NAMECGI::Push - Simple Interface to Server PushSYNOPSISuse strict; use warnings; use CGI::Push qw(:standard); do_push( -next_page => \&next_page, -last_page => \&last_page, -delay => 0.5 ); sub next_page { my($q,$counter) = @_; return undef if $counter >= 10; .... } sub last_page { my($q,$counter) = @_; return ... } DESCRIPTIONCGI::Push is a subclass of the CGI object created by CGI.pm. It is specialized for server push operations, which allow you to create animated pages whose content changes at regular intervals.You provide CGI::Push with a pointer to a subroutine that will draw one page. Every time your subroutine is called, it generates a new page. The contents of the page will be transmitted to the browser in such a way that it will replace what was there beforehand. The technique will work with HTML pages as well as with graphics files, allowing you to create animated GIFs. Only Netscape Navigator supports server push. Internet Explorer browsers do not. USING CGI::PushCGI::Push adds one new method to the standard CGI suite, do_push(). When you call this method, you pass it a reference to a subroutine that is responsible for drawing each new page, an interval delay, and an optional subroutine for drawing the last page. Other optional parameters include most of those recognized by the CGI header() method.You may call do_push() in the object oriented manner or not, as you prefer: use CGI::Push; $q = CGI::Push->new; $q->do_push(-next_page=>\&draw_a_page); -or- use CGI::Push qw(:standard); do_push(-next_page=>\&draw_a_page); Parameters are as follows:
Heterogeneous PagesOrdinarily all pages displayed by CGI::Push share a common MIME type. However by providing a value of "heterogeneous" or "dynamic" in the do_push() -type parameter, you can specify the MIME type of each page on a case-by-case basis.If you use this option, you will be responsible for producing the HTTP header for each page. Simply modify your draw routine to look like this: sub my_draw_routine { my($q,$counter) = @_; return header('text/html'), # note we're producing the header here .... } You can add any header fields that you like, but some (cookies and status fields included) may not be interpreted by the browser. One interesting effect is to display a series of pages, then, after the last page, to redirect the browser to a new URL. Because redirect() does b<not> work, the easiest way is with a -refresh header field, as shown below: sub my_draw_routine { my($q,$counter) = @_; return undef if $counter > 10; return header('text/html'), # note we're producing the header here ... } sub my_last_page { return header(-refresh=>'5; URL=http://somewhere.else/finished.html', -type=>'text/html'), ... } Changing the Page Delay on the FlyIf you would like to control the delay between pages on a page-by-page basis, call push_delay() from within your draw routine. push_delay() takes a single numeric argument representing the number of seconds you wish to delay after the current page is displayed and before displaying the next one. The delay may be fractional. Without parameters, push_delay() just returns the current delay.INSTALLING CGI::Push SCRIPTSServer push scripts must be installed as no-parsed-header (NPH) scripts in order to work correctly on many servers. On Unix systems, this is most often accomplished by prefixing the script's name with "nph-". Recognition of NPH scripts happens automatically with WebSTAR and Microsoft IIS. Users of other servers should see their documentation for help.Apache web server from version 1.3b2 on does not need server push scripts installed as NPH scripts: the -nph parameter to do_push() may be set to a false value to disable the extra headers needed by an NPH script. AUTHOR INFORMATIONThe CGI.pm distribution is copyright 1995-2007, Lincoln D. Stein. It is distributed under the Artistic License 2.0. It is currently maintained by Lee Johnson with help from many contributors.Address bug reports and comments to: https://github.com/leejo/CGI.pm/issues The original bug tracker can be found at: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Queue=CGI.pm When sending bug reports, please provide the version of CGI.pm, the version of Perl, the name and version of your Web server, and the name and version of the operating system you are using. If the problem is even remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the affected browsers as well. Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved. BUGSThis section intentionally left blank.SEE ALSOCGI::Carp, CGI
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