Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock - Represents a simple object for storing information
unrecognized blocks by the Bio::NEXUS module.
$block_object = new
Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock($block_type, $block,
Provides a simple way of storing information about a block that is not currently
recognized by the NEXUS package. This is useful for remembering custom blocks.
All feedback (bugs, feature enhancements, etc.) are all greatly appreciated.
There are no mailing lists at this time for the Bio::NEXUS::TaxaBlock module,
so send all relevant contributions to Dr. Weigang Qiu
Peter Yang (
Thomas Hladish (tjhladish at yahoo)
Title : new
Usage : block_object = new Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock($block_type, $commands, $verbose);
Function: Creates a new Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock object and automatically reads the file
Returns : Bio::NEXUS::UnknownBlock object
Args : type (string), the commands/comments to parse (array ref), and a verbose flag (0 or 1; optional)