Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer - Atom API server for Catalyst applications
use Catalyst qw( AtomServer
Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer implements the necessary bits to make it
easy to build an Atom API server for any Catalyst-based application.
It implements:
- Simple XML Views
Catalyst::View::Atom::XML provides a base view class
that your application can subclass can use to provide a simple view.
Given an XML::Atom-based class in
it will automatically serialize the object to XML and set the
appropriate response headers.
- Request Extensions
Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer extends the
Catalyst::Request object to add a couple of useful methods:
- $req->is_atom
Once you know that a particular request is an Atom request,
your Catalyst handler should set is_atom to
1, like so:
- $req->url_parameters
Atom servers often implement parametrized requests in the
path_info portion of the request URI. These parameters will be
automatically split up into the url_parameters hash reference.
For example, the URI
would be split into the hash reference
foo => 'bar',
baz => 'quux',
- $req->body_parsed
A parsed XML document containing the Atom portion of the
request (the entire request content in the case of a REST request, and
only the Atom portion of a SOAP request).
You can pass this in directly to initialize an
XML::Atom-based object. For example:
my $entry = XML::Atom::Entry->new( Doc => $req->body_parsed );
- Authentication
provides support for Basic and WSSE authentication using an Atom
envelope. WSSE is supported using either SOAP or REST, and Basic is
supported in REST only.
- REST and SOAP interfaces
The Atom API supports either a REST interface or a SOAP
interface using a document-literal SOAP envelope.
Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer supports both interfaces,
transparently for your application.
- Error Handling
Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer will automatically catch
any exceptions thrown by your application, and it will wrap the
exception in the proper response expected by an Atom client.
Below is an example server that implements authentication, dispatching, and
package My::App;
use strict;
use Catalyst qw( AtomServer
use My::App::View::XML;
use XML::Atom::Feed;
name => 'MyApp',
authentication => { users => { foo => { password => 'bar' } } },
sub default : Private {
my($self, $c) = @_;
my $method = $c->request->method;
if ($method eq 'GET') {
sub get_entries : Private {
my($self, $c) = @_;
## Authenticate the user using WSSE or Basic auth.
$c->login_atom or die "Unauthenticated";
my $feed = XML::Atom::Feed->new;
$c->stash->{xml_atom_object} = $feed;
sub end : Private {
my($self, $c) = @_;
package My::App::View::XML;
use base qw( Catalyst::View::Atom::XML );
Six Apart,
Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Except where otherwise noted, Catalyst::Plugin::AtomServer is Copyright
2006 Six Apart, All rights reserved.