NAMECSS::DOM::PropertyParser - Parser for CSS property valuesVERSIONVersion 0.17SYNOPSISuse CSS::DOM::PropertyParser; $spec = new CSS::DOM::PropertyParser; # empty # OR $spec = $CSS::DOM::PropertyParser::Default->clone; $spec->add_property( overflow => { format => 'visible|hidden|scroll|auto', default => 'visible', inherit => 0, } ); $hashref = $spec->get_property('overflow'); $hashref = $spec->delete_property('overflow'); @names = $spec->property_names; DESCRIPTIONObjects of this class provide lists of supported properties for CSS::DOM style sheets. They also describe the syntax and parsing of those properties' values.Some CSS properties simply have their own values (e.g., overflow); some are abbreviated forms of several other properties (e.g., font). These are referred to in this documentation as 'simple' and 'shorthand' properties. CONSTRUCTOR"$spec = new CSS::DOM::PropertyParser" returns an object that does not recognise any properties, to which you can add your own properties.There are two parser objects that come with this module. These are $CSS::DOM::PropertyParser::CSS21, which contains all of CSS 2.1, and $CSS::DOM::PropertyParser::Default, which is currently identical to the former, but to which parts of CSS 3 which eventually be added. If one of the default specs will do, you don't need a constructor. Simply pass it to the CSS::DOM constructor. If you want to modify it, clone it first, using the "clone" method (as shown in the "SYNOPSIS"). It is often convenient to clone the $Default spec and delete those properties that are not supported. METHODS
HOW INDIVIDUAL PROPERTIES ARE SPECIFIEDBefore you read this the first time, look at the "Example" below, and then come back and use this for reference.The specification for an individual property is a hash ref. There are several keys that each hash ref can have:
Exampleour $CSS21 = new CSS::DOM::PropertyParser; my %properties = ( azimuth => { format => '<angle> | [ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-inside ] || behind | leftwards | rightwards', default => '0', inherit => 1, }, 'background-attachment' => { format => 'scroll | fixed', default => 'scroll', inherit => 0, }, 'background-color' => { format => '<colour>', default => 'transparent', inherit => 0, }, 'background-image' => { format => '<url> | none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'background-position' => { format => '[<percentage>|<length>|left|right] [<percentage>|<length>|top|center|bottom]? | [top|bottom] [left|center|right]? | center [<percentage>|<length>|left|right|top|bottom| center]?', default => '0% 0%', inherit => 0, }, 'background-repeat' => { format => 'repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat', default => 'repeat', inherit => 0, }, background => { format => "'background-color' || 'background-image' || 'background-repeat' || 'background-attachment' || 'background-position'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position /) { length $p->{$_} and $ret .= "$p->{$_} "; } chop $ret; length $ret ? $ret : 'none' }, }, 'border-collapse' => { format => 'collapse | separate', inherit => 1, default => 'separate', }, 'border-color' => { format => '(<colour>)[(<colour>)[(<colour>)(<colour>)?]?]?', properties => { 'border-top-color' => [1], 'border-right-color' => [2,1], 'border-bottom-color' => [3,1], 'border-left-color' => [4,2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = map $p->{"border-$_-color"}, qw/top right bottom left/; $vals[3] eq $vals[1] and pop @vals, $vals[2] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals, $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", @vals; }, }, 'border-spacing' => { format => '<length> <length>?', default => '0', inherit => 1, }, 'border-style' => { format => "(none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset) [ (none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove| ridge|inset|outset) [ (none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove| ridge|inset|outset) (none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove| ridge|inset|outset)? ]? ]?", properties => { 'border-top-style' => [1], 'border-right-style' => [2,1], 'border-bottom-style' => [3,1], 'border-left-style' => [4,2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = map $p->{"border-$_-style"}, qw/top right bottom left/; $vals[3] eq $vals[1] and pop @vals, $vals[2] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals, $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", map $_||'none', @vals; }, }, 'border-top' => { format => "'border-top-width' || 'border-top-style' || 'border-top-color'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ width style color /) { length $p->{"border-top-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"border-top-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; $ret }, }, 'border-right' => { format => "'border-right-width' || 'border-right-style' || 'border-right-color'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ width style color /) { length $p->{"border-right-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"border-right-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; $ret }, }, 'border-bottom' => { format => "'border-bottom-width' || 'border-bottom-style' || 'border-bottom-color'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ width style color /) { length $p->{"border-bottom-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"border-bottom-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; $ret }, }, 'border-left' => { format => "'border-left-width' || 'border-left-style' || 'border-left-color'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ width style color /) { length $p->{"border-left-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"border-left-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; $ret }, }, 'border-top-color' => { format => '<colour>', default => "", inherit => 0, }, 'border-right-color' => { format => '<colour>', default => "", inherit => 0, }, 'border-bottom-color' => { format => '<colour>', default => "", inherit => 0, }, 'border-left-color' => { format => '<colour>', default => "", inherit => 0, }, 'border-top-style' => { format => 'none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'border-right-style' => { format => 'none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'border-bottom-style' => { format => 'none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'border-left-style' => { format => 'none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'border-top-width' => { format => '<length>|thin|thick|medium', default => 'medium', inherit => 0, }, 'border-right-width' => { format => '<length>|thin|thick|medium', default => 'medium', inherit => 0, }, 'border-bottom-width' => { format => '<length>|thin|thick|medium', default => 'medium', inherit => 0, }, 'border-left-width' => { format => '<length>|thin|thick|medium', default => 'medium', inherit => 0, }, 'border-width' => { format => "(<length>|thin|thick|medium) [ (<length>|thin|thick|medium) [ (<length>|thin|thick|medium) (<length>|thin|thick|medium)? ]? ]?", properties => { 'border-top-width' => [1], 'border-right-width' => [2,1], 'border-bottom-width' => [3,1], 'border-left-width' => [4,2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = map $p->{"border-$_-width"}, qw/top right bottom left/; $vals[3] eq $vals[1] and pop @vals, $vals[2] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals, $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", map length $_ ? $_ : 'medium', @vals; }, }, border => { format => "(<length>|thin|thick|medium) || (none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset) || (<colour>)", properties => { 'border-top-width' => [1], 'border-right-width' => [1], 'border-bottom-width' => [1], 'border-left-width' => [1], 'border-top-style' => [2], 'border-right-style' => [2], 'border-bottom-style' => [2], 'border-left-style' => [2], 'border-top-color' => [3], 'border-right-color' => [3], 'border-bottom-color' => [3], 'border-left-color' => [3], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ width style color /) { my $temp = $p->{"border-top-$_"}; for my $side(qw/ right bottom left /) { $temp eq $p->{"border-$side-$_"} or return ""; } length $temp and $ret .= "$temp "; } chop $ret; $ret }, }, bottom => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'caption-side' => { format => 'top|bottom', default => 'top', inherit => 1, }, clear => { format => 'none|left|right|both', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, clip => { format => '<shape>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, color => { format => '<colour>', default => 'rgba(0,0,0,1)', inherit => 1, }, content => { format => '( normal|none|open-quote|close-quote|no-open-quote| no-close-quote|<string>|<url>|<counter>|<attr> )+', default => 'normal', inherit => 0, list => 1, }, 'counter-increment' => { format => '[(<identifier>) (<integer>)? ]+ | none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, list => 1, }, 'counter-reset' => { format => '[(<identifier>) (<integer>)? ]+ | none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, list => 1, }, 'cue-after' => { format => '<url>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'cue-before' => { format => '<url>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, cue =>{ format => '(<url>|none) (<url>|none)?', properties => { 'cue-before' => [1], 'cue-after' => [2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = @$p{"cue-before", "cue-after"}; $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", map length $_ ? $_ : 'none', @vals; }, }, cursor => { format => '[(<url>) ,]* (auto|crosshair|default|pointer|move|e-resize| ne-resize|nw-resize|n-resize|se-resize|sw-resize| s-resize|w-resize|text|wait|help|progress)', default => 'auto', inherit => 1, list => 1, }, direction => { format => 'ltr|rtl', default => 'ltr', inherit => 1, }, display => { format => 'inline|block|list-item|run-in|inline-block|table| inline-table|table-row-group|table-header-group| table-footer-group|table-row|table-column-group| table-column|table-cell|table-caption|none', default => 'inline', inherit => 0, }, elevation => { format => '<angle>|below|level|above|higher|lower', default => '0', inherit => 1, }, 'empty-cells' => { format => 'show|hide', default => 'show', inherit => 1, }, float => { format => 'left|right|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'font-family' => { # aka typeface format => '(serif|sans-serif|cursive|fantasy|monospace| <str/words>) [,(serif|sans-serif|cursive|fantasy|monospace| <str/words>)]*', default => 'Times, serif', inherit => 1, list => 1, }, 'font-size' => { format => 'xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large| larger|smaller|<length>|<percentage>', default => 'medium', inherit => 1, }, 'font-style' => { format => 'normal|italic|oblique', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, 'font-variant' => { format => 'normal | small-caps', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, 'font-weight' => { format => 'normal|bold|bolder|lighter| 100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, font => { format => "[ 'font-style' || 'font-variant' || 'font-weight' ]? 'font-size' [ / 'line-height' ]? 'font-family'", special_values => { caption => '13px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', icon => '13px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', menu => '13px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'message-box' => '13px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'small-caption' => '11px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'status-bar' => '10px Lucida Grande, sans-serif', }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ style variant weight /) { length $p->{"font-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"font-$_"}." "; } $ret .= length $p->{'font-size'} ? $p->{'font-size'} : 'medium'; $ret .= "/$p->{'line-height'}" if length $p->{'line-height'}; $ret .= " " . ($p->{'font-family'} || "Times, serif"); $ret }, }, height => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, left => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'letter-spacing' => { # aka tracking format => 'normal|<length>', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, 'line-height' => { # aka leading format => 'normal|<number>|<length>|<percentage>', default => "normal", inherit => 1, }, 'list-style-image' => { format => '<url>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 1, }, 'list-style-position' => { format => 'inside|outside', default => 'outside', inherit => 1, }, 'list-style-type' => { format => 'disc|circle|square|decimal|decimal-leading-zero| lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-greek|lower-latin| upper-latin|armenian|georgian|lower-alpha| upper-alpha', default => 'disc', inherit => 1, }, 'list-style' => { format => "'list-style-type'||'list-style-position'|| 'list-style-image'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ type position image /) { $p->{"list-style-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"list-style-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; $ret || 'disc' }, }, 'margin-right' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => '0', inherit => 0, }, 'margin-left' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => '0', inherit => 0, }, 'margin-top' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => '0', inherit => 0, }, 'margin-bottom' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => '0', inherit => 0, }, margin => { format => "(<length>|<percentage>|auto) [ (<length>|<percentage>|auto) [ (<length>|<percentage>|auto) (<length>|<percentage>|auto)? ]? ]?", properties => { 'margin-top' => [1], 'margin-right' => [2,1], 'margin-bottom' => [3,1], 'margin-left' => [4,2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = map $p->{"margin-$_"}, qw/top right bottom left/; $vals[3] eq $vals[1] and pop @vals, $vals[2] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals, $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", map $_ || 0, @vals; }, }, 'max-height' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'max-width' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'min-height' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'min-width' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|none', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, orphans => { format => '<integer>', default => 2, inherit => 1, }, 'outline-color' => { format => '<colour>|invert', default => 'invert', inherit => 0, }, 'outline-style' => { format => 'none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge| inset|outset', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'outline-width' => { format => '<length>|thin|thick|medium', default => 'medium', inherit => 0, }, outline => { format => "'outline-color'||'outline-style'||'outline-width'", serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my $ret = ''; for(qw/ color style width /) { length $p->{"outline-$_"} and $ret .= $p->{"outline-$_"}." "; } chop $ret; length $ret ? $ret : 'invert'; }, }, overflow => { format => 'visible|hidden|scroll|auto', default => 'visible', inherit => 0, }, 'padding-top' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, 'padding-right' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, 'padding-bottom' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, 'padding-left' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, padding => { format => "(<length>|<percentage>) [ (<length>|<percentage>) [ (<length>|<percentage>) (<length>|<percentage>)? ]? ]?", properties => { 'padding-top' => [1], 'padding-right' => [2,1], 'padding-bottom' => [3,1], 'padding-left' => [4,2,1], }, serialise => sub { my $p = shift; my @vals = map $p->{"padding-$_"}, qw/top right bottom left/; $vals[3] eq $vals[1] and pop @vals, $vals[2] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals, $vals[1] eq $vals[0] and pop @vals; return join " ", map $_ || 0, @vals; }, }, 'page-break-after' => { format => 'auto|always|avoid|left|right', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'page-break-before' => { format => 'auto|always|avoid|left|right', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'page-break-inside' => { format => 'avoid|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 1, }, 'pause-after' => { format => '<time>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, 'pause-before' => { format => '<time>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 0, }, pause => { format => '(<time>|<percentage>)(<time>|<percentage>)?', properties => { 'pause-before' => [1], 'pause-after' => [2,1], } }, 'pitch-range' => { format => '<number>', default => 50, inherit => 1, }, pitch => { format => '<frequency>|x-low|low|medium|high|x-high', default => 'medium', inherit => 1, }, 'play-during' => { format => '<url> [ mix || repeat ]? | auto | none', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, position => { format => 'static|relative|absolute|fixed', default => 'relative', inherit => 0, }, quotes => { format => '[(<string>)(<string>)]+|none', default => 'none', inherit => 1, list => 1, }, richness => { format => '<number>', default => 50, inherit => 1, }, right => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'speak-header' => { format => 'once|always', default => 'once', inherit => 1, }, 'speak-numeral' => { format => 'digits|continuous', default => 'continuous', inherit => 1, }, 'speak-punctuation' => { format => 'code|none', default => 'none', inherit => 1, }, speak => { format => 'normal|none|spell-out', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, 'speech-rate' => { format => '<number>|x-slow|slow|medium|fast|x-fast|faster|slower', default => 'medium', inherit => 1, }, stress => { format => '<number>', default => 50, inherit => 1, }, 'table-layout' => { format => 'auto|fixed', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'text-align' => { format => 'left|right|center|justify|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 1, }, 'text-decoration' => { format => 'none | underline||overline||line-through||blink ', default => 'none', inherit => 0, }, 'text-indent' => { format => '<length>|<percentage>', default => 0, inherit => 1, }, 'text-transform' => { format => 'capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|none', default => 'none', inherit => 1, }, top => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'unicode-bidi' => { format => 'normal|embed|bidi-override', default => 'normal', inherit => 0, }, 'vertical-align' => { format => 'baseline|sub|super|top|text-top|middle|bottom| text-bottom|<percentage>|<length>', default => 'baseline', inherit => 0, }, visibility => { format => 'visible|hidden|collapse', default => 'visible', inherit => 1, }, 'voice-family' => { format => '(male|female|child|<str/words>) [, (male|female|child|<str/words>) ]*', default => '', inherit => 1, list => 1, }, volume => { format => '<number>|<percentage>|silent|x-soft|soft|medium|loud| x-loud', default => 'medium', inherit => 1, }, 'white-space' => { format => 'normal|pre|nowrap|pre-wrap|pre-line', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, widows => { format => '<integer>', default => 2, inherit => 1, }, width => { format => '<length>|<percentage>|auto', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, 'word-spacing' => { format => 'normal|<length>', default => 'normal', inherit => 1, }, 'z-index' => { format => 'auto|<integer>', default => 'auto', inherit => 0, }, ); $CSS21->add_property( $_ => $properties{$_} ) for keys %properties; SEE ALSOCSS::DOM
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