NAMECisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS blade power budgets.SYNOPSIS# Print all blades in all chassis along with the chassis current # output power and each blades current input power both in watts and # as a percentage of the chassis input power level. map { my $c_power = $_->stats->output_power; printf( "Chassis: %d - Output power: %.3f\n", $_->id, $c_power ); map { printf( "\tBlade: %d - Input power: %.3f (%.2f%%)\n", $_->id, $_->power_budget->current_power, ( $c_power == 0 ? '-' : ( $_->power_budget->current_power / $c_power * 100 ) ) ) } sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $_->get_blades } sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $ucs->get_chassiss; # E.g. # # Chassis: 1 - Output power: 704.000 # Blade: 1 - Input power: 119.000 (16.90%) # Blade: 2 - Input power: 134.000 (19.03%) # Blade: 3 - Input power: 135.000 (19.18%) # Blade: 4 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 5 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 6 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 7 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 8 - Input power: 136.000 (19.32%) # Chassis: 2 - Output power: 1188.000 # Blade: 1 - Input power: 127.000 (10.69%) # Blade: 2 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 3 - Input power: 120.000 (10.10%) # Blade: 4 - Input power: 0.000 (0.00%) # Blade: 5 - Input power: 127.000 (10.69%) # Blade: 6 - Input power: 121.000 (10.19%) # Blade: 7 - Input power: 172.000 (14.48%) # Blade: 8 - Input power: 136.000 (11.45%) # etc. DECRIPTIONCisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget is a class providing operations with a Cisco UCS blade power budget.Note that you are not supposed to call the constructor yourself, rather a Cisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget object is created automatically by method calls on a Cisco::UCS::Blade object. METHODSadmin_commitedReturns the administrative commited power level of the blade. admin_peak Returns the administrative peak power level of the blade. cap_action Returns the power cap action of the blade. catalog_power Returns the catalog power level of the blade. current_power Returns the current power level of the blade. dyn_reallocation Returns the power dynamic reallocation policy of the blade. group_name Returns the power group name of the blade. idle_power Returns the idle power level of the blade. max_power Returns the maximum power level of the blade. min_power Returns the minimum power level of the blade. oper_commited Returns the operator committed power level of the blade. oper_min Returns the operator committed minimum power level of the blade. oper_peak Returns the operator committed peak power level of the blade. oper_state Returns the operational power state of the blade. priority Returns the administrative power priority of the blade. psu_capacity Returns the PSU capacity. psu_state Returns the PSU state. scaled_wt Returns the scaled weighted threshold of the blade power budget. style Returns the power budget management style of the blade. update_time Returns a timestamp at which time the last time power budget statistics and information were last updated. weight Returns the power budget weight for the blade. AUTHORLuke Poskitt, "<ltp at cpan.org>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-cisco-ucs-blade-powerbudget at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Cisco-UCS-Blade-PowerBudget>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Cisco::UCS::Blade::PowerBudget You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright 2013 Luke Poskitt.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
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