NAMEBusiness::OnlinePayment::BankOfAmerica - Bank of America backend for Business::OnlinePaymentSYNOPSISuse Business::OnlinePayment; my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("BankOfAmerica", 'merchant_id' => 'YOURMERCHANTID'); $tx->content( type => 'VISA', action => 'Authorization Only', description => 'Business::OnlinePayment test', amount => '49.95', invoice_number => '100100', customer_id => 'jsk', first_name => 'Jason', last_name => 'Kohles', address => '123 Anystreet', city => 'Anywhere', state => 'UT', zip => '84058', email => 'ivan-bofa@420.am', card_number => '4007000000027', expiration => '09/99', referer => 'http://cleanwhisker.420.am/', ); $tx->submit(); if($tx->is_success()) { print "Card processed successfully: ".$tx->authorization."\n"; } else { print "Card was rejected: ".$tx->error_message."\n"; } if($tx->is_success()) { $auth = $tx->authorization; $ordernum = $tx->order_number; my $capture = new Business::OnlinePayment("BankOfAmerica", 'merchant_id' => 'YOURMERCHANTID' ); $capture->content( action => 'Post Authorization', login => 'YOURLOGIN password => 'YOURPASSWORD', order_number => $ordernum, amount => '0.01', authorization => $auth, description => 'Business::OnlinePayment::BankOfAmerica visa test', ); $capture->submit(); if($capture->is_success()) { print "Card captured successfully: ".$capture->authorization."\n"; } else { print "Card was rejected: ".$capture->error_message."\n"; } } SUPPORTED TRANSACTION TYPESVisa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover/Novus, Carte blanche/Diners ClubContent required for `Authorization Only': type, action, amount, invoice_number, customer_id, first_name, last_name, address, city, state, zip, email, card_number, expiration, refererContent required for `Post Authorization': action, login, password, order_number, amount, authorization, description `Normal Authorization' is not supported by the Bank of America gateway. `Credit' is untested. DESCRIPTIONFor detailed information see Business::OnlinePayment.NOTEUnlike Business::OnlinePayment or early verisons of Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet, Business::OnlinePayment::BankOfAmerica requires separate first_name and last_name fields.An additional name field is optional. By default the first_name and last_name fields will be concatenated. NOTEBusiness::OnlinePayment::BankOfAmerica does not support the Normal Authorization mode which combines authorization and capture into a single tranaction. You must use the Authorization Only mode followed by the Post Authorization mode. The Credit mode is supported.COMPATIBILITYThis module implements the interface documented at http://www.bankofamerica.com/merchantservices/index.cfm?template=merch_ic_estores_developer.cfmThe settlement API is documented at https://manager.bamart.com/welcome/SettlementAPI.pdf BUGSNo login and password are required for Authorization Only mode. Access is restricted only by the merchant id (available in any public store webpage which passes off to the backend system) and HTTP referer header.There is no way to run test transactions against the settlement API. AUTHORIvan Kohler <ivan-bofa@420.am>Based on Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet written by Jason Kohles. SEE ALSOperl(1). Business::OnlinePayment.
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