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Catalyst::Plugin::Cache(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache(3) |
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache - Flexible caching support for Catalyst.
use Catalyst qw/
# configure a backend or use a store plugin
__PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{backend} = {
class => "Cache::Bounded",
# ... params for Cache::Bounded...
# typical example for Cache::Memcached::libmemcached
__PACKAGE__->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{backend} = {
class => "Cache::Memcached::libmemcached",
servers => [''],
debug => 2,
# In a controller:
sub foo : Local {
my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
my $cache = $c->cache;
my $result;
unless ( $result = $cache->get( $id ) ) {
# ... calculate result ...
$c->cache->set( $id, $result );
This plugin gives you access to a variety of systems for caching data. It allows
you to use a very simple configuration API, while maintaining the possibility
of flexibility when you need it later.
Among its features are support for multiple backends, segmentation
based on component or controller, keyspace partitioning, and so more, in
various subsidiary plugins.
- cache $profile_name
- cache %meta
- Return a curried object with metadata from
$profile_name or as explicitly specified.
If a profile by the name $profile_name
doesn't exist, but a backend object by that name does exist, the backend
will be returned instead, since the interface for curried caches and
backends is almost identical.
This method can also be called without arguments, in which
case is treated as though the %meta hash was
See "METADATA" for details.
- curry_cache %meta
- Return a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried object, curried with
See "METADATA" for details.
- cache_set $key, $value, %meta
- cache_get $key, %meta
- cache_remove $key, %meta
- cache_compute $key, $code, %meta
- These cache operations will call choose_cache_backend with
%meta, and then call
"remove", or
"compute" on the resulting backend
If the backend object does not support
"compute" then we emulate it by
calling cache_get, and if the returned value is undefined we call the
passed code reference, stores the returned value with cache_set, and
then returns the value. Inspired by CHI.
- choose_cache_backend %meta
- Select a backend object. This should return undef if no specific backend
was selected - its caller will handle getting
"default_cache_backend" on its own.
This method is typically used by plugins.
- get_cache_backend $name
- Get a backend object by name.
- default_cache_backend
- Return the default backend object.
- temporary_cache_backend
- When no default cache backend is configured this method might return a
backend known to work well with the current Catalyst::Engine. This is a
Whenever you set or retrieve a key you may specify additional metadata that will
be used to select a specific backend.
This metadata is very freeform, and the only key that has any
meaning by default is the "backend" key
which can be used to explicitly choose a backend by name.
The "choose_cache_backend"
method can be overridden in order to facilitate more intelligent backend
selection. For example, Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Choose::KeyRegexes
overrides that method to select a backend based on key regexes.
Another example is a
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::ControllerNamespacing, which wraps backends in
objects that perform key mangling, in order to keep caches namespaced per
However, this is generally left as a hook for larger, more complex
applications. Most configurations should make due XXXX
The simplest way to dynamically select a backend is based on the
"Cache Profiles" configuration.
"choose_cache_backend" is called with some
default keys.
- key
- Supplied by "cache_get",
"cache_set", and
- value
- Supplied by "cache_set".
- caller
- The package name of the innermost caller that doesn't match
- caller_frame
- The entire "caller($i)" frame of
- component
- The package name of the innermost caller who
"isa" Catalyst::Component.
- component_frame
- This entire "caller($i)" frame of
- controller
- The package name of the innermost caller who
"isa" Catalyst::Controller.
- controller_frame
- This entire "caller($i)" frame of
In order to avoid specifying %meta over and over again
you may call "cache" or
"curry_cache" with
%meta once, and get back a curried cache
object. This object responds to the methods
"set", and
"remove", by appending its captured metadata
and delegating them to "cache_get",
"cache_set", and
This is simpler than it sounds.
Here is an example using currying:
my $cache = $c->cache( %meta ); # cache is curried
$cache->set( $key, $value );
$cache->get( $key );
And here is an example without using currying:
$c->cache_set( $key, $value, %meta );
$c->cache_get( $key, %meta );
See Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried for details.
$c->config->{'Plugin::Cache'} = {
All configuration parameters should be provided in a hash
reference under the "Plugin::Cache" key in
the "config" hash.
Configuring backend objects is done by adding hash entries under the
"backends" key in the main config.
A special case is that the hash key under the
"backend" (singular) key of the main
config is assumed to be the backend named
- class
- Instantiate a backend from a Cache compatible class. E.g.
$c->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{backends}{small_things} = {
class => "Cache::Bounded",
interval => 1000,
size => 10000,
$c->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{backends}{large_things} = {
class => "Cache::Memcached",
data => '',
The options in the hash are passed to the class's
"new" method.
The class will be "required"
as necessary during setup time.
- store
- Instantiate a backend using a store plugin, e.g.
$c->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{backend} = {
store => "FastMmap",
Store plugins typically require less configuration because
they are specialized for Catalyst applications. For example
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store::FastMmap will specify a default
"share_file", and additionally use a
subclass of Cache::FastMmap that can also store non reference data.
The store plugin must be loaded.
- profiles
- Supply your own predefined profiles for cache metadata, when using the
"cache" method.
For example when you specify
$c->config->{'Plugin::Cache'}{profiles}{thumbnails} = {
backend => "large_things",
And then get a cache object like this:
It is the same as if you had done:
$c->cache( backend => "large_things" );
- default_store
- When you do not specify a "store"
parameter in the backend configuration this one will be used instead. This
configuration parameter is not necessary if only one store plugin is
- backend
- An object that responds to the methods detailed in
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Backend (or more).
- store
- A plugin that provides backends of a certain type. This is a bit like a
- cache
- Stored key/value pairs of data for easy re-access.
- metadata
- "Extra" information about the item being stored, which can be
used to locate an appropriate backend.
- curried cache
my $cache = $c->cache(type => 'thumbnails');
$cache->set('pic01', $thumbnaildata);
A cache which has been pre-configured with a particular set of
namespacing data. In the example the cache returned could be one
specifically tuned for storing thumbnails.
An object that responds to
"set", and
"remove", and will automatically add
metadata to calls to
"$c->cache_get", etc.
Cache - the generic cache API on CPAN.
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Store - how to write a store plugin.
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried - the interface for curried
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Choose::KeyRegexes - choose a backend
based on regex matching on the keys. Can be used to partition the
Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::ControllerNamespacing - wrap backend
objects in a name mangler so that every controller gets its own
Yuval Kogman, "nothingmuch@woobling.org"
Jos Boumans, "kane@cpan.org"
Copyright (c) Yuval Kogman, 2006. All rights reserved.
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, as well as under the terms of
the MIT license.
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