Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment - Module for Taishin Bank Convenient Store
Payment Management
use Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment;
my $csp = Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment->new({ corp_code => 'CPCU' });
my @bar = $csp->generate( { due => DateTime->new( year => 2007, month => 4, day => 2 ),
collect_until => DateTime->new( year => 2007, month => 4, day => 2 ),
amount => 3900,
ar_id => '20892' } );
# render the code39 barcode with GD::Barcode
my @png = map { GD::Barcode::Code39->new("*$_*")->plot->png } @bar;
# parse summary from file handler
my $entries = Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment->parse_summary($fh);
# entries is arrayref of Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment::Entry objects,
This module provides utility functions for the convenient store payment
collection service by TSIB (Taishin International Bank, Taiwan).
Initialize the payment collection context with
"corp_code" provided by TSIB.
Generate bar codes for the given arguments. Returns a list of 3 strings that are
to be printed as barcode. $args is a hash ref and must
- due
- A DateTime object for due day of the payment.
- collect_until
- A DateTime object for last collection date, default to
- amount
- The expected amount of the transaction.
- ar_id
- The arbitary account receivable identifier.
Parse CStore Payment file
Chia-liang Kao, "<clkao AT>" ,
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
"bug-business-tw-taishinbank-cstorepayment at", or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Business::TW::TSIB::CStorePayment
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- AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
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Copyright 2007 AIINK co., ltd, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.