Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta - Single predicate/object annotation, attached to an
xml-writable subject
use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
use Bio::Phylo::Util::CONSTANT ':namespaces';
my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new;
my $url = '';
my $proj = $fac->create_project->add_meta(
'-namespaces' => { 'cdao' => _NS_CDAO_ },
'-triple' => {
'cdao:hasMeta' => $fac->create_meta(
'-namespaces' => { 'cdao' => _NS_CDAO_ },
'-triple' => { 'cdao:has_External_Reference' => $url }
To comply with the NeXML standard (<>), Bio::Phylo
implements metadata annotations which consist conceptually of RDF triples
where the subject is a container object that subclasses
Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable, and the predicate and object are defined in this
The objects of the triples provided by this class can be of any
simple type (string, number) or one of XML::DOM, XML::GDOME, XML::LibXML,
XML::Twig, XML::DOM2, XML::DOMBacked, XML::Handler, XML::Element, XML::API,
XML::Code or XML::XMLWriter or RDF::Core::Model.
When serialized, the Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta object in NeXML is
typically written out as an element called 'meta', with RDFa compliant
- new()
Type : Constructor
Title : new
Usage : my $anno = Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta->new;
Function: Initializes a Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta object.
Returns : A Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Meta object.
Args : optional constructor arguments are key/value
pairs where the key corresponds with any of
the methods that starts with set_ (i.e. mutators)
and the value is the permitted argument for such
a method. The method name is changed such that,
in order to access the set_value($val) method
in the constructor, you would pass -value => $val
- set_triple()
- Populates the triple, assuming that the invocant is attached to a subject.
Type : Mutator
Title : set_triple
Usage : $meta->set_triple( $predicate, $object );
Function: Populates the triple.
Returns : Modified object.
Args : $predicate - a CURIE whose namespace prefix must
have been bound previously using
$meta->set_namespaces( $prefix, $uri );
$object - any of the valid object types: a number,
a string, a url, a nested annotation
or anything that can be adapted by
- get_triple ()
- Returns predicate and object for the triple
Type : Accessor
Title : get_triple
Usage : my ( $predicate, $object ) = $anno->get_triple;
Function: Returns triple
Returns : Predicate and object of a triple
Args : NONE
- get_object()
- Returns triple object
Type : Accessor
Title : get_object
Usage : my $val = $anno->get_object;
Function: Returns triple object
Returns : A triple object
Args : NONE
- get_predicate()
- Returns triple predicate
Type : Accessor
Title : get_predicate
Usage : my $val = $anno->get_predicate;
Function: Returns triple predicate
Returns : A triple predicate
Args : NONE
- get_predicate_namespace()
- Returns predicate namespace
Type : Accessor
Title : get_predicate_namespace
Usage : my $val = $anno->get_predicate_namespace;
Function: Returns predicate namespace
Returns : A namespace
Args : NONE
- get_predicate_local()
- Returns predicate without prefix
Type : Accessor
Title : get_predicate_local
Usage : my $val = $anno->get_predicate_local;
Function: Returns predicate without prefix
Returns : A predicate
Args : NONE
- get_object_type()
- Returns data type of object
Type : Accessor
Title : get_object_type
Usage : my $val = $anno->get_object_type;
Function: Returns data type of object
Returns : A local predicate, e.g. 'boolean'
Args : NONE
- is_resource()
- Returns whether the object is a resource (e.g. an href or a nested
Type : Accessor
Title : is_resource
Usage : my $val = $anno->is_resource;
Function: Returns whether object is a resource
Returns : Boolean
Args : NONE
- is_xml_literal()
- Returns whether the object is a nested XMLLiteral
Type : Accessor
Title : is_xml_literal
Usage : my $val = $anno->is_xml_literal;
Function: Returns whether object is a nested XMLLiteral
Returns : Boolean
Args : NONE
- to_dom()
Type : Serializer
Title : to_dom
Usage : $obj->to_dom
Function: Generates a DOM subtree from the invocant and
its contained objects
Returns : a DOM element object (default: XML::Twig flavor)
Args : DOM factory object
Note : This is the generic function. It is redefined in the
classes below.
There is a mailing list at
<!forum/bio-phylo> for any user or
developer questions and discussions.
- Bio::Phylo::Dictionary
- Annotation objects are combined into a dictionary.
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable
- This object inherits from Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable, so methods defined
there are also applicable here.
- Bio::Phylo::Manual
- Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual and
If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:
Rutger A Vos, Jason Caravas, Klaas Hartmann,
Mark A Jensen and Chase Miller, 2011. Bio::Phylo -
phyloinformatic analysis using Perl. BMC Bioinformatics 12:63.