CGI::Application::Server - a simple HTTP server for developing with
use CGI::Application::Server;
use MyCGIApp;
use MyCGIApp::Admin;
use MyCGI::App::Account::Dispatch;
use MyCGIApp::DefaultApp;
my $server = CGI::Application::Server->new();
# this CGI::Application object will stay persistent, might not be safe to use
# in this way - your mileage may vary
my $object = MyOtherCGIApp->new(PARAMS => { foo => 1, bar => 2 });
'/' => 'MyCGIApp::DefaultApp',
'/index.cgi' => 'MyCGIApp',
'/admin' => 'MyCGIApp::Admin',
'/account' => 'MyCGIApp::Account::Dispatch',
'/users' => $object,
'/static' => '/usr/local/htdocs',
This is a simple HTTP server for for use during development with
CGI::Application. At this moment, it serves our needs in a very basic way. The
plan is to release early and release often, and add features when we need
them. That said, we welcome any and all patches, tests and feature requests
(the ones with which are accompanied by failing tests will get priority).
This acts just like "new" for
HTTP::Server::Simple, except it will initialize instance slots that we use.
This will check the request uri and dispatch appropriately, either to an entry
point, or serve a static file (html, jpeg, gif, etc).
This accepts a HASH reference in $entry_points, which
maps server entry points (uri) to CGI::Application or
CGI::Application::Dispatch class names or objects or to directories from which
static content will be served by HTTP::Server::Simple::Static. See the
SYNOPSIS above for examples.
This attempts to match the $uri to an entry point.
This is the server's document root where all static files will be served from.
This is a subclass of HTTP::Server::Simple and all of its caveats apply here as
The HTTP response handling was shamelessly stolen from HTTP::Request::AsCGI by
- Stevan Little <>
- Rob Kinyon <>
- Ricardo SIGNES <>
This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.