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NAMEAuthen::PluggableCaptcha - A pluggable Captcha framework for PerlSYNOPSISIMPORTANT-- the .03 release is incompatible with earlier versions. Most notably: all external hooks for hash mangling have been replaced with object methods ( ie: $obj->{'__Challenge'} is now $obj->challenge ) and keyword arguments expecting a class name have the word '_class' as a suffix.Authen::PluggableCaptcha is a framework for creating Captchas , based on the idea of creating Captchas with a plugin architecture. The power of this module is that it creates Captchas in the sense that a programmer writes Perl modules-- not just in the sense that a programmer calls a Captcha library for display. The essence of a Captcha has been broken down into three components: KeyManager , Challenge and Render -- all of which programmers now have full control over. Mix and match existing classes or create your own. Authen::PluggableCaptcha helps you make your own captcha tests -- and it helps you do it fast. The KeyManager component handles creating & validatiing keys that are later used to uniquely identify a CAPTCHA. By default the KeyManager uses a time-based key system, but it can be trivially extended to integrate with a database and make single-use keys. The Challenge component maps a key to a set of instructions, a user prompt , and a correct response. The render component is used to display the challenge - be it text, image or sound. use Authen::PluggableCaptcha; use Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Challenge::TypeString; use Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager; # create a new captcha for your form my $captcha= Authen::PluggableCaptcha->new( type=> "new", seed=> $session->user->seed , site_secret=> $MyApp::Config::site_secret ); my $captcha_publickey= $captcha->get_publickey(); # image captcha? create an html link to your captcha script with the public key my $html= qq|<img src="/path/to/captcha.pl?captcha_publickey=${captcha_publickey}"/>|; # image captcha? render it my $existing_publickey= 'a33d8ce53691848ee1096061dfdd4639_1149624525'; my $existing_publickey = $apr->param('captcha_publickey'); my $captcha= Authen::PluggableCaptcha->new( type=> 'existing' , publickey=> $existing_publickey , seed=> $session->user->seed , site_secret=> $MyApp::Config::site_secret ); # save it as a file my $as_string= $captcha->render( challenge_class=> 'Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Challenge::TypeString', render_class=>'Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Render::Image::Imager' , format=>'jpeg' ); open(WRITE, ">test.jpg"); print WRITE $as_string; close(WRITE); # or serve it yourself $r->add_header('Content Type: image/jpeg'); $r->print( $as_string ); # wait, what if we want to validate the captcha first? my $captcha= Authen::PluggableCaptcha->new( type=> 'existing' , publickey=> $apr->param('captcha_publickey'), seed=> $session->user->seed , site_secret= $MyApp::Config::site_secret ); if ( !$captcha->validate_response( user_response=> $apr->param('captcha_response') ) ) { my $reason= $captcha->get_error('validate_response'); die "could not validate captcha because: ${reason}."; }; in the above example, $captcha->new just configures the captcha. $captcha->render actually renders the image. if the captcha is expired (too old by the default configuration) , the default expired captcha routine from the plugin will take place better yet, handle all the timely and ip/request validation in the application logic. the timeliness just makes someone answer a captcha 1x every 5minutes, but doesn't prevent re/mis use render accepts a 'render_class' argument that will internally dispatch the routines to a new instance of that class. using this method, multiple renderings and formats can be created using a single key and challenge. DESCRIPTIONAuthen::PluggableCaptcha is a fully modularized and extensible system for making Pluggable Catpcha (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) tests.Pluggable? All Captcha objects are instantiated and interfaced via the main module, and then manipulated to require various submodules as plug-ins. Authen::PluggableCaptcha borrows from the functionality in Apache::Session::Flex The Base Modules:KeyManagerConsolidates functionality previously found in KeyGenerator and KeyValidator Generates , parses and validates publickeys which are used to validate and create captchas Default is Authen::PluggableCaptcha::KeyManager , which makes a key %md5%_%time% and performs no additional checking A subclass is highly recommended. Subclasses can contain a regex or a bunch of DB interaction stuff to ensure a key is used only one time per ip address Challenge simply put, a challenge is a test. challenges internally require a ref to a KeyManager instance , it then maps that instance via it's own facilities into a test to render or validate a challege generates 3 bits of text: instructions user_prompt correct_response a visual captcha would have user_prompt and correct_response as the same. a text logic puzzle would not. Render the rendering of a captcha for presentation to a user. This could be an image, sound, block of (obfuscated?) html or just plain text Reasoning (reinventing the wheel)Current CPAN captcha modules all exhibit one or more of the following traits:
I wanted a module that works in a clustered environment, could be easily extended / implemented with the following design requirements:
with this method, generating a public key 'your own way' is very easy, so the module integrates easily into your app furthermore:
any single component can be extended or replaced - that means you can cheaply/easily/quickly create new captchas as older ones get defeated. instead of going crazy trying to make the worlds best captcha, you can just make a ton of crappy ones that are faster to make than to break :) everything is standardized and made for modular interaction since the public_key maps to a captcha test, the same key can create an image/audio/text captcha, Note that Render::Image is never called - it is just a base class. The module ships with Render::Img::Imager, which uses the Imager library. Its admittedly not very good- it is simple a proof-of-concept. want gd/imagemagick? write Render::Img::GD or Render::Image::ImageMagick with the appropriate hooks (and submit to CPAN!) This functionality exists so that you don't need to run GD on your box if you've got a mod_perl setup that aready uses Imager. Using any of the image libraries should be a snap- just write a render class that can create an image with 'user_prompt' text, and returns 'as_string' Using any of the audio libraries will work in the same manner too. Initial support includes the ability to have Textual logic Catptchas. They do silly things like say "What is one plus one ? (as text in english)" HTML::Email::Obfuscate makes these hard to scrape, though a better solution is needed and welcome. One of the main points of PluggableCaptcha is that even if you create a Captcha that is one step ahead of spammers ( read: assholes ) , they're not giving up -- they're just going to take longer to break the Captcha-- and once they do, you're sweating trying to protect yourself again. With PluggableCaptcha, it should be easier to :
Under this system, ideally, people can change / adapt / update so fast , that spammers never get a break in their efforts to break captcha schemes! CONSTRUCTOR
Optional PARAMS are:
DEBUGGINGSet the Following envelope variables for debugging$ENV{'Authen::PluggableCaptcha-DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME'} $ENV{'Authen::PluggableCaptcha-BENCH_RENDER'} debug messages are sent to STDERR via the ErrorLoggingObject package BUGS/TODOThis is an initial alpha release.There are a host of issues with it. Most are discussed here: To Do: priority | task +++| clean up how stuff is stored / passed around / accessing defaults. there's a lot of messy stuff with in regards to passing around default values and redundancy of vars +++| create a better way to make attributes shared stored and accessed ++ | Imager does not have facilities right now to do a 'sine warp' easily. figure some sort of text warping for the imager module. ++ | Port the rendering portions of cpan gd/imagemagick captchas to Img::(GD|ImageMagick) ++ | Img::Imager make the default font more of a default ++ | Img::Imager add in support to render each letter seperately w/a different font/size + | Img::Imager better handle as_string/save + support for png format etc - | is there a way to make the default font more cross platform? -- | add a sound plugin ( text-logic might render that a trivial enhancement depending on how obfuscation treats display ) STYLE GUIDEIf you make your own subclasses or patches, please keep this information in mind:The '.' and '..' prefixes are reserved namespaces ( ie: $self->{'.Attributes'} , $self->{'..Errors'} ) Generally: '.' prefixes a shared or inherited trait ; '..' prefixes an class private variable If you see a function with _ in the code, its undocumented and unsupported. Only write code against regular looking functions. Never write code against _ or __ functions. Never. REFERENCESMany ideas , most notably the approach to creating layered images, came from PyCaptcha , http://svn.navi.cx/misc/trunk/pycaptcha/AUTHORJonathan Vanasco , cpan@2xlp.comPatches, support, features, additional etc Kjetil Kjernsmo, kjetilk@cpan.org COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2006 by Jonathan VanascoThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: