Title : new
Usage : $nhx_cmd = new Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd($comment_string);
Function: Creates a new Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd object
Returns : Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd object
Args : $comment_string - a string representation of the comment (w/o brackets)
Title : to_string
Usage : $comment_str = $nhx_obj->to_string
Function: Returns a string representation of the NHX command
Returns : String
Args : None
Title : equals
Usage : $nhx_one->equals($nhx_two);
Function: compares two NHX objects for equality
Returns : 1 if the two objects contain the same date; 0 if they don't
Args : $nhx_two - a Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd object
Title : clone
Usage : $new_obj = $original->clone();
Function: Creates a "deep copy" of a Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd
Returns : A "deep copy" of a Bio::NEXUS::NHXCmd
Args : None
Title : contains_tag
Usage : $nhx_obj->_contains_tag($tag_name)
Function: Checks if a given tag exists
Returns : 1 if the tax exists, 0 if it doesn't
Args : $tag_name - a string representation of a tag
Title : get_tags
Usage : $nhx_obj->get_tags();
Function: Reads and returns an array of tags
Returns : An array of tags
Args : None
Title : get_values
Usage : $nhx_obj->get_values($tag_name);
Function: Returns the list of values associated with the given tag ($tag_name)
Returns : Array of values
Args : $tag_name - a string representation of the tag
Title : set_tag
Usage : nhx_obj->set_tag($tag_name, $tag_reference);
Function: Updates the list of values associated with a given tag
Returns : Nothing
Args : $tag_name - a string, $tag_reference - an array-reference
Title : check_tag_value
Usage : $boolean = nhx_obj->check_tag_value($tag_name, $value);
Function: check whether a particular value is present in a tag
Returns : 0 or 1 [ true or false]
Args : $tag_name - a string, $value - scalar (string or number)
Title : add_tag_value
Usage : $nhx_obj->add_tag_value($tag_name, $tag_value);
Function: Adds a new tag/value set to the $nhx_obj;
Returns : 0 if not added or 1 if added [false or true]
Args : $tag_name - a string, $tag_value - a string
Title : delete_tag
Usage : $nhx_obj->delete_tag($tag_name);
Function: Removes a given tag (and the associated valus) from the $nhx_obj
Returns : Nothing
Args : $tag_name - a string representation of the tag
Title : delete_all_tags
Usage : $nhx_obj->delete_all_tags();
Function: Removes all tags from $nhx_obj
Returns : Nothing
Args : None