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NAMEBoulder::Blast - Parse and read BLAST filesSYNOPSISuse Boulder::Blast; # parse from a single file $blast = Boulder::Blast->parse('run3.blast'); # parse and read a set of blast output files $stream = Boulder::Blast->new('run3.blast','run4.blast'); while ($blast = $stream->get) { # do something with $blast object } # parse and read a whole directory of blast runs $stream = Boulder::Blast->new(<*.blast>); while ($blast = $stream->get) { # do something with $blast object } # parse and read from STDIN $stream = Boulder::Blast->new; while ($blast = $stream->get) { # do something with $blast object } # parse and read as a filehandle $stream = Boulder::Blast->newFh(<*.blast>); while ($blast = <$stream>) { # do something with $blast object } # once you have a $blast object, you can get info about it: $query = $blast->Blast_query; @hits = $blast->Blast_hits; foreach $hit (@hits) { $hit_sequence = $hit->Name; # get the ID $significance = $hit->Signif; # get the significance @hsps = $hit->Hsps; # list of HSPs foreach $hsp (@hsps) { $query = $hsp->Query; # query sequence $subject = $hsp->Subject; # subject sequence $signif = $hsp->Signif; # significance of HSP } } DESCRIPTIONThe Boulder::Blast class parses the output of the Washington University (WU) or National Cenber for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) series of BLAST programs and turns them into Stone records. You may then use the standard Stone access methods to retrieve information about the BLAST run, or add the information to a Boulder stream.The parser works equally well on the contents of a static file, or on information read dynamically from a filehandle or pipe. METHODSparse() Method$stone = Boulder::Blast->parse($file_path); $stone = Boulder::Blast->parse($filehandle); The parse() method accepts a path to a file or a filehandle, parses its contents, and returns a Boulder Stone object. The file path may be absolute or relative to the current directgly. The filehandle may be specified as an IO::File object, a FileHandle object, or a reference to a glob ("\*FILEHANDLE" notation). If you call parse() without any arguments, it will try to parse the contents of standard input. new() Method$stream = Boulder::Blast->new; $stream = Boulder::Blast->new($file [,@more_files]); $stream = Boulder::Blast->new(\*FILEHANDLE); If you wish, you may create the parser first with Boulder::Blast new(), and then invoke the parser object's parse() method as many times as you wish to, producing a Stone object each time. TAGSThe following tags are defined in the parsed Blast Stone object:Information about the programThese top-level tags provide information about the version of the BLAST program itself.
Information about the runThese top-level tags give information about the particular run, such as the parameters that were used for the algorithm.
Information about the query sequence and subject databaseThse top-level tags give information about the query sequence and the database that was searched on.
The search results: the Blast_hits tag.Each BLAST hit is represented by the tag Blast_hits. There may be zero, one, or many such tags. They will be presented in reverse sorted order of significance, i.e. most significant hit first.Each Blast_hits tag is a Stone subrecord containing the following subtags:
The Hsp records: the Hsps tagEach Blast_hit tag will have at least one, and possibly several Hsps tags, each one corresponding to a high-scoring segment pair (HSP). These records contain detailed information about the hit, including the alignments. Tags are as follows:
See the bottom of this manual page for an example BLAST run. CAVEATSThis module has been extensively tested with WUBLAST, but very little with NCBI BLAST. It probably will not work with PSI Blast or other variants.The author plans to adapt this module to parse other formats, as well as non-BLAST formats such as the output of Fastn. SEE ALSOBoulder, Boulder::GenBankAUTHORLincoln Stein <lstein@cshl.org>.Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty. EXAMPLE BLASTN RUNThis output was generated by the quickblast.pl program, which is located in the eg/ subdirectory of the Boulder distribution directory. It is a typical blastn (nucleotide->nucleotide) run; however long lines (usually DNA sequences) have been truncated. Also note that per the Boulder protocol, the percent sign (%) is escaped in the usual way. It will be unescaped when reading the stream back in.Blast_run_date=Fri Nov 6 14:40:41 1998 Blast_db_date=2:40 PM EST Nov 6, 1998 Blast_parms={ Hspmax=10 Expectation=10 Matrix=+5,-4 Ctxfactor=2.00 } Blast_program_date=05-Feb-1998 Blast_db= /usr/tmp/quickblast18202aaaa Blast_version=2.0a19-WashU Blast_query=BCD207R Blast_db_title= test.fasta Blast_query_length=332 Blast_program=blastn Blast_hits={ Signif=3.5e-74 Expect=3.5e-74, Name=BCD207R Identity=100%25 Length=332 Hsps={ Subject=GTGCTTTCAAACATTGATGGATTCCTCCCCTTGACATATATATATACTTTGGGTTCCCGCAA... Signif=3.5e-74 Length=332 Bits=249.1 Query_start=1 Subject_end=332 Query=GTGCTTTCAAACATTGATGGATTCCTCCCCTTGACATATATATATACTTTGGGTTCCCGCAA... Positives=100%25 Expect=3.5e-74, Identity=100%25 Query_end=332 Orientation=plus Score=1660 Strand=Plus / Plus Subject_start=1 Alignment=||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||... } } = Example BLASTP runHere is the output from a typical blastp (protein->protein) run. Long lines have again been truncated.Blast_run_date=Fri Nov 6 14:37:23 1998 Blast_db_date=2:36 PM EST Nov 6, 1998 Blast_parms={ Hspmax=10 Expectation=10 Matrix=BLOSUM62 Ctxfactor=1.00 } Blast_program_date=05-Feb-1998 Blast_db= /usr/tmp/quickblast18141aaaa Blast_version=2.0a19-WashU Blast_query=YAL004W Blast_db_title= elegans.fasta Blast_query_length=216 Blast_program=blastp Blast_hits={ Signif=0.95 Expect=3.0, Name=C28H8.2 Identity=30%25 Length=51 Hsps={ Subject=HMTVEFHVTSQSW---FGFEDHFHMIIR-AVNDENVGWGVRYLSMAF Signif=0.95 Length=46 Bits=15.8 Query_start=100 Subject_end=49 Query=HLTQD-HGGDLFWGKVLGFTLKFNLNLRLTVNIDQLEWEVLHVSLHF Positives=52%25 Expect=3.0, Identity=30%25 Query_end=145 Orientation=plus Score=45 Subject_start=7 Alignment=H+T + H W GF F++ +R VN + + W V ++S+ F } } Blast_hits={ Signif=0.99 Expect=4.7, Name=ZK896.2 Identity=24%25 Length=340 Hsps={ Subject=FSGKFTTFVLNKDQATLRMSSAEKTAEWNTAFDSRRGFF----TSGNYGL... Signif=0.99 Length=101 Bits=22.9 Query_start=110 Subject_end=243 Query=FWGKVLGFTL-KFNLNLRLTVNIDQLEWEVLHVSLHFWVVEVSTDQTLSVE... Positives=41%25 Expect=4.7, Identity=24%25 Query_end=210 Orientation=plus Score=65 Subject_start=146 Alignment=F GK F L K LR++ EW S + T +... } } =