BStri_solve - Multiply the matrix A(-1) by a block of vectors
- A
- - a sparse matrix
- fact_A
- - a possibly incompletely factored version of A
- comm_A
- - the communication structure for A (fact_A)
- vec
- - the block of vectors to multiply by
- pre_option
- - the preconditioner to select PRE_ICC: incomplete Cholesky factorization
PRE_ILU: incomplete LU factorization PRE_SSOR: Successive over relaxation
PRE_BJACOBI: Block Jacobi
- BS
- - the number of vectors in vec
- procinfo
- - the usual processor stuff
- vec
- - the resulting block of vectors
Different code is used to multiply a single vector than is used to multiply a
block of vectors (this improves efficiency).
void BStri_solve(BSpar_mat *A, BSpar_mat *fact_A, BScomm *comm_A, FLOAT *vec,
int pre_option, int BS, BSprocinfo *procinfo)