BSoffset - Find a consistent global numbering
- length
- - number of classes of things to order
- array
- - the number of things in each class on this processor
- procinfo
- - the usual processor stuff
- offsets
- - the beginning number for each class on this processor in the global
the number of classes across all the processors
This routine, given a list of totals, finds where we should be numbered. For
example, if proc 0 submits a list of 10 and 20 and proc 1 submits a list of 5
and 11 and proc 2 submits a list of 6 and 9, we want to do a tree ordering
where proc 0 gets back 5 and 32, proc 1 gets back 0 and 21 and proc 2 gets
back 15 and 52.
int BSoffset(int length, int *array, int **offsets, BSprocinfo *procinfo)