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NAMECisco::UCS::Blade - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS blade.SYNOPSIS# Print all blades in chassis 1 along with their serial number foreach my $blade ($ucs->chassis(1)->get_blades) { printf ("%1d\t: %-20s\n", $blade->id, $blade->serial) } # Print the memory installed and available in blade 2/3 print $chassis(2)->blade(3)->memory_available; # Print all blades in all chassis along with a cacti-style listing of # the blades current, minimum and maximum power consumption values. map { print "Chassis: " . $_->id ."\n"; map { print "\tBlade: ". $_->id ." - Power consumed -" . " Current:". $_->power_stats->consumed_power . " Max:". $_->power_stats->consumed_power_max . " Min:". $_->power_stats->consumed_power_min ."\n" } sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $_->get_blades } sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $ucs->get_chassiss; # Prints something like: # # Chassis: 1 # Blade: 1 - Power consumed - Current:115.656647 Max:120.913757 Min:110.399513 # Blade: 2 - Power consumed - Current:131.427994 Max:139.313675 Min:126.170883 # Blade: 3 - Power consumed - Current:131.427994 Max:157.713593 Min:126.170883 # Blade: 4 - Power consumed - Current:0.000000 Max:0.000000 Min:0.000000 # Blade: 5 - Power consumed - Current:0.000000 Max:0.000000 Min:0.000000 # Blade: 6 - Power consumed - Current:0.000000 Max:0.000000 Min:0.000000 # Blade: 7 - Power consumed - Current:0.000000 Max:0.000000 Min:0.000000 # Blade: 8 - Power consumed - Current:0.000000 Max:0.000000 Min:0.000000 # Chassis: 2 # Blade: 1 - Power consumed - Current:131.427994 Max:136.685120 Min:128.799438 # Blade: 2 - Power consumed - Current:126.170883 Max:131.427994 Min:123.542320 # Blade: 3 - Power consumed - Current:134.056564 Max:155.085037 Min:131.427994 # ...etc. DECRIPTIONCisco::UCS::Blade is a class providing operations with a Cisco UCS Blade.Note that you are not supposed to call the constructor yourself, rather a Cisco::UCS::Blade object is created automatically by method calls to a Cisco::UCS::Chassis object. METHODSadmin_stateReturns the administrative state of the specified blade. assignment Returns the dn of the service profile currently assigned to the specified blade. association Returns the association status of the specified blade. availability Returns the availability status of the specified blade. conn_path Returns the connectivity path detail of the specified blade. conn_status Returns the connectivity path status of the specified blade. cores_enabled Returns the number of enabled cores for the specified blade. chassis Returns the chassis ID of the chassis in which the specified blade is located. checkpoint returns the checkpoint status of the specified blade. adaptor ( $id ) Returns the specified adaptor designated by the value of the $id parameter as a Cisco::UCS::Blade::Adaptor object. Note that this is a caching method and will return a previously retrieved and cached object if one is available. See the method description for get_adaptor below for non-caching behaviour. get_adaptor ( $id ) This is a functionally equivalent non-caching implementation of the adaptor method. get_adaptors ( $id ) Returns all CPUs in the target blade as an array of Cisco::UCS::Blade::Adaptor objects. cpu ( $id ) Returns the specified CPU in the socket designated by the value of the $id parameter as a Cisco::UCS::Blade::CPU object. Note that this is a caching method and will return a previously retrieved and cached object if one is available. See the method description for get_cpu below for non-caching behaviour. get_cpu ( $id ) This is a functionally equivalent non-caching implementation of the cpu method. get_cpus ( $id ) Returns all CPUs in the target blade as an array of Cisco::UCS::Blade::CPU objects. description Returns the value of the user description field for the specified blade. discovery Returns the discovery status of the specified blade. dn Returns the dn (distinguished name) of the specified blade in the UCS management heirarchy. id Returns the id of the specified blade in the chassis - this is equivalent to the slot ID number (e.g. 1 .. 8). led ( $state ) Sets the locator led of the blade to the desired state; either on or off; managing_instance Returns the managing instance for the specified blade (either A or B). memory_available Returns the amount of available memory (in Mb) for the specified blade. memory_speed Returns the operational memory speed (in MHz) of the specified blade. memory_total Returns the total amount of memory installed (in Mb) in the specified blade. model Returns the model number of the specified blade. name Returns the name of the specified blade. num_adaptors Returns the number of adaptors in the specified blade. num_cores Returns the number of CPU cores in the specified blade. num_cpus Returns the number of CPUs in the specified blade. num_eth_ifs Returns the number of Ethernet interfaces configured on teh specified blade. num_fc_ifs Returns the number of Fibre Channel interfaces configured on teh specified blade. num_threads Returns the number of execution threads available on the specified blade. operability Returns the operability status of the specified blade. oper_power Returns the operational power state of the specified blade. oper_state Returns the operational status of the specified blade. presence Returns the presence status of the specified blade. power_budget Returns a Cisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget object representing the power budget values for the specified blade. power_stats Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::PowerStats object representing the power usage statistics of the specified blade. revision Returns the revision level of the specified blade. serial Returns the serial number of the specified blade. server_id Returns the ID of the specified blade in chassis/slot notation (e.g. this value would be 2/8 for a server in the eight slot of the second chassis). slot_id Returns the slot ID of the specified blade - this is the same value as returned by the id method. user_label Returns the value for the user-specified label of the designated blade. uuid Returns the UUID of the specified blade - note that this UUID value is the user-specified value and may differ to the original UUID value of the blade (see uuid_original). uuid_original Returns the original UUID value of the specified blade - this value is the "burned-in" UUID for the blade. vendor Returns the vendor identifier of the specified blade. AUTHORLuke Poskitt, "<ltp at cpan.org>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cisco-ucs-blade at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Cisco-UCS-Blade>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Cisco::UCS::Blade You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright 2012 Luke Poskitt.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.