGI Command "SEND IMAGE $image
Sends the given image on a channel. Most channels do not
support the transmission of images.
Returns: -1 on error or hangup, 0 if the image was sent or if
the channel does not support image transmission.
- $AGI->send_text($text)
- Executes AGI Command "SEND TEXT "$text"
Sends the given text on a channel. Most channels do not
support the transmission of text.
Example: $AGI->send_text('You've
got mail!');
Returns: -1 on error or hangup, 0 if the text was sent or if
the channel does not support text transmission.
- $AGI->set_autohangup($time)
- Executes AGI Command "SET AUTOHANGUP
Cause the channel to automatically hangup at <time>
seconds in the future. Of course it can be hungup before then as well.
Setting to 0 will cause the autohangup feature to be disabled on this
Returns: Always returns 1
- $AGI->set_callerid($number)
- Executes AGI Command "SET CALLERID
Changes the callerid of the current channel to
Returns: Always returns 1
- $AGI->set_context($context)
- Executes AGI Command "SET CONTEXT
Changes the context for continuation upon exiting the agi
Returns: Always returns 0
- $AGI->set_extension($extension)
- Executes AGI Command "SET EXTENSION
Changes the extension for continuation upon exiting the agi
Returns: Always returns 0
- $AGI->set_music($mode [, $class])
- Executes AGI Command "SET MUSIC $mode
Enables/Disables the music on hold generator. If
$class is not specified, then the default music
on hold class will be used. $mode must be
"on" or "off".
Returns: -1 on hangup or error, 0 otherwise.
- $AGI->set_priority($priority)
- Executes AGI Command "SET PRIORITY
Changes the priority for continuation upon exiting the agi
Returns: Always returns 0
- $AGI->set_variable($variable, $value)
- Executes AGI Command "SET VARIABLE $variable
Sets the channel variable <variablename> to
Returns: Always returns 1
- $AGI->stream_file($filename, $digits, $offset)
- Executes AGI Command "STREAM FILE $filename
$digits [$offset]"
This command instructs Asterisk to play the given sound file
and listen for the given dtmf digits. The fileextension must not be used
in the filename because Asterisk will find the most appropriate file
type. $filename can be an array of files or a
single filename.
$AGI->stream_file('demo-echotest', '0123');
'demo-welcome'], '0123');
Returns: -1 on error or hangup, 0 if playback completes
without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit
if a digit was pressed
- $AGI->tdd_mode($mode)
- Executes AGI Command "TDD MODE <on|off>"
Enable/Disable TDD transmission/reception on a channel.
Example: $AGI->tdd_mode('on');
Returns: Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if channel is not
- $AGI->verbose($message, $level)
- Executes AGI Command "VERBOSE $message
Logs $message with verboselevel
Example: $AGI->verbose("System
Crashed", 1);
Returns: Always returns 1
- $AGI->wait_for_digit($timeout)
- Executes AGI Command "WAIT FOR DIGIT
Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds for channel to receive a
DTMF digit.
Use -1 for the timeout value if you desire the call to block
Returns: Returns -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is
received in the timeout, or
the numerical value of the ascii of the digit if one is received.