The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal
methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : run
Usage : $wrapper->run({ARGS HERE});
Function: Support generic running with args passed in
as a hashref
Returns : Depends on the implementation, status OR data
Args : hashref of named arguments
Title : error_string
Usage : $obj->error_string($newval)
Function: Where the output from the last analysis run is stored.
Returns : value of error_string
Args : newvalue (optional)
Title : arguments
Usage : $obj->arguments($newval)
Function: Commandline parameters
Returns : value of arguments
Args : newvalue (optional)
Title : no_param_checks
Usage : $obj->no_param_checks($newval)
Function: Boolean flag as to whether or not we should
trust the sanity checks for parameter values
Returns : value of no_param_checks
Args : newvalue (optional)
Title : save_tempfiles
Usage : $obj->save_tempfiles($newval)
Function: Get/set the choice of if tempfiles in the temp dir (see tempdir())
are kept or cleaned up. Default is '0', ie. delete temp files.
NB: This must be set to the desired value PRIOR to first creating
a temp dir with tempdir(). Any attempt to set this after tempdir creation will get a warning.
Returns : boolean
Args : none to get, boolean to set
Title : outfile_name
Usage : my $outfile = $wrapper->outfile_name();
Function: Get/Set the name of the output file for this run
(if you wanted to do something special)
Returns : string
Args : [optional] string to set value to
Title : tempdir
Usage : my $tmpdir = $self->tempdir();
Function: Retrieve a temporary directory name (which is created)
Returns : string which is the name of the temporary directory
Args : none
Title : cleanup
Usage : $wrapper->cleanup();
Function: Will cleanup the tempdir directory
Returns : none
Args : none
Title : io
Usage : $obj->io($newval)
Function: Gets a Bio::Root::IO object
Returns : Bio::Root::IO object
Args : none
Title : version
Usage : $version = $wrapper->version()
Function: Returns the program version (if available)
Returns : string representing version of the program
Args : [Optional] value to (re)set version string
Title : executable
Usage : my $exe = $factory->executable();
Function: Finds the full path to the executable
Returns : string representing the full path to the exe
Args : [optional] name of executable to set path to
[optional] boolean flag whether or not warn when exe is not found
Title : program_path
Usage : my $path = $factory->program_path();
Function: Builds path for executable
Returns : string representing the full path to the exe
Args : none
Title : program_dir
Usage : my $dir = $factory->program_dir();
Function: Abstract get method for dir of program. To be implemented
by wrapper.
Returns : string representing program directory
Args : none
Title : program_name
Usage : my $name = $factory->program_name();
Function: Abstract get method for name of program. To be implemented
by wrapper.
Returns : string representing program name
Args : none
Title : quiet
Usage : $factory->quiet(1);
if ($factory->quiet()) { ... }
Function: Get/set the quiet state. Can be used by wrappers to control if
program output is printed to the console or not.
Returns : boolean
Args : none to get, boolean to set
Title : _setparams
Usage : $params = $self->_setparams(-params => [qw(window evalue_cutoff)])
Function: For internal use by wrapper modules to build parameter strings
suitable for sending to the program being wrapped. For each method
name supplied, calls the method and adds the method name (as modified
by optional things) along with its value (unless a switch) to the
parameter string
Example : $params = $self->_setparams(-params => [qw(window evalue_cutoff)],
-switches => [qw(simple large all)],
-double_dash => 1,
-underscore_to_dash => 1);
If window() and simple() had not been previously called, but
evalue_cutoff(0.5), large(1) and all(0) had been called, $params
would be ' --evalue-cutoff 0.5 --large'
Returns : parameter string
Args : -params => [] or {} # array ref of method names to call,
or hash ref where keys are method names and
values are how those names should be output
in the params string
-switches => [] or {}# as for -params, but no value is printed for
these methods
-join => string # define how parameters and their values are
joined, default ' '. (eg. could be '=' for
-lc => boolean # lc() method names prior to output in string
-dash => boolean # prefix all method names with a single dash
-double_dash => bool # prefix all method names with a double dash
-mixed_dash => bool # prefix single-character method names with a
# single dash, and multi-character method names
# with a double-dash
-underscore_to_dash => boolean # convert all underscores in method
names to dashes