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Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna(3) |
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Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna(3) |
Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna - DNA substitution model
use Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna;
# create a DNA substitution model from scratch
my $model = Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna->new(
'-type' => 'GTR',
'-pi' => [ 0.23, 0.27, 0.24, 0.26 ],
'-kappa' => 2,
'-alpha' => 0.9,
'-pinvar' => 0.5,
'-ncat' => 6,
'-median' => 1,
'-rate' => [
[ 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23 ],
[ 0.23, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26 ],
[ 0.27, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26 ],
[ 0.24, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26 ]
# get substitution rate from A to C
my $rate = $model->get_rate('A', 'C');
# get model representation that can be used by Garli
my $modelstr = $model->to_string( '-format' => 'garli' )
This is a superclass for models of DNA evolution. Classes that inherit from this
class provide methods for retreiving general parameters such as substitution
rates or the number of states as well as model-specific parameters. Currently
most of the popular models are implemented. The static function
"modeltest" determines the substitution
model from a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object and returns the appropriate
instance of the subclass. This class also provides serialization of a model to
standard phylogenetics file formats.
- new
- Dna model constructor.
Type : Constructor
Title : new
Usage : my $model = Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna->new(%args);
Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : Optional:
-type => type of model, one of GTR, F81, HKY85, JC69, K80
-pi => base frequencies of bases A, C, G, T
-kappa => ratio transitions/transversions
-alpha => shape parameter (for models of GTR family)
-mu => overall mutation rate
-pinvar => proportion of invariant sites
-ncat => number of distinct rate categories
-median => median for gamma-modeled rate categories
-rate => Array of Arrays (4x4) giving substitution rates betwen A, C, T, G
-catweights => weights for rate categories
- get_catrates
- Getter for rate categories, implemented by child classes.
Type : method
Title : get_catrates
Usage : $model->get_catrates;
Function: Getter for rate categories.
Returns : scalar or array
Args : None.
- get_nst
- Getter for number of transition rate parameters.
Type : method
Title : get_nst
Usage : $model->get_nst;
Function: Getter for number of transition rate parameters.
Returns : scalar
Args : None.
- get_rate
- Getter for substitution rate. If bases are given as arguments, returns
corresponding rate. If no arguments given, returns rate matrix or overall
rate, dependent on model.
Type : method
Title : get_rate
Usage : $model->get_rate('A', 'C');
Function: Getter for transition rate between nucleotides.
Returns : scalar or array
Args : Optional:
base1: scalar
base2: scalar
- get_nstates
- Getter for number of states (bases).
Type : method
Title : get_nstates
Usage : $model->get_nstates;
Function: Getter for transition rate between nucleotides.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_ncat
- Getter for number of rate categories.
Type : method
Title : get_ncat
Usage : $model->get_ncat;
Function: Getter for number of rate categories.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_catweights
- Getter for weights on rate categories.
Type : method
Title : get_catweights
Usage : $model->get_catweights;
Function: Getter for number of rate categories.
Returns : array
Args : None
- get_kappa
- Getter for transition/transversion ratio.
Type : method
Title : get_kappa
Usage : $model->get_kappa;
Function: Getter for transition/transversion ratio.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_alpha
- Getter for shape parameter.
Type : method
Title : get_alpha
Usage : $model->get_alpha;
Function: Getter for shape parameter.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_mu
- Getter for overall mutation rate.
Type : method
Title : get_mu
Usage : $model->get_mu;
Function: Getter for overall mutation rate.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_pinvar
- Getter for proportion of invariant sites.
Type : method
Title : get_pinvar
Usage : $model->get_pinvar;
Function: Getter for proportion of invariant sites.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- get_pi
- Getter for base frequencies.
Type : method
Title : get_pi
Usage : $model->get_pi;
Function: Getter for base frequencies.
Returns : array
Args : Optional:
Base (A, C, T or G)
- get_median
- Getter for median for gamma-modeled rate categories.
Type : method
Title : get_median
Usage : $model->get_median;
Function: Getter for median.
Returns : scalar
Args : None
- set_rate
- Setter for substitution rate.
Type : method
Title : set_rate
Usage : $model->set_rate(1);
Function: Set nucleotide transition rates.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar or array of arrays (4x4)
- set_ncat
- Setter for number of rate categories.
Type : method
Title : set_ncat
Usage : $model->set_ncat(6);
Function: Set the number of rate categoeries.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- set_catweights
- Setter for weights on rate categories.
Type : method
Title : set_catweights
Usage : $model->get_catweights;
Function: Set number of rate categories.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : array
- set_kappa
- Setter for weights on rate categories.
Type : method
Title : set_kappa
Usage : $model->set_kappa(2);
Function: Set transition/transversion ratio.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- set_alpha
- Setter for shape parameter.
Type : method
Title : set_alpha
Usage : $model->set_alpha(1);
Function: Set shape parameter.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- set_mu
- Setter for overall mutation rate.
Type : method
Title : set_mu
Usage : $model->set_mu(0.5);
Function: Set overall mutation rate.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- set_pinvar
- Set for proportion of invariant sites.
Type : method
Title : set_pinvar
Usage : $model->set_pinvar(0.1);
Function: Set proportion of invariant sites.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- set_pi
- Setter for base frequencies.
Type : method
Title : get_pi
Usage : $model->set_pi((0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3));
Function: Set base frequencies.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : array of four base frequencies (A, C, G, T)
Comments: Base frequencies must sum to one
- set_median
- Setter for median for gamma-modeled rate categories.
Type : method
Title : set_median
Usage : $model->set_median(1);
Function: Setter for median.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna object.
Args : scalar
- modeltest
- Performing a modeltest using the package 'phangorn' in R (Schliep,
Bioinformatics (2011) 27 (4): 592-593) from an DNA alignment. If no tree
is given as argument, a neighbor-joining tree is generated from the
alignment to perform model testing. Selects the model with the minimum
Type : method
Title : modeltest
Usage : $model->modeltest(-matrix=>$matrix);
Function: Determine DNA substitution model from alignment.
Returns : An object which is subclass of Bio::Phylo::Models::Substitution::Dna.
Args : -matrix: A Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object
-tree: A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object
-timeout: Timeout in seconds to prevent getting stuck in an R process.
Comments: Prerequisites: Statistics::R, R, and the R package phangorn.
- to_string
- Get string representation of model in specified format (paup, phyml,
mrbayes or garli)
Type : method
Title : to_string
Usage : $model->to_string(-format=>'mrbayes');
Function: Write model to string.
Returns : scalar
Args : scalar
Comments: format must be either paup, phyml, mrbayes or garli
There is a mailing list at
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bio-phylo> for any user or
developer questions and discussions.
- Bio::Phylo::Manual
- Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual and
If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:
Rutger A Vos, Jason Caravas, Klaas Hartmann,
Mark A Jensen and Chase Miller, 2011. Bio::Phylo -
phyloinformatic analysis using Perl. BMC Bioinformatics 12:63.
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