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CPAN::SQLite::Info(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation CPAN::SQLite::Info(3)

CPAN::SQLite::Info - extract information from CPAN indices

This module extracts information from the CPAN indices $CPAN/modules/, $CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz, and $CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz.

A "CPAN::SQLite::Info" object is created with

    my $info = CPAN::SQLite::Info->new(CPAN => $cpan);

where $cpan specifies the top-level CPAN directory underneath which the index files are found. Calling


will result in the object being populated with 3 hash references:


This contains information on distributions. Keys of this hash reference are the distribution names, with the associated value being a hash reference with keys of

"dist_vers" - the version of the CPAN file
"dist_file" - the CPAN filename
"cpanid" - the CPAN author id
"dist_abs" - a description, if available
"modules" - specifies the modules present in the distribution:
  for my $module (keys %{$info->{$distname}->{modules}}) {
    print "Module: $module\n";
"chapterid" - specifies the chapterid and the subchapter for the distribution:
  for my $id (keys %{$info->{$distname}->{chapterid}}) {
    print "For chapterid $id\n";
    for my $sc (keys %{$info->{$distname}->{chapterid}->{$id}}) {
      print "   Subchapter: $sc\n";

This contains information on modules. Keys of this hash reference are the module names, with the associated values being a hash reference with keys of

"dist_name" - the distribution name containing the module
"mod_vers" - the version
"mod_abs" - a description, if available
"chapterid" - the chapter id of the module, if present
"dslip" - a 5 character string specifying the dslip (development, support, language, interface, public licence) information.

This contains information on CPAN authors. Keys of this hash reference are the CPAN ids, with the associated value being a hash reference with keys of

"fullname" - the author's full name
"email" - the author's email address

2009-12-29 perl v5.32.1

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