NAMECatalyst::View::Template::Declare - Use Template::Declare with CatalystVERSIONVersion 0.02SYNOPSISCreate the view:myapp_create.pl view TD Template::Declare Add templates in "MyApp::View::TD::<name>": package MyApp::View::TD::Test; use Template::Declare::Tags; template foo => sub { html {} }; template bar => sub { ... }; 1; Then use the templates from your application: $c->view('TD')->template('foo'); $c->detach('View::TD'); The Catalyst context is passed as the second agument to the templates: template foo => sub { my ($self, $c) = @_; return 'This is the '. $c->action. ' action.'; }; The Catalyst stash is passed as the third argument, but is also available via the glocal $_ variable for the duration of the template: template bar => sub { return "Hello, $_{world}"; }; Have fun. This is all somewhat experimental and subject to change. DESCRIPTIONMake a view:package MyApp::View::TD; use base 'Catalyst::View::Template::Declare'; 1; Make a template: package MyApp::View::TD::Root; use Template::Declare::Tags; template foo => sub { my ($self, $c) = @_; html { head { title { $c->stash->{title} } }; body { "Hello, world" } } }; In your app: $c->view('TD')->template('foo'); $c->stash(title => 'test'); $c->detach('View::TD'); And get the output: <html><head><title>test</title></head><body>Hello, world</body></html> You can spread your templates out over multiple files. If your view is called MyApp::View::TD, then everything in MyApp::View::TD::* will be included and templates declared in those files will be available as though they were declared in your main view class. Example: package MyApp::View::TD::Foo; use Template::Declare::Tags; template bar => sub { ... }; 1; Then you can set "$c->view('TD')->template('bar')" and everything will work as you expect. The arguments passed to the templates are:
For those stuck with a version of Template::Declare older then 0.26, no arguments will be passed to the templates. But you can still use the otherwise-deprecated "c" package to get at the Catalyst context: template bar => sub { "Hello, ". c->stash->{world} }; METHODSprocessRender the template in "$self->template"; see Catalyst::View::Templated for information on how to specify the template.render($template, @args)Render the template named by $template and return the output.COMPONENTNot for you.AUTHORJonathan Rockway, "<jrockway at cpan.org>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-catalyst-view-template-declare at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Catalyst-View-Template-Declare>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTVisit #catalyst on irc.perl.org, submit an RT ticket, or send me an e-mail.The git repository is at <http://git.jrock.us/>. SEE ALSOCatalyst::View::TemplatedACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTemplate::DeclareJifty COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2007 Jonathan Rockway, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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