| |
Astro::SpaceTrack(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Astro::SpaceTrack(3) |
Astro::SpaceTrack - Retrieve orbital data from www.space-track.org.
my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new (username => $me,
password => $secret, with_name => 1) or die;
my $rslt = $st->spacetrack ('special');
print $rslt->is_success ? $rslt->content :
$ SpaceTrack
(some banner text gets printed here)
SpaceTrack> set username me password secret
SpaceTrack> set with_name 1
SpaceTrack> spacetrack special >special.txt
SpaceTrack> celestrak visual >visual.txt
SpaceTrack> exit
In either of the above, username and password entry can be omitted
if you have installed Config::Identity, created an IDENTITY FILE (see below)
containing these values, and set the
"identity" attribute to a true value. You
probably want to encrypt the identity file, if you have
"gpg2" and
In practice, it is probably not useful to retrieve data from any
source more often than once every four hours, and in fact daily usually
The following two paragraphs are quoted from the Space Track web site.
Due to existing National Security Restrictions pertaining to
access of and use of U.S. Government-provided information and data, all
users accessing this web site must be an approved registered user to access
data on this site.
By logging in to the site, you accept and agree to the terms of
the User Agreement specified in
You should consult the above link for the full text of the user
agreement before using this software to retrieve content from the Space
Track web site.
The Celestrak web site, <https://celestrak.com/>, is in transition from
being simply a file based repository of TLEs to an API-based service providing
orbital elements in a number of formats. The
"celestrak()" and
"celestrak_supplemental()" methods will
track this, growing new arguments as needed.
The API-based service appears not to provide OID lists.
Accordingly, as of version 0.150 the
"direct" attribute defaults to true, and
is deprecated. Six months from the release of 0.150 this attribute will warn
on the first use; six months after that it will warn on all uses, and six
months after that any use will be fatal.
As of version 0.137, Iridium status format 'mccants' is
fully deprecated, and will result in an exception.
As of version 0.143, any access of attribute
"url_iridium_status_mccants" is fatal.
Of course, since there are no longer any Iridium Classic
satellites in service, all the Iridium status machinery is a candidate for
deprecation and removal. Stay tuned.
On February 25 2021 NASA shut down their Human Space Flight web site at
<https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/>. This means that the
"spaceflight()" method is non-functional. As
of February 28 2021 access redirects to
This lists a number of replacement resources, including
<https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/> and
Unfortunately, so far I have found no replacement source for ISS
TLEs. The redirection page notes the availability of state vectors in both
text and XML, at
respectively. I may provide download access to these, but it will be a while
until a state-vector analog to Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE is written, if it ever
The functional result of this is that the
"spaceflight()" method gives a
403 error as of February 28 2021. If some reasonable
replacement becomes known to me, I will use it; otherwise this method will
be removed. My usual removal schedule calls for the method to warn on the
first use September 2021, warn on every use March 2022, die September 2022,
and be removed completely March 2023.
This package retrieves orbital data from the Space Track web site
<https://www.space-track.org> and several others. You must register and
get a user name and password before you can get data from Space Track.
Other methods ("celestrak()",
"spaceflight()" ...) have been added to
access other repositories of orbital data, and in general these do not
require a Space Track username and password.
Nothing is exported by default, but the shell method/subroutine
and the BODY_STATUS constants (see
"iridium_status()") can be exported if you
so desire.
Most methods return an HTTP::Response object. See the individual
method document for details. Methods which return orbital data on success
add a 'Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit' header to the HTTP::Response object
if the request succeeds, and a 'Pragma: spacetrack-source =' header to
specify what source the data came from.
The following methods should be considered public:
- $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new ( ... )
- This method instantiates a new Space-Track accessor object. If any
arguments are passed, the "set()" method
is called on the new object, and passed the arguments given.
For both historical and operational reasons, this method can
get the "username" and
"password" values from multiple
locations. It uses the first defined value it finds in the following
- a value explicitly specified as an argument to "new()";
- a value from the IDENTITY FILE, if the "identity" attribute is
explicitly specified as true and Config::Identity is installed;
- a value from environment variable "SPACETRACK_USER" if that has
a non-empty value;
- a value from the IDENTITY FILE, if the "identity" attribute
defaulted to true and Config::Identity s installed;
- a value from environment variable "SPACETRACK_OPT".
The reason for preferring
"SPACETRACK_USER" over an identity file
value taken by default is that I have found that under Mac OS X an SSH
session does not have access to the system keyring, and Config::Identity
provides no other way to specify the passphrase used to decrypt the private
key. I concluded that if the user explicitly requested an identity that it
should be preferred to anything from the environment, but that, for SSH
access to be usable, I needed to provide a source of username and password
that would be taken before the IDENTITY FILE was tried by default.
Proxies are taken from the environment if defined. See the
ENVIRONMENT section of the Perl LWP documentation for more information on
how to set these up.
- $resp = $st->amsat ()
- This method downloads current orbital elements from the Radio Amateur
Satellite Corporation's web page, <https://www.amsat.org/>. This
lists satellites of interest to radio amateurs, and appears to be updated
No Space Track account is needed to access this data, even if
the 'direct' attribute is false. As of version 0.150 the setting of the
'with_name' attribute is honored even if the 'direct' attribute is
You can specify options as either command-type options (e.g.
"amsat( '-file', 'foo.dat' )") or as a
leading hash reference (e.g. "amsat( { file =>
'foo.dat' } )"). If you specify the hash reference, option
names must be specified in full, without the leading '-', and the
argument list will not be parsed for command-type options. If you
specify command-type options, they may be abbreviated, as long as the
abbreviation is unique. Errors in either sort result in an exception
being thrown.
The legal options are:
specifies the name of the cache file. If the data
on line are newer than the modification date of
the cache file, the cache file will be updated.
Otherwise the data will be returned from the file.
Either way the content of the file and the content
of the returned HTTP::Response object end up the
On a successful return, the response object will contain
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = amsat
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
If the "file" option was
passed, the following additional header will be provided:
Pragma: spacetrack-cache-hit = (either true or false)
This can be accessed by the
"cache_hit()" method. If this pragma
is true, the "Last-Modified" header of
the response will contain the modification time of the file.
This method is a web page scraper. Any change in the location
of the web page will break this method.
- @names = $st->attribute_names
- This method returns a list of legal attribute names.
- $resp = $st->banner ();
- This method is a convenience/nuisance: it simply returns a fake
HTTP::Response with standard banner text. It's really just for the benefit
of the shell method.
- $resp = $st->box_score ();
- This method returns an HTTP::Response object. If the request succeeds, the
content of the object will be the SATCAT Satellite Box Score information
in the desired format. If the desired format is
'legacy' or 'json' and the
method is called in list context, the second returned item will be a
reference to an array containing the parsed data.
This method takes the following options, specified either
command-style or as a hash reference.
"-format" specifies the
desired format of the retrieved data. Possible values are
'xml', 'json',
'html', 'csv', and
'legacy', which is the default. The legacy
format is tab-delimited text, such as was returned by the version 1
"-json" specifies JSON
format. If you specify both "-json"
and "-format" you will get an
exception unless you specify
This method requires a Space Track username and password. It
implicitly calls the "login()" method
if the session cookie is missing or expired. If
"login()" fails, you will get the
HTTP::Response from "login()".
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = box_score
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
There are no arguments.
- $resp = $st->celestrak ($name);
- Note: As of version 0.150 of this module a false value of the
'direct' attribute is unsupported. See CELESTRAK
API above for details.
This method takes the name of a Celestrak data set and returns
an HTTP::Response object whose content is the relevant element sets. If
called in list context, the first element of the list is the
aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the second element is a list
reference to list references (i.e. a list of lists). Each of the list
references contains the catalog ID of a satellite or other orbiting body
and the common name of the body.
If the "direct" attribute is
true, or if the "fallback" attribute
is true and the data are not available from Space Track, the elements
will be fetched directly from Celestrak, and no login is needed.
Otherwise, this method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired, and returns the SpaceTrack data for the OIDs
fetched from Celestrak. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
A list of valid names and brief descriptions can be obtained
by calling "$st->names
('celestrak')". If you have set the
"verbose" attribute true (e.g.
"$st->set (verbose => 1)"), the
content of the error response will include this list. Note, however,
that this list does not determine what can be retrieved; if Dr. Kelso
adds a data set, it can be retrieved even if it is not on the list, and
if he removes one, being on the list won't help.
In general, the data set names are the same as the file names
given at <https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/>, but without the
'.txt' on the end; for example, the name of the 'International Space
Station' data set is 'stations', since the URL for this is
The Celestrak web site makes a few items available for
direct-fetching only ("$st->set(direct =>
1)", see below.) These are typically debris from collisions
or explosions. I have not corresponded with Dr. Kelso on this, but I
think it reasonable to believe that asking Space Track for a couple
thousand sets of data at once would not be a good thing.
As of this release, the following data sets may be
direct-fetched only:
- 1999-025
- This is the debris of Chinese communication satellite Fengyun 1C, created
by an antisatellite test on January 11 2007. As of February 21 2010 there
are 2631 pieces of debris in the data set. This is an increase from the
2375 recorded on March 9 2009.
- usa-193-debris
- This is the debris of U.S. spy satellite USA-193 shot down by the U.S. on
February 20 2008. As of February 21 2010 there are no pieces of debris in
the data set. I noted 1 piece on March 9 2009, but this was an error -
that piece actually decayed October 9 2008, but I misread the data. The
maximum was 173. Note that as of February 21 2010 you still get the
remaining piece when you direct-fetch the data from Celestrak.
- cosmos-2251-debris
- This is the debris of Russian communication satellite Cosmos 2251, created
by its collision with Iridium 33 on February 10 2009. As of February 21
2010 there are 1105 pieces of debris in the data set, up from the 357 that
had been cataloged as of March 9 2009.
- iridium-33-debris
- This is the debris of U.S. communication satellite Iridium 33, created by
its collision with Cosmos 2251 on February 10 2009. As of February 21 2010
there are 461 pieces of debris in the data set, up from the 159 that had
been cataloged as of March 9 2009.
- 2012-044
- This is the debris of a Breeze-M upper stage (OID 38746, International
Designator 2012-044C), which exploded October 16 2012. As of October 25
there were 81 pieces of debris in the data set.
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source =
The spacetrack-source will be 'spacetrack'
if the TLE data actually came from Space Track, or
'celestrak' if the TLE data actually came from
Celestrak. The former will be the case if the
"direct" attribute is false and either the
"fallback" attribute was false or the
Space Track web site was accessible. Otherwise, the latter will be the
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
You can specify the "retrieve()"
options on this method as well, but they will have no effect if the
'direct' attribute is true.
In addition, this method takes the
"observing_list" option, which causes the
return of the actual observing list corresponding to the catalog. This can
be specified as "--observing-list" if you
are passing options command-style. This option will also have no effect if
the 'direct' attribute is true. If this option is
passed, a successful response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = observing-list
Pragma: spacetrack-source = celestrak
- $resp = $st->celestrak_supplemental ($name);
- This method takes the name of a Celestrak supplemental data set and
returns an HTTP::Response object whose content is the relevant element
These TLE data are not redistributed from Space Track,
but are derived from publicly available ephemeris data for the
satellites in question. Valid data set names are:
cpf: CPF TLEs
glonass: Glonass satellites
gps: GPS satellites
intelsat: Intelsat satellites
iss: ISS (from NASA, no rms data
meteosat: Meteosat satellites
orbcomm: Orbcomm satellites (no RMS data)
ses: SES satellites
starlink Starlink TLEs
You can specify options as either command-type options (e.g.
"celestrak_supplemental( '-file', 'foo.dat'
)") or as a leading hash reference (e.g.
"celestrak_supplemental( { file => 'foo.dat'
})"). If you specify the hash reference, option names must
be specified in full, without the leading '-', and the argument list
will not be parsed for command-type options. If you specify command-type
options, they may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique.
Errors in either sort result in an exception being thrown.
The legal options are:
specifies the name of the cache file. If the data
on line are newer than the modification date of
the cache file, the cache file will be updated.
Otherwise the data will be returned from the file.
Either way the content of the file and the content
of the returned HTTP::Response object end up the
specifies that RMS data be returned rather than TLE
data, if available. If RMS data are not available
for the data set, an error is returned.
A list of valid names and brief descriptions can be obtained
by calling "$st->names(
'celestrak_supplemental' )". If you have set the
"verbose" attribute true (e.g.
"$st->set (verbose => 1)"), the
content of the error response will include this list. Note, however,
that this list does not determine what can be retrieved; if Dr. Kelso
adds a data set, it can be retrieved even if it is not on the list, and
if he removes one, being on the list won't help.
If the "file" option was
passed, the following additional header will be provided:
Pragma: spacetrack-cache-hit = (either true or false)
This can be accessed by the
"cache_hit()" method. If this pragma
is true, the "Last-Modified" header of
the response will contain the modification time of the file.
For more information, see
- $bool = $st->cache_hit( $resp );
- This method takes the given HTTP::Response object and returns the cache
hit indicator specified by the 'Pragma: spacetrack-cache-hit =' header.
This will be true if the response came from cache, false if it did not,
and "undef" if cache was not available.
If the response object is not provided, it returns the data
type from the last method call that returned an HTTP::Response
- $source = $st->content_source($resp);
- This method takes the given HTTP::Response object and returns the data
source specified by the 'Pragma: spacetrack-source =' header. What values
you can expect depend on the content_type (see below) as follows:
If the "content_type()"
method returns 'box_score', you can expect a
content-source value of 'spacetrack'.
If the content_type method returns
'iridium-status', you can expect content_source
values of 'kelso',
'mccants', or 'sladen',
corresponding to the main source of the data.
If the content_type method returns
'molczan', you can expect a content_source value
of 'mccants'.
If the "content_type()"
method returns 'orbit', you can expect
content-source values of 'amsat',
'celestrak', 'mccants',
'spaceflight', or
'spacetrack', corresponding to the actual source
of the TLE data. Note that the
"celestrak()" method may return a
content_type of 'spacetrack' if the
"direct" attribute is false.
If the content_type method returns
'quicksat', you can expect a content_source
value of 'mccants'.
If the "content_type()"
method returns 'search', you can expect a
content-source value of 'spacetrack'.
For any other values of content-type (e.g.
'get', 'help'), the
expected values are undefined. In fact, you will probably literally get
undef, but the author does not commit even to this.
If the response object is not provided, it returns the data
source from the last method call that returned an HTTP::Response
If the response object is provided, you can call this
as a static method (i.e. as
- $type = $st->content_type ($resp);
- This method takes the given HTTP::Response object and returns the data
type specified by the 'Pragma: spacetrack-type =' header. The following
values are supported:
'box_score': The content is the Space Track satellite
box score.
'get': The content is a parameter value.
'help': The content is help text.
'iridium_status': The content is Iridium status.
'modeldef': The content is a REST model definition.
'molczan': Molczan-format magnitude data.
'orbit': The content is NORAD data sets.
'quicksat': Quicksat-format magnitude data.
'search': The content is Space Track search results.
'set': The content is the result of a 'set' operation.
undef: No spacetrack-type pragma was specified. The
content is something else (typically 'OK').
If the response object is not provided, it returns the data
type from the last method call that returned an HTTP::Response
If the response object is provided, you can call this
as a static method (i.e. as
For the format of the magnitude data, see
- $type = $st->content_interface( $resp );
- This method takes the given HTTP::Response object and returns the Space
Track interface version specified by the 'Pragma:
spacetrack-interface =' header. The following values are supported:
1: The content was obtained using the version 1 interface.
2: The content was obtained using the version 2 interface.
undef: The content did not come from Space Track.
If the response object is not provided, it returns the data
type from the last method call that returned an HTTP::Response
If the response object is provided, you can call this
as a static method (i.e. as
- $resp = $st->country_names()
- This method returns an HTTP::Response object. If the request succeeds, the
content of the object will be the known country names and their
abbreviations in the desired format. If the desired format is
'legacy' or 'json' and the
method is called in list context, the second returned item will be a
reference to an array containing the parsed data.
This method takes the following options, specified either
command-style or as a hash reference.
"-format" specifies the
desired format of the retrieved data. Possible values are
'xml', 'json',
'html', 'csv', and
'legacy', which is the default. The legacy
format is tab-delimited text, such as was returned by the version 1
"-json" specifies JSON
format. If you specify both "-json"
and "-format" you will get an
exception unless you specify
This method requires a Space Track username and password. It
implicitly calls the "login()" method
if the session cookie is missing or expired. If
"login()" fails, you will get the
HTTP::Response from "login()".
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = country_names
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
There are no arguments.
- $resp = $st->favorite( $name )
- This method returns an HTTP::Response object. If the request succeeds, the
content of the response will be TLE data specified by the named favorite
in the desired format. The named favorite must have previously been set up
by the user, or be one of the 'global' favorites (e.g.
'Navigation', 'Weather',
and so on).
This method takes the following options, specified either
command-style or as a hash reference.
"-format" specifies the
desired format of the retrieved data. Possible values are
'xml', 'json',
'html', 'csv', and
'legacy', which is the default. The legacy
format is tab-delimited text, such as was returned by the version 1
"-json" specifies JSON
format. If you specify both "-json"
and "-format" you will get an
exception unless you specify
This method requires a Space Track username and password. It
implicitly calls the "login()" method
if the session cookie is missing or expired. If
"login()" fails, you will get the
HTTP::Response from "login()".
- $resp = $st->file ($name)
- This method takes the name of an observing list file, or a handle to an
open observing list file, and returns an HTTP::Response object whose
content is the relevant element sets, retrieved from the Space Track web
site. If called in list context, the first element of the list is the
aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the second element is a list
reference to list references (i.e. a list of lists). Each of the list
references contains the catalog ID of a satellite or other orbiting body
and the common name of the body.
This method requires a Space Track username and password. It
implicitly calls the "login()" method
if the session cookie is missing or expired. If
"login()" fails, you will get the
HTTP::Response from "login()".
The observing list file is (how convenient!) in the Celestrak
format, with the first five characters of each line containing the
object ID, and the rest containing a name of the object. Lines whose
first five characters do not look like a right-justified number will be
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
You can specify the
"retrieve()" options on this method as
- $resp = $st->get (attrib)
- This method returns an HTTP::Response object whose content is the
value of the given attribute. If called in list context, the second
element of the list is just the value of the attribute, for those who
don't want to winkle it out of the response object. We croak on a bad
attribute name.
If this method succeeds, the response will contain header
Pragma: spacetrack-type = get
This can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )".
See "Attributes" for the names and functions of the
- $value = $st->getv (attrib)
- This method returns the value of the given attribute, which is what
"get()" should have done.
See "Attributes" for the names and functions of the
- $resp = $st->help ()
- This method exists for the convenience of the shell () method. It always
returns success, with the content being whatever it's convenient (to the
author) to include.
If the "webcmd" attribute is
set, the <https://metacpan.org/> web page for Astro::Satpass is
If this method succeeds and the webcmd attribute is not
set, the response will contain header
Pragma: spacetrack-type = help
This can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )".
Otherwise (i.e. in any case where the response does not
contain actual help text) this header will be absent.
- $resp = $st->iridium_status ($format);
- This method queries its sources of Iridium status, returning an
HTTP::Response object containing the relevant data (if all queries
succeeded) or the status of the first failure. If the queries succeed, the
content is a series of lines formatted by "%6d %-15s%-8s
%s\n", with NORAD ID, name, status, and
comment substituted in.
If no format is specified, the format specified in the
"iridium_status_format" attribute is
There is one option, 'raw', which can
be specified either command-line style (i.e.
"-raw") or as a leading hash
reference. Asserting this option causes status information from sources
other than Celestrak and Rod Sladen not to be supplemented by Celestrak
data. In addition, it prevents all sources from being supplemented by
canned data that includes all original-design Iridium satellites,
including those that have decayed. By default this option is not
Format 'mccants' is deprecated,
and throws an exception as of version 0.137. This entire method will be
deprecated and removed once the last flaring Iridium satellite is
removed from service.
A Space Track username and password are required only if the
format is 'spacetrack'.
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = iridium_status
Pragma: spacetrack-source =
The spacetrack-source will be 'kelso',
'sladen', or
'spacetrack', depending on the format
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
The source of the data and, to a certain extent, the format of
the results is determined by the optional
$format argument, which defaults to the value of
the "iridium_status_format"
If the format is 'kelso', only Dr. Kelso's Celestrak web site
(<https://celestrak.com/SpaceTrack/query/iridium.txt>) is queried
for the data. The possible status values are documented at
<https://celestrak.com/satcat/status.php>, and repeated here for
'[+]' - Operational
'[-]' - Nonoperational
'[P]' - Partially Operational
'[B]' - Backup/Standby
'[S]' - Spare
'[X]' - Extended Mission
'[D]' - Decayed
'[?]' - Unknown
The comment will be 'Spare', 'Tumbling', or '' depending on
the status.
In addition, the data from Celestrak may contain the following
'dum' - Dummy mass
A blank status indicates that the satellite is in service and
therefore capable of producing flares.
If the format is 'sladen', the primary source of information
will be Rod Sladen's "Iridium Constellation Status" web page,
<http://www.rod.sladen.org.uk/iridium.htm>, which gives status on
all Iridium satellites, but no OID. The Celestrak list will be used to
provide OIDs for Iridium satellite numbers, so that a complete list is
generated. Mr. Sladen's page simply lists operational and failed
satellites in each plane, so this software imposes Kelso-style statuses
on the data. That is to say, operational satellites will be marked
'[+]', spares will be marked '[S]', and failed satellites will be marked
'[-]', with the corresponding portable statuses. As of version 0.035,
all failed satellites will be marked '[-]'. Previous to this release,
failed satellites not specifically marked as tumbling were considered
The comment field in 'sladen' format data will contain the
orbital plane designation for the satellite, 'Plane n' with 'n' being a
number from 1 to 6. If the satellite is failed but not tumbling, the
text ' - Failed on station?' will be appended to the comment. The dummy
masses will be included from the Kelso data, with status '[-]' but
comment 'Dummy'.
If the format is 'spacetrack', the data come from both
Celestrak and Space Track. For any given OID, we take the Space Track
data if it shows the OID as being decayed, or if the OID does not appear
in the Celestrak data; otherwise we take the Celestrak data. The idea
here is to get a list of statuses that include decayed satellites
dropped from the Celestrak list. You will need a Space Track username
and password for this. The format of the returned data is the same as
for Celestrak data.
If the method is called in list context, the first element of
the returned list will be the HTTP::Response object, and the second
element will be a reference to a list of anonymous lists, each
containing [$id, $name,
$status, $comment,
$portable_status] for an Iridium satellite. The
portable statuses are:
0 = BODY_STATUS_IS_OPERATIONAL means object is operational,
and capable of producing predictable flares;
1 = BODY_STATUS_IS_SPARE means object is a spare or
otherwise not in regular service, but is controlled
and may be capable of producing predictable flares;
2 = BODY_STATUS_IS_TUMBLING means object is tumbling
or otherwise unservicable, and incapable of producing
predictable flares
3 - BODY_STATUS_IS_DECAYED neans that the object is decayed.
In terms of the Kelso statuses, the mapping is:
The BODY_STATUS constants are exportable using the :status
- $resp = $st->launch_sites()
- This method returns an HTTP::Response object. If the request succeeds, the
content of the object will be the known launch sites and their
abbreviations in the desired format. If the desired format is
'legacy' or 'json' and the
method is called in list context, the second returned item will be a
reference to an array containing the parsed data.
This method takes the following options, specified either
command-style or as a hash reference.
"-format" specifies the
desired format of the retrieved data. Possible values are
'xml', 'json',
'html', 'csv', and
'legacy', which is the default. The legacy
format is tab-delimited text, such as was returned by the version 1
"-json" specifies JSON
format. If you specify both "-json"
and "-format" you will get an
exception unless you specify
This method requires a Space Track username and password. It
implicitly calls the "login()" method
if the session cookie is missing or expired. If
"login()" fails, you will get the
HTTP::Response from "login()".
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = launch_sites
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
There are no arguments.
- $resp = $st->login ( ... )
- If any arguments are given, this method passes them to the set () method.
Then it executes a login to the Space Track web site. The return is
normally the HTTP::Response object from the login. But if no session
cookie was obtained, the return is an HTTP::Response with an appropriate
message and the code set to HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED from HTTP::Status (a.k.a.
401). If a login is attempted without the username and password being set,
the return is an HTTP::Response with an appropriate message and the code
set to HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED from HTTP::Status (a.k.a. 412).
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
- $st->logout()
- This method deletes all session cookies. It returns an HTTP::Response
object that indicates success.
- $resp = $st->mccants( catalog )
- This method retrieves one of several pieces of data that Mike McCants
makes available on his web site. The return is the HTTP::Response object
from the retrieval. Valid catalog names are:
classified: Classified TLE file (classfd.zip)
integrated: Integrated TLE file (inttles.zip)
mcnames: Molczan-format magnitude file (mcnames.zip)
quicksat: Quicksat-format magnitude file (qsmag.zip)
rcs: McCants-format RCS file (rcs.zip)
vsnames: Molczan-format magnitudes of visual bodies (vsnames.zip)
You can specify options as either command-type options (e.g.
"mccants( '-file', 'foo.dat', ... )")
or as a leading hash reference (e.g. "mccants( {
file => 'foo.dat' }, ...)"). If you specify the hash
reference, option names must be specified in full, without the leading
'-', and the argument list will not be parsed for command-type options.
If you specify command-type options, they may be abbreviated, as long as
the abbreviation is unique. Errors in either sort result in an exception
being thrown.
The legal options are:
specifies the name of the cache file. If the data
on line are newer than the modification date of
the cache file, the cache file will be updated.
Otherwise the data will be returned from the file.
Either way the content of the file and the content
of the returned HTTP::Response object end up the
On success, the content of the returned object is the actual
data, unzipped and with line endings normalized for the current
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = (see below)
Pragma: spacetrack-source = mccants
The content of the spacetrack-type pragma depends on the
catalog fetched, as follows:
classified: 'orbit'
integrated: 'orbit'
mcnames: 'molczan'
quicksat: 'quicksat'
rcs: 'rcs.mccants'
vsnames: 'molczan'
If the "file" option was
passed, the following additional header will be provided:
Pragma: spacetrack-cache-hit = (either true or false)
This can be accessed by the
"cache_hit()" method. If this pragma
is true, the "Last-Modified" header of
the response will contain the modification time of the file.
No Space Track username and password are required to use this
- $resp = $st->names (source)
- This method retrieves the names of the catalogs for the given source,
either 'celestrak',
'mccants', 'spaceflight',
or 'spacetrack', in the content of the given
HTTP::Response object. If the argument is not one of the supported values,
the $resp object represents a 404 (Not found)
In list context, you also get a reference to a list of
two-element lists; each inner list contains the description and the
catalog name, in that order (suitable for inserting into a Tk
Optionmenu). If the argument is not one of the supported values, the
second return will be "undef".
No Space Track username and password are required to use this
method, since all it is doing is returning data kept by this module.
- $resp = $st->retrieve (number_or_range ...)
- This method retrieves the latest element set for each of the given
satellite ID numbers (also known as SATCAT IDs, NORAD IDs, or OIDs) from
The Space Track web site. Non-numeric catalog numbers are ignored, as are
(at a later stage) numbers that do not actually represent a satellite.
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
Number ranges are represented as 'start-end', where both
'start' and 'end' are catalog numbers. If 'start' > 'end', the
numbers will be taken in the reverse order. Non-numeric ranges are
You can specify options for the retrieval as either
command-type options (e.g. "retrieve ('-last5',
...)") or as a leading hash reference (e.g.
"retrieve ({last5 => 1}, ...)"). If
you specify the hash reference, option names must be specified in full,
without the leading '-', and the argument list will not be parsed for
command-type options. If you specify command-type options, they may be
abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique. Errors in either
sort result in an exception being thrown.
The legal options are:
specifies the data be returned in descending order.
-end_epoch date
specifies the end epoch for the desired data.
-format format_name
specifies the format in which the data are retrieved.
specifies the TLE be returned in JSON format.
specifies the last 5 element sets be retrieved.
Ignored if start_epoch, end_epoch or since_file is
-start_epoch date
specifies the start epoch for the desired data.
-since_file number
specifies that only data since the given Space Track
file number be retrieved.
-sort type
specifies how to sort the data. Legal types are
'catnum' and 'epoch', with 'catnum' the default.
The "-format" option takes
any argument supported by the Space Track interface:
"html", or
"xml". Specifying
"-json" is equivalent to specifying
"-format json", and if you specify
"-json", specifying
"-format" with any other value than
'json' results in an exception being thrown. In
addition, you can specify format 'legacy' which
is equivalent to 'tle' if the
"with_name" attribute is false, or
'3le' (but without the leading
'0 ' before the common name) if
"with_name" is true. The default is
'legacy' unless
"-json" is specified.
If you specify either start_epoch or end_epoch, you get data
with epochs at least equal to the start epoch, but less than the end
epoch (i.e. the interval is closed at the beginning but open at the
end). If you specify only one of these, you get a one-day interval.
Dates are specified either numerically (as a Perl date) or as numeric
year-month-day (and optional hour, hour:minute, or hour:minute:second),
punctuated by any non-numeric string. It is an error to specify an
end_epoch before the start_epoch.
If you are passing the options as a hash reference, you must
specify a value for the Boolean options 'descending' and 'last5'. This
value is interpreted in the Perl sense - that is, undef, 0, and '' are
false, and anything else is true.
In order not to load the Space Track web site too heavily,
data are retrieved in batches of 200. Ranges will be subdivided and
handled in more than one retrieval if necessary. To limit the damage
done by a pernicious range, ranges greater than the max_range setting
(which defaults to 500) will be ignored with a warning to STDERR.
If you specify "-json" and
more than one retrieval is needed, data from retrievals after the first
may have field
"_file_of_record" added. This is
because of the theoretical possibility that the database may be updated
between the first and last queries, and therefore taking the maximum
"FILE" from queries after the first
may cause updates to be skipped. The
"_file_of_record" key will appear only
in data having a "FILE" value greater
than the largest "FILE" in the first
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
If this method succeeds, a 'Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit'
header is added to the HTTP::Response object returned.
- $resp = $st->search_date (date ...)
- This method searches the Space Track database for objects launched on the
given date. The date is specified as year-month-day, with any non-digit
being legal as the separator. You can omit -day or specify it as 0 to get
all launches for the given month. You can omit -month (or specify it as 0)
as well to get all launches for the given year.
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
You can specify options for the search as either command-type
options (e.g. "$st->search_date (-status =>
'onorbit', ...)") or as a leading hash reference (e.g.
"$st->search_date ({status => onorbit},
...)"). If you specify the hash reference, option names must
be specified in full, without the leading '-', and the argument list
will not be parsed for command-type options. Options that take multiple
values (i.e. 'exclude') must have their values specified as a hash
reference, even if you only specify one value - or none at all.
If you specify command-type options, they may be abbreviated,
as long as the abbreviation is unique. Errors in either sort of
specification result in an exception being thrown.
In addition to the options available for
"retrieve()", the following options
may be specified:
specifies the types of bodies to exclude. The
value is one or more of 'payload', 'debris', 'rocket',
'unknown', 'tba', or 'other'. If you specify this as a
command-line option you may either specify this more
than once or specify the values comma-separated.
specifies the types of bodies to include. The possible
values are the same as for -exclude. If you specify a
given body as both included and excluded it is included.
used to specify that the radar cross-section returned
by the search was to be appended to the name, in the form
--rcs radar_cross_section. Beginning with version 0.086_02
it does nothing, since as of August 18 2014 Space Track
no longer provides quantitative RCS data.
specifies the desired status of the returned body (or
bodies). Must be 'onorbit', 'decayed', or 'all'. The
default is 'onorbit'. Specifying a value other than the
default will cause the -last5 option to be ignored.
Note that this option represents status at the time the
search was done; you can not combine it with the
retrieve() date options to find bodies onorbit as of a
given date in the past.
specifies that you want TLE data retrieved for all
bodies that satisfy the search criteria. This is
true by default, but may be negated by specifying
-notle ( or { tle => 0 } ). If negated, the content
of the response object is the results of the search,
one line per body found, with the fields tab-
specifies that you want the comment field. This will
not appear in the TLE data, but in the satcat data
returned in array context, or if C<-notle> is
specified. The default is C<-nocomment> for backward
The "-rcs" option does not
work with all values of "-format". An
exception will be thrown unless
"-format" is
'tle', '3le',
'legacy', or 'json'.
search_date (-status => 'onorbit', -exclude =>
'debris,rocket', -last5 '2005-12-25');
search_date (-exclude => 'debris',
-exclude => 'rocket', '2005/12/25');
search_date ({exclude => ['debris', 'rocket']},
search_date ({exclude => 'debris,rocket'}, # INVALID!
search_date ( '-notle', '2005-12-25' );
The "-exclude" option is
implemented in terms of the
"OBJECT_TYPE" predicate, which is one
of the values 'PAYLOAD',
'UNKNOWN', 'TBA', or
'OTHER'. It works by selecting all values other
than the ones specifically excluded. The 'TBA'
status was introduced October 1 2013, supposedly replacing
'UNKNOWN', but I have retained both.
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
What you get on success depends on the value specified for the
-tle option.
Unless you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the relevant element sets. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
If you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is in the format specified by the
"-format" retrieval option (q.v.). If
the format is 'legacy' (the default if
"-json" is not specified) the content
mimics what was returned under the version 1 interface; that is, it is
the results of the relevant search, one line per object found. Within a
line the fields are tab-delimited, and occur in the same order as the
underlying web page. The first line of the content is the header lines
from the underlying web page.
The returned object will also have the following headers set
if "-notle" is specified:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = search
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If you call this method in list context, the first element of
the returned object is the aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the
second is a reference to an array containing the search results. The
first element is a reference to an array containing the header lines
from the web page. Subsequent elements are references to arrays
containing the actual search results.
- $resp = $st->search_decay (decay ...)
- This method searches the Space Track database for objects decayed on the
given date. The date is specified as year-month-day, with any non-digit
being legal as the separator. You can omit -day or specify it as 0 to get
all decays for the given month. You can omit -month (or specify it as 0)
as well to get all decays for the given year.
The options are the same as for
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
What you get on success depends on the value specified for the
-tle option.
Unless you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the relevant element sets. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
If you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the results of the relevant search, one line per
object found. Within a line the fields are tab-delimited, and occur in
the same order as the underlying web page. The first line of the content
is the header lines from the underlying web page. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = search
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If you call this method in list context, the first element of
the returned object is the aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the
second is a reference to an array containing the search results. The
first element is a reference to an array containing the header lines
from the web page. Subsequent elements are references to arrays
containing the actual search results.
- $resp = $st->search_id (id ...)
- This method searches the Space Track database for objects having the given
international IDs. The international ID is the last two digits of the
launch year (in the range 1957 through 2056), the three-digit sequence
number of the launch within the year (with leading zeroes as needed), and
the piece (A through ZZZ, with A typically being the payload). You can
omit the piece and get all pieces of that launch, or omit both the piece
and the launch number and get all launches for the year. There is no
mechanism to restrict the search to a given on-orbit status, or to filter
out debris or rocket bodies.
The options are the same as for
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
What you get on success depends on the value specified for the
"-tle" option.
Unless you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the relevant element sets. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
If you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the results of the relevant search, one line per
object found. Within a line the fields are tab-delimited, and occur in
the same order as the underlying web page. The first line of the content
is the header lines from the underlying web page. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = search
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If you call this method in list context, the first element of
the returned object is the aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the
second is a reference to an array containing the search results. The
first element is a reference to an array containing the header lines
from the web page. Subsequent elements are references to arrays
containing the actual search results.
- $resp = $st->search_name (name ...)
- This method searches the Space Track database for the named objects.
Matches are case-insensitive and all matches are returned.
The options are the same as for
"search_date()". The
"-status" option is known to work, but
I am not sure about the efficacy the
"-exclude" option.
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
What you get on success depends on the value specified for the
-tle option.
Unless you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the relevant element sets. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
If you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the results of the relevant search, one line per
object found. Within a line the fields are tab-delimited, and occur in
the same order as the underlying web page. The first line of the content
is the header lines from the underlying web page. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = search
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If you call this method in list context, the first element of
the returned object is the aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the
second is a reference to an array containing the search results. The
first element is a reference to an array containing the header lines
from the web page. Subsequent elements are references to arrays
containing the actual search results.
- $resp = $st->search_oid (name ...)
- This method searches the Space Track database for the given Space Track
IDs (also known as OIDs, hence the method name).
Note that in effect this is just a stupid, inefficient
version of "retrieve()", which does
not understand ranges. Unless you assert
"-notle" or call it in list context to
get the search data, you should simply call
"retrieve()" instead.
In addition to the options available for
"retrieve()", the following option may
be specified:
Used to specify that the radar cross-section returned by
the search is to be appended to the name, in the form
--rcs radar_cross_section. Starting with version 0.086_02
it does nothing, since as of August 18 2014 Space Track
no longer provides quantitative RCS data.
specifies that you want TLE data retrieved for all
bodies that satisfy the search criteria. This is
true by default, but may be negated by specifying
-notle ( or { tle => 0 } ). If negated, the content
of the response object is the results of the search,
one line per body found, with the fields tab-
If you specify "-notle", all
other options are ignored, except for
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
What you get on success depends on the value specified for the
-tle option.
Unless you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the relevant element sets. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If the "content_type()"
method returns 'box_score', you can expect a
content-source value of 'spacetrack'.
If you explicitly specified
"-notle" (or "{
tle => 0 }"), this method returns an HTTP::Response
object whose content is the results of the relevant search, one line per
object found. Within a line the fields are tab-delimited, and occur in
the same order as the underlying web page. The first line of the content
is the header lines from the underlying web page. It will also have the
following headers set:
Pragma: spacetrack-type = search
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
If you call this method in list context, the first element of
the returned object is the aforementioned HTTP::Response object, and the
second is a reference to an array containing the search results. The
first element is a reference to an array containing the header lines
from the web page. Subsequent elements are references to arrays
containing the actual search results.
- $st->set ( ... )
- This is the mutator method for the object. It can be called explicitly,
but other methods as noted may call it implicitly also. It croaks if you
give it an odd number of arguments, or if given an attribute that either
does not exist or cannot be set.
For the convenience of the shell method we return a
HTTP::Response object with a success status if all goes well. But if we
encounter an error we croak.
See "Attributes" for the names and functions of the
- $st->shell ()
- This method implements a simple shell. Any public method name except 'new'
or 'shell' is a command, and its arguments if any are parameters. We use
Text::ParseWords to parse the line, and blank lines or lines beginning
with a hash mark ('#') are ignored. Input is via Term::ReadLine if that is
available. If not, we do the best we can.
We also recognize 'bye' and 'exit' as commands, which
terminate the method. In addition, 'show' is recognized as a synonym for
'get', and 'get' (or 'show') without arguments is special-cased to list
all attribute names and their values. Attributes listed without a value
have the undefined value.
There are also a couple meta-commands, that in effect wrap
other commands. These are specified before the command, and can
(depending on the meta-command) have effect either right before the
command is executed, right after it is executed, or both. If more than
one meta-command is specified, the before-actions take place in the
order specified, and the after-actions in the reverse of the order
The 'time' meta-command times the command, and writes the
timing to standard error before any output from the command is
The 'olist' meta-command turns TLE data into an observing
list. This only affects results with
"spacetrack-type" of
'orbit'. If the content is affected, the
"spacetrack-type" will be changed to
'observing-list'. This meta-command is
experimental, and may change function or be retracted. It is unsupported
when applied to commands that do not return TLE data.
For commands that produce output, we allow a sort of
pseudo-redirection of the output to a file, using the syntax
">filename" or ">>filename". If the
">" is by itself the next argument is the filename. In
addition, we do pseudo-tilde expansion by replacing a leading tilde with
the contents of environment variable HOME. Redirection can occur
anywhere on the line. For example,
SpaceTrack> catalog special >special.txt
sends the "Special Interest Satellites" to file
special.txt. Line terminations in the file should be appropriate to your
Redirections will not be recognized as such if quoted or
escaped. That is, both ">foo" and
">'foo'" (without the double
quotes) are redirections to file foo, but both
"'>foo'" and
"\>foo" are arguments whose value
is ">foo".
This method can also be called as a subroutine - i.e. as
Astro::SpaceTrack::shell (...)
Whether called as a method or as a subroutine, each argument
passed (if any) is parsed as though it were a valid command. After all
such have been executed, control passes to the user. Unless, of course,
one of the arguments was 'exit'.
Unlike most of the other methods, this one returns
- $st->source ($filename);
- This convenience method reads the given file, and passes the individual
lines to the shell method. It croaks if the file is not provided or cannot
be read.
- $resp = $st->spaceflight ()
- Notice: NASA shut down the source of this information on February
information, including deprecation plans for this method.
This method downloads current orbital elements from NASA's
human spaceflight site, <https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/>. As of
July 21 2011 you only get the International Space Station.
You can specify the argument 'ISS' (case-insensitive) to
explicitly retrieve the data for the International Space Station, but as
of July 21 2011 this is equivalent to specifying no argument and getting
In addition you can specify options, either as command-style
options (e.g. "-all") or by passing
them in a hash as the first argument (e.g. "{all
=" 1}>). The options specific to this method are:
causes all TLEs for a body to be downloaded;
causes the effective date to be added to the data.
In addition, any of the
"retrieve()" options is valid for this
method as well.
The -all option is recommended, but is not the default for
historical reasons. If you specify -start_epoch, -end_epoch, or -last5,
-all will be ignored.
The -effective option hacks the effective date of the data
onto the end of the common name (i.e. the first line of the 'NASA TLE')
in the form "--effective=date" where
the effective date is encoded the same way the epoch is. Specifying this
forces the generation of a 'NASA TLE'.
No Space Track account is needed to access this data, even if
the 'direct' attribute is false. But if the 'direct' attribute is true,
the setting of the 'with_name' attribute is ignored.
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spaceflight
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
This method is a web page scraper. any change in the location
of the web pages, or any substantial change in their format, will break
this method.
- $resp = $st->spacetrack ($name);
- This method returns predefined sets of data from the Space Track web site,
using either canned queries or global favorites.
The following catalogs are available:
Name Description
full Full catalog
payloads All payloads
navigation Navigation satellites
weather Weather satellites
geosynchronous Geosynchronous bodies
iridium Iridium satellites
orbcomm OrbComm satellites
globalstar Globalstar satellites
intelsat Intelsat satellites
inmarsat Inmarsat satellites
amateur Amateur Radio satellites
visible Visible satellites
special Special satellites
Bright Geosynchronous satellites
Human Spaceflight
Well-Tracked Objects having
unknown country and launch point
The following option is supported:
specifies the TLE be returned in JSON format
Options may be specified either in command-line style (that
is, as "spacetrack( '-json', ... )")
or as a hash reference (that is, as "spacetrack( {
json => 1 }, ... )").
This method returns an HTTP::Response object. If the operation
succeeded, the content of the response will be the requested data,
unzipped if you used the version 1 interface.
If you requested a non-existent catalog, the response code
will be "HTTP_NOT_FOUND" (a.k.a. 404);
otherwise the response code will be whatever the underlying HTTPS
request returned.
A Space Track username and password are required to use this
If this method succeeds, the response will contain headers
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
These can be accessed by
"$st->content_type( $resp )" and
"$st->content_source( $resp )"
A list of valid names and brief descriptions can be obtained
by calling "$st->names
If you have set the
"verbose" attribute true (e.g.
"$st->set (verbose
=> 1)"), the content of the error response will include
the list of valid names. Note, however, that under version 1 of the
interface this list does not determine what can be retrieved.
This method implicitly calls the
"login()" method if the session cookie
is missing or expired. If "login()"
fails, you will get the HTTP::Response from
- $resp = $st->spacetrack_query_v2( @path );
- This method exposes the Space Track version 2 interface (a.k.a the REST
interface). It has nothing to do with the (probably badly-named)
"spacetrack()" method.
The arguments are the arguments to the REST interface. These
will be URI-escaped, and a login will be performed if necessary. This
method returns an "HTTP::Response"
object containing the results of the operation.
Except for the URI escaping of the arguments and the implicit
login, this method interfaces directly to Space Track. It is provided
for those who want a way to experiment with the REST interface, or who
wish to do something not covered by the higher-level methods.
For example, if you want the JSON version of the satellite box
score (rather than the tab-delimited version provided by the
"box_score()" method) you will find
the JSON in the response object of the following call:
my $resp = $st->spacetrack_query_v2( qw{
basicspacedata query class boxscore
format json predicates all
} );
If this method is called directly from outside the
"Astro::SpaceTrack" name space,
pragmata will be added to the results based on the arguments, as
For "basicspacedata =>
Pragma: spacetrack-type = modeldef
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
Pragma: spacetrack-interface = 2
For "basicspacedata =>
'query'" and "class =>
'tle'" or 'tle_latest',
Pragma: spacetrack-type = orbit
Pragma: spacetrack-source = spacetrack
Pragma: spacetrack-interface = 2
- $resp = $st->update( $file_name );
- This method updates the named TLE file, which must be in JSON format. On a
successful update, the content of the returned HTTP::Response object is
the updated TLE data, in whatever format is desired. If any updates were
in fact found, the file is rewritten. The rewritten JSON will be pretty if
the "pretty" attribute is true.
The file to be updated can be generated by using the
"-json" option on any of the methods
that accesses Space Track data. For example,
# Assuming $ENV{SPACETRACK_USER} contains
# username/password
my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new(
pretty => 1,
my $rslt = $st->spacetrack( { json => 1 }, 'iridium' );
or die $rslt->status_line();
open my $fh, '>', 'iridium.json'
or die "Failed to open file: $!";
print { $fh } $rslt->content();
close $fh;
The following is the equivalent example using the
SpaceTrack script:
SpaceTrack> set pretty 1
SpaceTrack> spacetrack -json iridium >iridium.json
This method reads the file to be updated, determines the
highest "FILE" value, and then
requests the given OIDs, restricting the return to
"FILE" values greater than the highest
found. If anything is returned, the file is rewritten.
The following options may be specified:
specifies the TLE be returned in JSON format
Options may be specified either in command-line style (that
is, as "spacetrack( '-json', ... )")
or as a hash reference (that is, as "spacetrack( {
json => 1 }, ... )").
Note that there is no way to specify the
"-rcs" or
"-effective" options. If the file
being updated contains these values, they will be lost as the individual
OIDs are updated.
- Astro::SpaceTrack->flush_identity_cache();
- The identity file is normally read only once, and the data cached. This
static method flushes the cache to force the identity data to be
The following attributes may be modified by the user to affect the operation of
the Astro::SpaceTrack object. The data type of each is given in parentheses
after the attribute name.
Boolean attributes are typically set to 1 for true, and 0 for
- addendum (text)
- This attribute specifies text to add to the output of the banner()
The default is an empty string.
- banner (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies whether or not the shell() method should
emit the banner text on invocation.
The default is true (i.e. 1).
- cookie_expires (number)
- This attribute specifies the expiration time of the cookie. You should
only set this attribute with a previously-retrieved value, which matches
the cookie.
- cookie_name (string)
- This attribute specifies the name of the session cookie. You should not
need to change this in normal circumstances, but if Space Track changes
the name of the session cookie you can use this to get you going
- direct (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies that orbital elements should be fetched directly
from the redistributer if possible. At the moment the only methods
affected by this are celestrak() and spaceflight().
The default is false (i.e. 0).
- domain_space_track (string)
- This attribute specifies the domain name of the Space Track web site. The
user will not normally need to modify this, but if the web site changes
names for some reason, this attribute may provide a way to get queries
going again.
The default is 'www.space-track.org'.
This will change if necessary to remain appropriate to the Space Track
web site.
- fallback (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies that orbital elements should be fetched from the
redistributer if the original source is offline. At the moment the only
method affected by this is celestrak().
The default is false (i.e. 0).
- filter (Boolean)
- If true, this attribute specifies that the shell is being run in filter
mode, and prevents any output to STDOUT except orbital elements -- that
is, if I found all the places that needed modification.
The default is false (i.e. 0).
- identity (Boolean)
- If this attribute is set to a true value, the
"Astro::SpaceTrack" object will attempt
to load attributes from an identity file. This will only do anything if
the identity file exists and Config::Identity is installed. In addition,
if the identity file is encrypted "gpg2"
must be installed and properly configured. See IDENTITY FILE below for
details of the identity file.
I have found that "gpg" does
not seem to work nicely, even though Config::Identity prefers it to
"gpg2" if both are present. The
Config::Identity documentation says that you can override this by
setting environment variable "CI_GPG"
to the executable you want used.
If this attribute is unspecified (to
"new()" or specified as
"undef" (to
"new()" or
"set()"), the value of environment
variable "SPACETRACK_IDENTITY" will be
used as the new value.
When a new object is instantiated, the identity is processed
first; in this way attribute values that come from the environment or
are specified explicitly override those that come from the identity
file. If you explicitly set this on an already-instantiated object, the
attribute values from the identity file will replace those in the
When you instantiate an object, the identity from environment
variable "SPACETRACK_USER" will be
preferred over the value from the identity file, if any, even if the
"identity" attribute is explicitly set
- iridium_status_format (string)
- This attribute specifies the default format of the data returned by the
"iridium_status()" method. Valid values
are 'kelso', 'sladen' or 'spacetrack'. See that method for more
As of version 0.100_02, the default is
'kelso'. It used to be
'mccants', but Mike McCants no longer maintains
his Iridium status web page, and format
'mccants' was removed as of version 0.137.
- max_range (number)
- This attribute specifies the maximum size of a range of NORAD IDs to be
retrieved. Its purpose is to impose a sanity check on the use of the range
The default is 500.
- password (text)
- This attribute specifies the Space-Track password.
The default is an empty string.
- pretty (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies whether the content of the returned
HTTP::Response is to be pretty-formatted. Currently this only applies to
Space Track data returned in "JSON"
format. Pretty-formatting the "JSON" is
extra overhead, so unless you intend to read the
"JSON" yourself this should probably be
The default is 0 (i.e. false).
- prompt (string)
- This attribute specifies the prompt issued by the
"shell()" method. The default is
'SpaceTrack> '.
- scheme_space_track (string)
- This attribute specifies the URL scheme used to access the Space Track web
site. The user will not normally need to modify this, but if the web site
changes schemes for some reason, this attribute may provide a way to get
queries going again.
The default is 'https'.
- session_cookie (text)
- This attribute specifies the session cookie. You should only set it with a
previously-retrieved value.
The default is an empty string.
- space_track_version (integer)
- This attribute specifies the version of the Space Track interface to use
to retrieve data. The only valid value is 2. If
you set it to a false value (i.e.
"undef", 0, or
'') it will be set to the default.
The default is 2.
- url_iridium_status_kelso (text)
- This attribute specifies the location of the celestrak.com Iridium
information. You should normally not change this, but it is provided so
you will not be dead in the water if Dr. Kelso needs to re-arrange his web
The default is
- url_iridium_status_mccants (text)
- This attribute is deprecated, and any access of it will be
- url_iridium_status_sladen (text)
- This attribute specifies the location of Rod Sladen's Iridium
Constellation Status page. You should normally not need to change this,
but it is provided so you will not be dead in the water if Mr. Sladen
needs to change his ISP or re-arrange his web site.
The default is 'http://www.rod.sladen.org.uk/iridium.htm'.
- username (text)
- This attribute specifies the Space-Track username.
The default is an empty string.
- verbose (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies verbose error messages.
The default is false (i.e. 0).
- verify_hostname (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies whether
"https:" certificates are verified. If
you set this false, you can not verify that hosts using
"https:" are who they say they are, but
it also lets you work around invalid certificates. Currently only the
Space Track web site uses "https:".
Note that the default has changed, as follows:
* In version 0.060_08 and earlier, the default was true, to
mimic earlier behavior.
* In version 0.060_09 this was changed to false, in the belief
that the code should work out of the box (which it did not when
verify_hostname was true, at least as of mid-July 2012).
* On September 30 2012 Space Track announced that they had
their SSL certificates set up, so in 0.064_01 the default became false
* On August 19 2014 Perl's SSL logic stopped accepting Mike
McCants' GoDaddy certificate, so starting with version 0.086_02 the
default is false once again.
* On December 11 2014 I noticed that Perl was accepting Mike
McCants' certificate again, so starting with version 0.088_01 the
default is restored to true.
If environment variable
defined, its value will be used as the default of this attribute.
Otherwise the default is false (i.e. 0).
- webcmd (string)
- This attribute specifies a system command that can be used to launch a URL
into a browser. If specified, the 'help' command will append a space and
the metacpan.org URL for the documentation for this version of
Astro::SpaceTrack, and spawn that command to the operating system. You can
use 'open' under Mac OS X, and 'start' under Windows. Anyone else will
probably need to name an actual browser.
As of version 0.105_01, a value of '1'
causes Browser::Open to be loaded, and the web command is taken from it.
All other true values are deprecated, on the following schedule:
- 2018-11-01: First use of deprecated value will warn;
- 2019-05-01: All uses of deprecated value will warn;
- 2019-11-01: Any use of deprecated value is fatal;
- 2020-05-01: Attribute is treated as Boolean.
The above schedule may be extended based on what other changes are
needed, but will not be compressed.
The default is "undef", which
leaves the functionality disabled.
- with_name (Boolean)
- This attribute specifies whether the returned element sets should include
the common name of the body (three-line format) or not (two-line format).
It is ignored if the 'direct' attribute is true; in this case you get
whatever the redistributer provides.
The default is false (i.e. 0).
This is a Config::Identity file which specifies the username and password values
for the user. This file is stored in the user's home directory, and is
spacetrack.id under "MSWin32" or
"VMS", or .spacetrack-identity under
any other operating system.
If desired, the file can be encrypted using GPG; in this case, to
be useful, "gpg" and
"gpg-agent" must be installed and properly
configured. Because of implementation details in Config::Identity, you may
need to either ensure that "gpg" is not in
your "PATH", or set the
"CI_GPG" environment variable to the path
to "gpg2". The encrypted file can
optionally have ".gpg" appended to its
name for the convenience of users of the vim-gnupg plugin and similar
software. If the identity file exists both with and without the
".gpg" suffix, the suffixed version will
be used.
Note that this file is normally read only once during the life of
the Perl process, and the result cached. The username and password that are
set when "identity" becomes true come from
the cache. If you want a running script to see new identity file information
you must call static method
The following globals modify the behaviour of this class. If you modify their
values, your modifications should be properly localized. For example:
$rslt = $st->search_name( 'iss' );
This global holds the delay in seconds between queries. It defaults to 3 (or the
value of environment variable
"SPACETRACK_DELAY_SECONDS" if that is true),
and should probably not be messed with. But if Space Track is being
persnickety about timing you can set it to a larger number. This variable must
be set to a number. If Time::HiRes is not available this number must be an
This global is not exported. You must refer to it as
The following environment variables are recognized by Astro::SpaceTrack.
This environment variable should be set to a positive number to change the
default delay between Space Track queries. This is
"not" something you should normally need to
do. If Time::HiRes is not available this number must be an integer.
This environment variable is only used to initialize
$SPACETRACK_DELAY_SECONDS. If you wish to change the
delay you must assign to the global.
This environment variable specifies the default value for the identity attribute
any time an undefined value for that attribute is specified.
If environment variable SPACETRACK_OPT is defined at the time an
Astro::SpaceTrack object is instantiated, it is broken on spaces, and the
result passed to the set command.
If you specify username or password in SPACETRACK_OPT and you also
specify SPACETRACK_USER, the latter takes precedence, and arguments passed
explicitly to the new () method take precedence over both.
If environment variable "SPACETRACK_TEST_LIVE"
is defined to a true value (in the Perl sense), tests that use the Space Track
web site will actually access it. Otherwise they will either use canned data
(i.e. a regression test) or be skipped.
If environment variable SPACETRACK_USER is defined at the time an
Astro::SpaceTrack object is instantiated, the username and password will be
initialized from it. The value of the environment variable should be the
username and password, separated by either a slash
('/') or a colon (':'). That
is, either 'yehudi/menuhin' or
'yehudi:menuhin' are accepted.
An explicit username and/or password passed to the new () method
overrides the environment variable, as does any subsequently-set username or
As of version 0.086_02, if environment variable
the time an "Astro::SpaceTrack" object is
instantiated, its value will be used for the default value of the
"verify_hostname" attribute.
As of version 0.081_01, method options passed as a hash reference will be
validated. Before this, only command-line-style options were validated. If the
validation causes problem, set this environment variable to a value Perl sees
as true (i.e. anything but 0 or
'') to revert to the old behavior.
Support for this environment variable will be put through a
deprecation cycle and removed once the validation code is deemed solid.
A couple specimen executables are included in this distribution:
This is just a wrapper for the shell () method.
This provides a Perl/Tk interface to Astro::SpaceTrack.
This software is essentially a web page scraper, and relies on the stability of
the user interface to Space Track. The Celestrak portion of the functionality
relies on the presence of .txt files named after the desired data set residing
in the expected location. The Human Space Flight portion of the functionality
relies on the stability of the layout of the relevant web pages.
This software has not been tested under a HUGE number of operating
systems, Perl versions, and Perl module versions. It is rather likely, for
example, that the module will die horribly if run with an
insufficiently-up-to-date version of LWP.
Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at
<https://github.com/trwyant/perl-Astro-SpaceTrack/issues/>, or in
electronic mail to the author.
Space Track announced August 19 2013 that beginning September 22 they would
limit users to less than 20 API queries per minute. Experience seems to say
they jumped the gun - at least, server errors during testing were turned into
success by throttling queries to one every three seconds.
The throttling functionality will make use of Time::HiRes if it is
available; otherwise it will simply use the built-in
"sleep()" and
"time()", with consequent loss of
Unfortunately this makes testing slower. Sorry.
On July 21 2014 Space Track announced the plan to remove quantitative RCS data
(the "RCSVALUE" field), replacing it with a
qualitative field ("RCS_SIZE", values
'SMALL' (< 0.1 square meter),
'MEDIUM', (>= 0.1 square meter but < 1 square
meter), 'LARGE' (> 1 square meter), and of course,
This removal took place August 18 2014. Beginning with version
0.086_02, any RCS functionality specific to the Space Track web site
"RCSVALUE" datum (such as the
"-rcs" search option) has been removed.
The "-rcs" option itself will be put
through a deprecation cycle, with the first release on or after March 1 2015
generating a warning on the first use, the first release six months later
generating a warning on every use, and the warning becoming fatal six months
after that.
On the other hand, the
"RCS_SIZE" data will continue to be
returned in such ways and places that the Space Track web site itself
returns them.
The author wishes to thank Dr. T. S. Kelso of <https://celestrak.com/> and
the staff of <https://www.space-track.org/> (whose names are
unfortunately unknown to me) for their co-operation, assistance and
Thomas R. Wyant, III (wyant at cpan dot org)
Copyright 2005-2022 by Thomas R. Wyant, III (wyant at cpan dot org).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the
licenses in the directory LICENSES.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The data obtained by this module may be subject to the Space Track
user agreement
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