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Catalyst::Enzyme(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Catalyst::Enzyme(3)

Catalyst::Enzyme - CRUD framework for Catalyst

    #Create app
    catalyst BookShelf
    cd BookShelf

    #Create View
    script\ view TT Enzyme::TT

    #Create database
    ... left as an exercise for the reader (actually, see the tutorial) ...

    #Create Models for all tables
    script\ model BookShelfDB Enzyme::CDBI dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/bookshelf.db

    #Create Controller
    script\ controller Book Enzyme::CRUD BookShelfDB::Book

Browse to http://localhost:3000/book and see what it looks like without any configuration.

See the "DEMO APPLICATION" below for a ready-to-run example of the BookDB.

See the "TUTORIAL" below for a detailed example of how to create an application from the BookDB schema.

Catalyst::Enzyme is a layer on top of the Catalyst framework providing CRUD functionality for Class::DBI models.

Enzyme uses convention and configuration to provide e.g. extensible CRUD out-of-the-box, and a common way of dealing with error handling etc.

It's not completely unlike Maypole in this regard. However, at this point Enzyme isn't as feature-rich as Maypole.

Enzyme is one way of bringing many Catalyst modules and concepts together into a unified whole. There are other ways to do this (obviously. This is, like... uh, Perl).

First, look at these docs, and do the "TUTORIAL".

Then look at "Further Documentation".

Enzyme came about when I created Scaffolding CRUD code for some tables. There was much duplication, both in Controllers and in templates.

So I refactored.

The templates duplication resulted in Catalyst::View::TT::ControllerLocal, which allows you to override templates or template fragments by placing them in a directory specific to the Controller.

The Controller code duplication resulted in the class Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Controller. This has since grown significantly and now includes more robust CRUD behaviour, uniform presentation of status and messages to the user.

Your application uses Class::DBI based model classes.

You want CRUD functionality, either as part of your application (perhaps as a mangagement interface for internal use), or just to get started with something.

You are willing to read and understand the source (both code and templates) in order to modify them. While Enzyme can get you started faster and with less code, you need to make this your own framework. Change it, adapt it to your needs.

At the bottom is a database table.

On top of the table there is a Catalyst Class::DBI Model class (which also inherits from Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Model). The Model class provides some meta data so Enzyme can display the Model objects properly.

For each Model class there is a CRUD Controller class (based on Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Controller providing actions for create, edit, etc.

There is a set of default TT templates to display the Model objects. You can override templates per Controller.

There are helpers provided for creating these components. In most cases you'll have to provide some meta data for the table.

Refactoring meant moving details out of templates and into general components. Sometimes this involved moving meta data out of the application.

This information must be provided somehow, and the best we can do (if it can't be figured out automatically) is to put it in one place. This is done in the Model class' config->{crud} hash ref.

(Granted, some configurations are View related and really should be in the View (i.e.the template?), but I don't see a way to do that right now.)

See Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Model for details on what parameters you should set for each Model class.

Add new actions for new behaviour: Look at the existing ones.

Change existing actions: Copy-paste from the base class, then refactor.

Disable actions.

Enzyme uses Catalyst::View::TT::ControlleraLocal, so templates are overridden per Controller directory.

Change layout from the off-the-shelf look: Edit templates in ./base/

Change layout per class: Copy template in ./base/ and put it in ./YOURCLASS/. Edit and refactor as needed.


css: .message



css: .error_text

$c->stash->{message}, $c->stash->{error}

css: .error_text


Enzyme will redirect (as opposed to forward) after any data modifying action (the do_* actions).

The reason for this is that there shouldn't be any destructive url lingering in the Location field in the browser (what happens if the user reloads the /book/do_delete/34 URL? It fails if course. Bad).

Each Controller has a Model class associated with it (available in the $c->stash->{crud}->{model_class}), along with the rest of the meta data you set up in the Model class.

The stash contents is set automatically in the "auto" action when the request comes in. This is the current Controller (and it's Model).

So long as you forward to CRUD actions in the same Controller, this is fine.

But if you for some reason would like to forward to a CRUD action in another controller, you need to tell Enzyme to switch to a new current Controller. If the original request was for "/genre/add_book" and you would like to forward to "/book/add", you would have to do this:


The templates use the "c.uri_for_controller('action')" helper method (from Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::View) to force the URIs to the current Controller.

Not supported at the moment. There are a few texts coming from the Controllers, but almost all text is in the templates.

Read up on the config for your Model classes: Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Model

Look through the templates in ./root/base and make sure you have a basic understanding of what they do.

Read the source of Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Controller to understand how you can use, adapt, and extend it. Or ignore it. You may have much better ways of doing things, or totally different needs for your application.

When you have created a new table, run the Model helper again, and it will create a Model class for the new table.

It will also generate Model classes for the existing tables, but with a .new extension. Just delete them.

When you want to install a new version of Catalyst::Enzyme, the thing most likely to break is the templates. That's natural, that's the part you most likely will have changed.

When that happens, re-generate the View, and merge any newly generated files with a .new suffix. If your files are in version control, the simplest thing may be to delete the templates, re-generate them and let the VCS help you merge them.

This is of course a slight annoyance, but I'll try to bundle template changes into one release instead of many small ones. Template changes are bound to happen less frequently over time as the feature-set of Catalyst::Enzyme becomes more stable.

Any template change will be noted in the "Changes" file.

There is a demo application at "t/tutorial/BookShelf" which you should be able to run with

    script\bookshelf_server -d

If the database doesn't work properly, you may need to re-create the SQLite database file "db/bookshelf.db". See the "TUTORIAL" for instructions on how to do that.

The demo is a CRUD setup (basically the tutorial), with some minor enhancments to borrow/return books, to give an example of how to grow an application.

Let's take the Catalyst example BookDB application and see what it looks like with only a CRUD layer on top of the database.

Note: this was done using Windows, so make sure you adapt the / vs \ to your filesystem conventions.

Browse to http://localhost:3000/ at regular intervals during the setup to see the current state of the application.

If you're gonna do this yourself, the simplest thing is probably to do it from the t/tutorial directory. That way the database create script will be in place.

Rename the existing "BookShelf" application directory to something else, open up a shell in "tutorial" and go ahead...

    catalyst BookShelf
    ... created files ...
    cd BookShelf

Run tests

    prove -Ilib t

Start server


Browsing to http://localhost:3000/ gets us the welcome screen.

Add DefaultEnd and FormValidator

    use Catalyst qw/-Debug Static::Simple DefaultEnd FormValidator/;

Remove the welcome message from the default action

    # Hello World
    $c->response->body( $c->welcome_message );

and replace it with


This url doesn't exist yet, but we'll create it soon (so don't restart the server just yet).

Note that the test "t/01app.t" will fail from now on. Figure out what:

    prove -Ilib -v t\01app.t

Ok, a redirect isn't "is_success". Since that test doesn't reflect what the application does anymore, you should probably change "t/01app.t" to this:

    use Test::More tests => 1;
    use_ok( Catalyst::Test, 'BookShelf' );
    ok(request("/")->is_redirect, "Redirect ok");

And the test pass again. That's nice.

    prove -Ilib t

    script\ view TT Enzyme::TT
    ... created files ...

This creates a special Enzyme TT View, standard templates in ./root/base/, as well as a css (named after your application) file in ./root/static/css/ .

The Enzyme TT View allows for overloading template fragments based on the Controller (e.g. BookShelf::Controller::Book). It also provides a few utility methods for the templates.

You'll probably want to modify the templates and the style sheet later on to alter the global look of the application.

You'll probably want to copy some standard templates from "./root/base/" to e.g. <./root/book/) and modify them in order to alter the web pages for only that part of the application.

The bookdb.sql file is available in the "t/tutorial/database" directory. It's probably a good idea to take a look at it to get an idea of what it provides.

    mkdir db
    dbish dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/bookshelf.db < ..\database\bookdb.sql

    script\ model BookShelfDB Enzyme::CDBI dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/bookshelf.db
    ... created files ...

This creates the main CDBI class BookShelfDB. At this point it may be practical to anchor the database file to the Catalyst home dir:

    dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . file(BookShelf->config->{home}, 'db/bookshelf.db'),

The helper also creates table classes for each table in the database.

While they work as it is, Enzyme could use some extra meta data about the Model classes.


Add Add Class::DBI configuration:

    __PACKAGE__->columns(Stringify => "title");

The helper created the "view_columns" and "list_columns" from the fields in the table. You're supposed to remove or change the order of the columns to fit your application (if you like it the way it is, just delete the lines altogether).

    #__PACKAGE__->columns(view_columns => qw/ author borrowed borrower format genre isbn pages publisher title year /);
    #__PACKAGE__->columns(list_columns => qw/ author borrowed borrower format genre isbn pages publisher title year /);

A third column group you can define here is "edit_columns" (if not, the "view_columns" is used for the add/edit as well).

For the Book Model, reorder the "view_columns", and remove a few columns from the "list_columns" to avoid clutter:

    __PACKAGE__->columns(list_columns => qw/ title author genre borrower borrowed format isbn /);
    __PACKAGE__->columns(view_columns => __PACKAGE__->columns("list_columns"), "publisher");

Add crud configuration:


        crud => {
            moniker => "Book",
            column_monikers => { __PACKAGE__->default_column_monikers, isbn => "ISBN" },
            rows_per_page => 10,
            data_form_validator => {
                optional => [ __PACKAGE__->columns ],
                required => [ qw/ title format genre /],
                constraint_methods => {
                    isbn => { name => "fv_isbn", constraint => qr/^[\d-]+$/ },
                missing_optional_valid => 1,
                msgs => {
                    format => '%s',
                    constraints => {
                        fv_isbn => "Not an ISBN number",

A few things to note:

            moniker => "Book",

The "Moniker" is optional and would have defaulted to Book anyway. But that's how to do it.

            column_monikers => { __PACKAGE__->default_column_monikers, isbn => "ISBN" },

The column_monikers is optional, and except for the ISBN, this was also unnecessary. But since we had to override it, we had to start with the deafult column monikers.

            rows_per_page => 10,

The rows_per_page controls paging when listing the Books. The deafult is 20 rows, but Books take a little more vertical space, so we'll go with 10. Actually, if you'd like to see the paging feature right away, set it to 3. Or you could just add a few books...

(Yes, this should really be a View configuration somehow.)

            data_form_validator => {
                optional => [ __PACKAGE__->columns ],
                required => [ qw/ title format genre /],
                constraint_methods => {
                    isbn => { name => "fv_isbn", constraint => qr/^[\d-]+$/ },
                missing_optional_valid => 1,
                msgs => {
                    format => '%s',
                    constraints => {
                        fv_isbn => "Not an ISBN number",

This chunk is passed to Data::FormValidator, so you should familiarize yourself with that module at some point. The default form validator config makes all columns optional.

                missing_optional_valid => 1,

This should always be in your dfv config, otherwise updates with empty values will not work.

Read more about the configuration values in Catalyst::Enzyme::CRUD::Model.

There are other model classes, but let's just finish the table "book" by adding a CRUD controller.

    script\ controller Book Enzyme::CRUD BookShelfDB::Book
    ... created files ...

The most important thing to note in the created BookShelf\Controller\ is the sub where the Model file is specified:

    sub model_class {

Now we finally have all the required components in place to take a look at the Book table. But why not run the tests again.

    prove -Ilib t

All test should pass (and they don't really do much anyway, but at least the Controller tests make a request to the default action).

Run the server:


When you surf around at <http://localhost:3000/book> and check out all the books you may notice that Borrower is a number, and so is Genre. That's because we haven't configured the other Models with a Stringify column yet.

When you add new Books, note how the "title" is mandatory. See what happens if you omit it.

Also note how the ISBN number is optional, but if there is anything entered, it must abide by the constraint. (I have no idea whether that's actually a proper constraint for ISBN numbers).

If you set the rows_per_page to 3, you should see the paging in action. If not, add a few books.

Edit the root/base/ and add this inside the content div so we can jump between the tables:

    <a href="/book">Book</a> |
    <a href="/borrower">Borrower</a> |
    <a href="/genre">Genre</a> |
    <a href="/format">Format</a>
    <br />

    use Data::FormValidator::Constraints qw(:regexp_common);
    __PACKAGE__->columns(Stringify=> qw/name/);
        crud => {
            data_form_validator => {
                optional => [ __PACKAGE__->columns ],
                required => [ "name" ],
                constraint_methods => {
                    url => FV_URI(),
                    email => Data::FormValidator::Constraints::email(),
                missing_optional_valid => 1,
                msgs => {
                    format => '%s',
                    constraints => {
                        FV_URI => "Not a URL",
                        email => "Not an email",

A few notes:

The normal way to import the default FormValidator::Constraints would be

    use Data::FormValidator::Constraints qw(:regexp_common :closures);

and the ":closures" group imports subs like "email" and "phone" into this namespace. But... since this is our model class, there is already field accessors by that names in our symbol table, and that will clash. Hence the use of "Data::FormValidator::Constraints::email" in the config.

    __PACKAGE__->columns(Stringify=> qw/name/);

Thanks to the Stringify, the Borrower now displays as the name, not the PK in the Book listing.


    script\ controller Borrower Enzyme::CRUD BookShelfDB::Borrower
    script\ controller Genre Enzyme::CRUD BookShelfDB::Genre
    script\ controller Format Enzyme::CRUD BookShelfDB::Format

Now restart the server and see how much prettier the Books listing is.

That's all folks!

Now read the rest of the documentation to learn how to modify the application further and perhaps start building on top of it.

"Further Documentation"

Tests, lots of tests!

Yes, there's a todo-list.

Johan Lindstrom <johanl ÄT>

This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.

Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
Around line 693:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'ÄT'. Assuming CP1252
2006-01-14 perl v5.32.1

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