NAMECatalyst::Enzyme::Controller - Enzyme Controller Base Class with utility methodsSYNOPSISSee Catalyst::EnzymePROPERTIESMETHODSrun_safe($c, $sub, $fail_action, $fail_message, @rest)Run the $sub->(@rest) ref inside an eval cage, and return 1.Or, if $sub dies, set stash->{message} to $fail_message, stash->{error} to $@, log the error, shed a tear, and return 0. class_to_moniker($class_name)Return default moniker of $class_name.Default is to take the last past of the $class_name, and split it on lower/uppercase boundaries. If one can't be figured out, return the $class_name. AUTHORJohan Lindstrom <johanl ÄT cpan.org>LICENSEThis library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
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