Audio::Musepack - An object-oriented interface to Musepack file information and
APE tag fields.
use Audio::Musepack;
my $mpc = Audio::Musepack->new("song.mpc");
my $mpcInfo = $mpc->info();
foreach (keys %$mpcInfo) {
print "$_: $mpcInfo->{$_}\n";
my $mpcTags = $mpc->tags();
foreach (keys %$mpcTags) {
print "$_: $mpcTags->{$_}\n";
This module returns a hash containing basic information about a Musepack file,
as well as tag information contained in the Musepack file's APE tags.
- •
- new( $filename )
Opens a Musepack file, ensuring that it exists and is actually
an Musepack stream, then loads the information and comment fields.
- info( [$key] )
Returns a hashref containing information about the Musepack
file from the file's information header.
The optional parameter, key, allows you to retrieve a single
value from the info hash. Returns
"undef" if the key is not found.
- tags( [$key] )
Returns a hashref containing tag keys and values of the
Musepack file from the file's APE tags.
The optional parameter, key, allows you to retrieve a single
value from the tag hash. Returns
"undef" if the key is not found.
This module is now a wrapper around Audio::Scan.
<>, Audio::Scan
Dan Sully, <>
Original Author: Erik Reckase, <cerebusjam at hotmail dot
Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Erik Reckase. Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Dan Sully &
Slim Devices. Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Dan Sully.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.