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NAMECPAN::YACSmoke - Yet Another CPAN Smoke TesterSYNOPSISperl -MCPAN::YACSmoke -e test DESCRIPTIONThis module uses the backend of CPANPLUS to run tests on modules recently uploaded to CPAN and post results to the CPAN Testers list.It will create a database file in the .cpanplus directory, which it uses to track tested distributions. This information will be used to keep from posting multiple reports for the same module, and to keep from testing modules that use non-passing modules as prerequisites. If it is given multiple versions of the same distribution to test, it will test the most recent version only. If that version fails, then it will test a previous version. By default it uses CPANPLUS configuration settings. OBJECT INTERFACE
PROCEDURAL INTERFACEEXPORTSThe following routines are exported by default. They are intended to be called from the command-line, though they could be used from a script.
PLUGINSTo know which distributions to test, the packages needs to access a list of distributions that have been recently uploaded to CPAN. There are currently four plugins which can enable this:RecentThe Recent plugin downloads the RECENT file from CPAN, and returns the list of recently added modules, by diff-ing from the previously downloaded version.Pass through configuration settings: %config = { list_from => 'Recent', recent_list_age => '', recent_list_path => '.' }; Writing A PluginFor an example, see one of the above plugins.The constructor, new(), is passed a hash of the configuration settings. The setting 'smoke' is an object reference to YACSmoke. Be sure to save the configuration settings your plugin requires in the constructor. The single instance method used by YACSmoke is download_list(). This should return a simple list of the distributions available for testing. Note that if a parameter value of 1 is passed to download_list(), this indicates that a test run is in progress, otherwise only a query on the outstanding list is being made. CAVEATSThis is a proto-type release. Use with caution and supervision.The current version has a very primitive interface and limited functionality. Future versions may have a lot of options. There is always a risk associated with automatically downloading and testing code from CPAN, which could turn out to be malicious or severely buggy. Do not run this on a critical machine. This module uses the backend of CPANPLUS to do most of the work, so is subject to any bugs of CPANPLUS. SUGGESTIONS AND BUG REPORTINGPlease submit suggestions and report bugs to the CPAN Bug Tracker at <http://rt.cpan.org>.SEE ALSOThe CPAN Testers Website at <http://testers.cpan.org> has information about the CPAN Testing Service.For additional information, see the documentation for these modules: CPANPLUS Test::Reporter AUTHORSRobert Rothenberg <rrwo at cpan.org>Barbie <barbie at cpan.org>, for Miss Barbell Productions, <http://www.missbarbell.co.uk> AcknowledgementsJos Boumans <kane at cpan.org> for writing CPANPLUS.Suggestions and Bug ReportingPlease submit suggestions and report bugs to the CPAN Bug Tracker at <http://rt.cpan.org>.COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2005 by Robert Rothenberg. All Rights Reserved.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.