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CGI::Response(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
CGI::Response(3) |
CGI::Response - Respond to CGI requests
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print ContentType;
print "<html><head>\n"; # .....
use CGI::Response;
$response = new CGI::Response;
print $response->as_string;
print "<html><head>\n"; # .....
CGI::Response is a Perl5 module for constructing responses to Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) requests. It is designed to be light-weight and
efficient for the most common tasks, and also to provide access to all HTTP
response features for more advanced CGI applications.
There are two ways to use CGI::Response. For basic applications,
the Simple Interface provides a number of plain functions that cover
the most commonly-used CGI response headers. More advanced applications may
employ the Full Interface object methods to access any HTTP header,
or to add experimental or non-standard headers. Both interfaces try to
generate reasonable defaults whenever possible.
For efficiency, just the Simple Interface functions are compiled
on start-up. Full Interface methods are compiled only when they are called.
This helps to make CGI::Response usable in a variety of applications. [See
SelfLoader for more information.]
The Simple Interface methods are not exported by default. In order to use
them, you must import them explicitly. You can import all of the methods at
once by saying:
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
Or, you can import just one function by listing it by name, as
use CGI::Response qw(ContentType);
Only one Simple Interface function should be called in a response,
since all of these functions terminate the response header (that is, send
the blank line denoting the end of the header) immediately upon execution.
If you need to use a combination of headers not provided by the Simple
Interface, use the Full Interface instead.
All of the Simple Interface functions force a flush on the
currently-selected output channel (that is, they set
"$| = 1"). This is done to prevent a
common probelm in CGI scripts, where a
"system()" or
"exec()" call causes output before the
response header, and generates a server error. If you do not want
"$| = 1", you should either set it back to
0 after using the Simple Interface, or you should employ the Full Interface,
which does not have this side effect.
For reference, below is a list of the headers sent by each
function, and the default header values, if any. Arguments are listed in the
order they should appear. Square brackets ([]) indicate optional arguments;
angled brackets (<>) indicate required arguments.
Function Argument(s) Header(s) Default(s)
-------- ----------- --------- ----------
&ContentType [content-type] Content-Type text/html
&Redirect <Location/URI> Location [none]
[permanent?] URI [none]
Content-Type text/html
Status 302 Moved Temporarily
&NoCache [content-type] Content-Type text/html
Pragma no-cache
Expires [now]
&NoContent Status 204 No Content
Each of these functions is documented more completely below, and
examples for each are provided.
- &ContentType
- This is the most commonly-used function. It identifies the Internet Media
Type of the entity that follows. If you call it without an argument, it
will send "text/html" as the
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &ContentType; # defaults to text/html
Otherwise, you can specify some other content-type:
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &ContentType('image/gif');
This function should be called as early as possible to prevent
server errors (see the note on $| above).
- &Redirect
- A redirect causes the user-agent to make a follow-up request for some
other resource. Some user-agents will be better than others at complying
with a redirect, so this function tries to be as explicit as possible.
You are required to give one argument, specifying the URL
which the user-agent should request. A second argument is accepted as a
Boolean value -- if any second argument is present, the browser will be
told that the requested resource has moved permanently to a new URL
(that is, future requests for the document should be to the new URL, not
to the one which was first requested).
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &Redirect('http://www.company.com/', 'permanent');
# this resource has moved permanently, status 301
If no second argument is given, the redirect will be specified
as temporary.
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &Redirect('http://www.company.com/');
# this resource has moved temporarily, status 302
A brief HTML page is output after the header so that users
whose user-agents fail to recognize the redirect will get an informative
message with a link to the redirect. Use the Full Interface to supply
some other page or none at all.
- &NoCache
- This function tries to inform user-agents and proxy servers that the
included resource should not be cached. It does so by sending both an
"Expires" header, set for immediate
expiration, and a "Pragma:
no-cache" header, which older user-agents and
servers might not recognize.
Preventing caching is important to CGI applications which
produce output based on some factor of the request (such as which
user-agent made the request). For instance, a shopping-basket
application would not want to allow caching of an order information
page, which may contain user-specific information.
It must be noted, however, that caches prevent excess network
load and cache-friendly applications are always preferable to use of the
&NoCache function. This function should only be used when there is
no other alternative.
&NoCache takes one optional argument, the content-type of
the entity to follow. Therefore, its call is nearly identical to the
&ContentType function, and the two functions may be interchanged
easily. As with &ContentType, if you call &NoCache without an
argument, it will send "text/html" as
the content-type.
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &NoCache; # defaults to text/html
Otherwise, you can specify some other content-type:
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &NoCache('image/gif');
As noted earlier, this function should be called as early as
possible to prevent server errors (see the note on
$| above).
- &NoContent
- &NoContent allows a script to accept input without changing the
current page in the user-agent's view. This may be useful for a successful
form input that requires no response, or for an imagemap click that does
not have a defined link.
A No Content response does not reset form fields after
submission. HTTP/1.1 will include a "205 Reset
Document" status for this purpose, and a future version of
this module will provide a &Reset function to support this
This function sends only one header,
"Status: 204 No Content", and it takes
no arguments.
use CGI::Response qw(:Simple);
print &NoContent;
The Full Interface is still under development and is not currently documented.
CGI::Base(3pm), CGI::BasePlus(3pm), CGI::Request(3pm),
CGI::Lite(3pm), CGI(3pm), CGI::Form(3pm),
LWP(3pm), SelfLoader(3pm)
Please note that future versions are not guaranteed to be backwards-compatible
with this version. The interface will be frozen at version 0.1 (first beta
Version: 0.03 (alpha release)
Release date: 02 December 1995
Marc Hedlund <hedlund@best.com>
Copyright 1995, All rights reserved
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