NAMECAD::Drawing::IO::FlatYAML - Fast distributed YAML file methods.DESCRIPTIONThis module is a first attempt at creating a "reference implementation" of the specification for the first generation hub format of the uber-converter project. See http://ericwilhelm.homeip.net/uber-converter/ for more information about this specification.AUTHOREric L. Wilhelm <ewilhelm at cpan dot org>http://scratchcomputing.com COPYRIGHTThis module is copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Eric L. Wilhelm.LICENSEThis module is distributed under the same terms as Perl. See the Perl source package for details.You may use this software under one of the following licenses: (1) GNU General Public License (found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) (2) Artistic License (found at http://www.perl.com/pub/language/misc/Artistic.html) NO WARRANTYThis software is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. The author, his former employer, and any other contributors will in no way be held liable for any loss or damages resulting from its use.ModificationsThe source code of this module is made freely available and distributable under the GPL or Artistic License. Modifications to and use of this software must adhere to one of these licenses. Changes to the code should be noted as such and this notification (as well as the above copyright information) must remain intact on all copies of the code.Additionally, while the author is actively developing this code, notification of any intended changes or extensions would be most helpful in avoiding repeated work for all parties involved. Please contact the author with any such development plans. SEE ALSOCAD::Drawing CAD::Drawing::IO Requisite Plug-in FunctionsSee CAD::Drawing::IO for a description of the plug-in architecture.The command-line type specification for this module is 'ysplit'. check_typeReturns true if $type is "ysplit" or $filename is a directory (need a tag?)$fact = check_type($filename, $type); Load/Save MethodsConcept here is to strip data down to the absolute bare minumum in an effort to find a generic and extensible incarnation of same.saveSaves data into $toplevel_directory into a file for each id.save($drw, $toplevel_directory, \%options); Requires that the directory exists and is empty (?) Selective saves not yet supported. Needs a clear_all_like => $regex option. loadload($drw, $toplevel_directory, \%options); %options may include selective-load arguments Naming Functions_dir_list@list = _dir_list($dir); keymap_inRemaps keys (and possibly data) into the input version.($key, $value) = keymap_in($key, $value); keymap_outRemaps keys (and possibly data) into the output version.($key, $value) = keymap_out($key, $value); Inherited Methodsclear_flatymlRemoves items from the flat directory $dir.Defaults to removing all. $drw->clear_flatyml($dir, \%options);
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