Class::Gomor::Hash - class and object builder, hash version
# Create a base class in
package My::BaseClass;
require Class::Gomor::Hash;
our @ISA = qw(Class::Gomor::Hash);
our @AS = qw(attribute1 attribute2);
our @AA = qw(attribute3 attribute4);
our @AO = qw(other);
# You should initialize yourself array attributes
sub new { shift->SUPER::new(attribute3 => [], attribute4 => [], @_) }
# Create accessors
sub other {
my $self = shift;
@_ ? $self->{'other'} = [ split(/\n/, shift) ]
: @{$self->{'other'}};
# Create a subclass in
package My::SubClass;
require My::BaseClass;
our @ISA = qw(My::BaseClass);
our @AS = qw(subclassAttribute);
sub new {
attribute1 => 'val1',
attribute2 => 'val2',
attribute3 => [ 'val3', ],
attribute4 => [ 'val4', ],
other => [ 'none', ],
subclassAttribute => 'subVal',
# A program using those classes
my $new = My::SubClass->new;
my $val1 = $new->attribute1;
my @values3 = $new->attribute3;
my @otherOld = $new->other;
my @otherNew = $new->other;
print "@otherNew\n";
$new->attribute4([ 'newVal1', 'newVal2', ]);
This class is a subclass from Class::Gomor. It implements objects as hash
references, and inherits methods from Class::Gomor.
- new (hash)
- Object constructor. This is where user passed attributes (hash argument)
are checked against valid attributes (gathered by cgGetAttributes
method). Valid attributes are those that exists (doh!), and have not an
undef value. The default is to check this, you can avoid it by setting
$NoCheck global variable (see perldoc
- cgBuildIndices
- This method does nothing. It only exists to make it more easy to switch
between Class::Gomor::Array and Class::Gomor::Hash.
- cgBuildAccessorsScalar (array ref)
- cgBuildAccessorsArray (array ref)
- See Class::Gomor.
- cgGetIndice (scalar)
- This method does nearly nothing. It only returns the passed-in scalar
parameter (so the syntax is the same as in Class::Gomor::Array). It
only exists to make it more easy to switch between
Class::Gomor::Array and Class::Gomor::Hash.
- cgClone [ (scalar) ]
- You can clone one of your objects by calling this method. An optional
parameter may be used to create multiple clones. Cloning will occure only
on the first level attributes, that is, if you have attributes containing
other objects, they will not be cloned.
- cgFullClone [ (scalar) ]
- This method is the same as cgClone, but will clone all attributes
recursively, but only if they are subclassed from Class::Gomor. So,
objects created with other modules than Class::Gomor::Array or
Class::Gomor::Hash will not be cloned.
Another thing to note, there is no catch for cycling
references (when you link two objects with each others). You have been
- cgDumper
- Will return a string as with Data::Dumper Dumper method. This is
less useful for hashref objects, because they already include attributes
Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Patrice <GomoR> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of the Artistic
license. See LICENSE.Artistic file in the source distribution archive.