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NAMECAD::Calc - generic cad-related geometry calculationsAUTHOREric Wilhelm @ <ewilhelm at cpan dot org>http://scratchcomputing.com COPYRIGHTThis module is copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Eric L. Wilhelm. Portions copyright (C) 2003 by Eric L. Wilhelm and A. Zahner Co.LICENSEThis module is distributed under the same terms as Perl. See the Perl source package for details.You may use this software under one of the following licenses: (1) GNU General Public License (found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) (2) Artistic License (found at http://www.perl.com/pub/language/misc/Artistic.html) NO WARRANTYThis software is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. The author, his former employer, and any other contributors will in no way be held liable for any loss or damages resulting from its use.ModificationsThe source code of this module is made freely available and distributable under the GPL or Artistic License. Modifications to and use of this software must adhere to one of these licenses. Changes to the code should be noted as such and this notification (as well as the above copyright information) must remain intact on all copies of the code.Additionally, while the author is actively developing this code, notification of any intended changes or extensions would be most helpful in avoiding repeated work for all parties involved. Please contact the author with any such development plans. ConfigurationUsed to set package global values such as precision.importNot called directly. Triggered by the use() function.import(%options, @EXPORT_TAGS); Example: use CAD::Calc ( -precision => 0.125, -angular => 1.0e-6, qw( seg_seg_intersection dist2d print_line ) ); ConstantspiReturns the value of $CAD::Calc::pipi; FunctionsThese are all exported as options.distdivideReturns a list of point references resulting from dividing $line into as many parts as possible which are at least $dist apart.@points = distdivide(\@line, $dist); subdivideReturns a list of point references resulting from subdividing $line into $count parts. The list will be $count-1 items long, (does not include $line->[0] and $line->[1]);$line is of the form: [ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ] where z1 and z2 are optional. @points = subdivide($line, $count); shorten_lineShortens the line by the distances given in $lead and $tail.@line = shorten_line(\@line, $lead, $tail); distReturns the direct distance from ptA to ptB.dist($ptA, $ptB); dist2dPurposefully ignores a z (2) coordinate.dist2d($ptA, $ptB); line_vecReturns a Math::Vec object representing the vector from $ptA to $ptB (which is actually a segment.)$vec = line_vec($ptA, $ptB); slopeCalculates the 2D slope between points @ptA and @ptB. Slope is defined as dy / dx (rise over run.)If dx is 0, will return the string "inf", which Perl so kindly treats as you would expect it to (except it doesn't like to answer the question "what is infinity over infinity?") 5.8.? users: sorry, there seems to be some regression here! (now we're using Math::BigFloat to return inf, so rounding has to go through that) $slope = slope(\@ptA, \@ptB); segs_as_transformAllows two segments to specify transform data.Returns: (\@translate, $rotate, $scale), where: @translate is a 2D array [$x, $y] basically describing segment @A $rotate is the angular difference between $A[0]->$B[0] and $A[1]->$B[1] $scale is the length of $A[1]->$B[1] divided by the length of $A[0]->$B[0] my ($translate, $rotate, $scale) = segs_as_transform(\@A, \@B); chevron_to_rayConverts a chevron into a directional line by finding the midpoint between the midpoints of each edge and connecting to the middle point.@line = chevron_to_ray(@pts); signdistReturns the signed distancesigndist(\@ptA, \@ptB); offsetCreates a contour representing the offset of @polygon by $dist. Positive distances are inward when @polygon is ccw.@polygons = offset(\@polygon, $dist); intersection_dataCalculates the two numerators and the denominator which are required for various (seg-seg, line-line, ray-ray, seg-ray, line-ray, line-seg) intersection calculations.($k, $l, $d) = intersection_data(\@line, \@line); line_intersectionReturns the intersection point of two lines.@pt = line_intersection(\@line, \@line, $tolerance); @pt or die "no intersection"; If tolerance is defined, it will be used to sprintf the parallel factor. Beware of this, it is clunky and might change if I come up with something better. seg_line_intersectionFinds the intersection of @segment and @line.my @pt = seg_line_intersection(\@segment, \@line); @pt or die "no intersection"; unless(defined($pt[1])) { die "lines are parallel"; } seg_seg_intersectionmy @pt = seg_seg_intersection(\@segmenta, \@segmentb); line_ray_intersectionIntersects @line with @ray, where $ray[1] is the direction of the infinite ray.line_ray_intersection(\@line, \@ray); seg_ray_intersectionIntersects @seg with @ray, where $ray[1] is the direction of the infinite ray.seg_ray_intersection(\@seg, \@ray); ray_pgon_int_indexReturns the first (lowest) index of @polygon which has a segment intersected by @ray.$index = ray_pgon_int_index(\@ray, \@polygon); ray_pgon_closest_indexReturns the closest (according to dist2d) index of @polygon which has a segment intersected by @ray.$index = ray_pgon_closest_index(\@ray, \@polygon); perp_through_point@line = perp_through_point(\@pt, \@line); foot_on_line@pt = foot_on_line(\@pt, \@line); foot_on_segmentReturns the perpendicular foot of @pt on @seg. See seg_ray_intersection.@pt = foot_on_segment(\@pt, \@seg); DeterminantDeterminant($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); pgon_as_segsReturns a list of [[@ptA],[@ptB]] segments representing the edges of @pgon, where segment "0" is from $pgon[0] to $pgon[1]@segs = pgon_as_segs(@pgon); pgon_areaReturns the area of @polygon. Returns a negative number for clockwise polygons.$area = pgon_area(@polygon); pgon_centroid@centroid = pgon_centroid(@polygon); pgon_lengths@lengths = pgon_lengths(@pgon); pgon_anglesReturns the angle of each edge of polygon in xy plane. These fall between -$pi and +$pi due to the fact that it is basically just a call to the atan2() builtin.Edges are numbered according to the index of the point which starts the edge. @angles = pgon_angles(@points); pgon_deltasReturns the differences between the angles of each edge of @polygon. These will be indexed according to the point at which they occur, and will be positive radians for ccw angles. Summing the @deltas will yield +/-2pi (negative for cw polygons.)@deltas = pgon_deltas(@pgon); ang_deltasReturns the same thing as pgon_deltas, but saves a redundant call to pgon_angles.my @angs = pgon_angles(@pts); my @dels = ang_deltas(@angs); pgon_directionReturns 1 for counterclockwise and 0 for clockwise. Uses the sum of the differences of angles of @polygon. If this sum is less than 0, the polygon is clockwise.$ang_sum = pgon_direction(@polygon); angs_directionReturns the same thing as pgon_direction, but saves a redundant call to pgon_deltas.my @angs = pgon_deltas(@pgon); my $dir = angs_direction(@angs); pgon_bisectorspgon_bisectors(); sort_pgons_lrSorts polygons by their average points returning a list which reads from left to right. (Rather odd place for this?)@pgons = sort_pgons_lr(@pgons); pgon_start_indexReturns the index of pgon which is at the "lowest left".$i = pgon_start_index(@pgon); pgon_start_indexbReturns the index of pgon which is at the "lowest left".Different method (is it faster?) $i = pgon_start_indexb(@pgon); pgon_start_index_zYet another different method (is this even correct?)pgon_start_index_z(); re_order_pgonImposes counter-clockwise from "lower-left" ordering.@pgon = re_order_pgon(@pgon); order_pgonRewinds the polygon (e.g. list) to the specified $start index. This is not restricted to polygons (just continuous (looped) lists.)@pgon = order_pgon($start, \@pgon); shift_lineShifts line to right or left by $distance.@line = shift_line(\@line, $distance, right|left); line_to_rectangleCreates a rectangle, centered about @line.my @rec = line_to_rectangle(\@line, $offset, \%options); The direction of the returned points will be counter-clockwise around the original line, with the first point at the 'lower-left' (e.g. if your line points up, $rec[0] will be below and to the left of $line[0].) Available options ends => 1|0, # extend endpoints by $offset (default = 1) isleftReturns true if @point is left of @line.$bool = isleft(\@line, \@point); howleftReturns positive if @point is left of @line.$number = howleft(\@line, \@point); iswithinReturns true if @pt is within the polygon @bound. This will be negative for clockwise input.$fact = iswithin(\@bound, \@pt); iswithincSeems to be consistently much faster than the typical winding-number iswithin. The true return value is always positive regardless of the polygon's direction.$fact = iswithinc(\@bound, \@pt); unitleftReturns a unit vector which is perpendicular and to the left of @line. Purposefully ignores any z-coordinates.$vec = unitleft(@line); unitrightNegative of unitleft().$vec = unitright(@line); unit_angleReturns a Math::Vec vector which has a length of one at angle $ang (in the XY plane.) $ang is fed through angle_parse().$vec = unit_angle($ang); angle_reduceReduces $ang (in radians) to be between -pi and +pi.$ang = angle_reduce($ang); angle_parseParses the variable $ang and returns a variable in radians. To convert degrees to radians: $rad = angle_parse($deg . "d")$rad = angle_parse($ang); angle_quadrantReturns the index of the quadrant which contains $angle. $angle is in radians.$q = angle_quadrant($angle); @syms = qw(I II III IV); print "angle is in quadrant: $syms[$q]\n"; collinear$fact = collinear(\@pt1, \@pt2, \@pt3); triangle_anglesCalculates the angles of a triangle based on it's lengths.@angles = triangle_angles(@lengths); The order of the returned angle will be "the angle before the edge". stringifyTurns point into a string rounded according to $rnd. The optional $count allows you to specify how many coordinates to use.$string = stringify(\@pt, $rnd, $count); stringify_lineTurns a line (or polyline) into a string. See stringify().stringify_line(\@line, $char, $rnd, $count); pol_to_cartConvert from polar to cartesian coordinates.my ($x, $y, $z) = pol_to_cart($radius, $theta, $z); cart_to_polConvert from polar to cartesian coordinates.my ($radius, $theta, $z) = cart_to_pol($x, $y, $z); print_lineprint_line(\@line, $message); point_avgAverages the x and y coordinates of a list of points.my ($x, $y) = point_avg(@points); arc_2ptGiven a pair of endpoints and an angle (in radians), returns an arc with center, radius, and start/end angles.my %arc = arc_2pt(\@pts, $angle);