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NAMEAudio::MPD::Common::Item::Song - a song object with some audio tagsVERSIONversion 2.003DESCRIPTIONAudio::MPD::Common::Item::Song is more a placeholder with some attributes. Those attributes are taken from the song tags, so some of them can be empty depending on the file.The constructor should only be called by Audio::MPD::Common::Item's constructor. ATTRIBUTESalbumAlbum of the song. (format code: %d)artistArtist of the song. (format code: %a)albumartistArtist of the album. (format code: %A)composerSong composer. (format code: %C)dateLast modification date of the song. (format code: %M)discDisc number of the album. This is a string to allow tags such as "1/2". (format code: %D)filePath to the song. Only attribute which will always be defined. (format code: %f)genreGenre of the song. (format code: %g)idId of the song in MPD's database. (format code: %i)last_modifiedLast time the song was modified. (format code: %m)nameName of the song (for http streams). (format code: %N)performerSong performer. (format code: %P)posPosition of the song in the playlist. (format code: %p)titleTitle of the song. (format code: %t)trackTrack number of the song. (format code: %n)timeLength of the song in seconds. (format code: %l)METHODSas_stringmy $str = $song->as_string( [$format] ); Return a string representing $song. If $format is specified, use it to format the string. Otherwise, the string returned will be:
(in this order), depending on the existing tags of the song. The last possibility always exist of course, since it's a path. This method is also used to automatically stringify the $song. WARNING: the format codes are not yet definitive and may be subject to change! AUTHORJerome QuelinCOPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2007 by Jerome Quelin.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.