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Class::MethodMapper(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Class::MethodMapper(3) |
Class::MethodMapper - Abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader
@MMDerived::ISA = qw(Class::MethodMapper
Exporter AutoLoader);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = Class::MethodMapper->new();
bless $self, $class;
my %map = (
'time_style' => {
'type' => 'parameter',
'doc' => 'How recording duration is decided',
'domain' => 'enum',
'options' => [qw(track prompt fixed click_stop deadman)],
'value' => 'prompt',
'iter_plan' => {
'type' => 'volatile',
'doc' => 'Currently active plan for iteration: perl code.',
'value' => 'play; color("yellow"); hold(0.75); color("red"); '
. 'record; color;' , # see FestVox::ScriptLang
$self->set(@args) if @args;
Class::MethodMapper takes a hash of hashes and creates get() and
set() methods, with (some) validation, for the maps listed. Generally,
a "parameter" is something that can be saved
and restored, whereas a "volatile" is not
serialized at save-time.
- new(@args)
- Creates and initializes an empty Class::MethodMapper. Calls
"set()" with its arguments.
- set_map(%map)
- Sets the complete map for this object. See FestVox::InitMap for a good
example of a method map; it is the big one that FestVox::PointyClicky
itself uses. This should be generalized to let you set which map,
as "get_map()" below.
- get_map($type)
- Get the map of a particular type, e.g.
"parameter". Note that the object itself
is the top-level (complete) map, since Class::MethodMapper writes into
variables in the object of the same name; the 'map' itself is just the
variables of that "type".
- delete_map(@mapnames)
- Delete the mapping for each variable in
- get_meta('type', 'var')
- Get the "meta" data of a given type for
a named variable in th method map.
type e.g. 'volatile', 'parameter'
doc some human-readable string do describe this
value current value; useful for initialization
domain e.g. 'enum' or 'ref'
options if domain is 'enum', an array reference of allowed values
if domain is 'ref', 'ARRAY', 'HASH' or the name of a class.
- set_meta('type', 'var', value)
- Just what you would think. Sets the
"meta" variable
"type" of
"var" to
- set('var' => 'value')
- Set the variable "var" to the value
'value'. Checks if
"var" is in the method map, and
complains if it is not. Does basic type checking if the
"meta" variable
"domain" is defined.
This means it checks if the value is an element in the array
reference in "options" if
"domain" is 'enum' and checks if the
value is indeed a reference of the specified type if
"domain" is 'ref'
- get('var')
- Return the value of 'var' if it is defined and in the method map.
- save('type', \&callback, @args)
- loops over all the keys that have type 'type' and calls
&$callback ($self, $key, $value, @args);
for each of them, where $key is the
value of each key and $value is the hashref for
its value.
- save_config ('filename')
- saves all 'parameter' type key/value pairs to 'filename'
- (\&callback, @args)
- loads earlier saved values of the object keys back by calling
&$callback ($self, @args);
it expects the callback to return a ($key,
$value) list. keeps looping till the callback
function returns an undefined key.
- restore_config ('filename')
- loads values from the file 'filename', which is in the format that
save_config writes out.
- var()
- "var" itself is promoted to method
status; if given no argument, it is considered a
"get()", and if given argument(s), it is
considered a "set()". Thus, if you had a
parameter called "active" in the method
map, Class::MethodMapper would use AutoLoader to create a
"active()" method (if ever called), so
that "$self-"active> would return the
current value, and
"$self-"active(1)> would set
it to 1.
Terribly underdocumented.
Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin A. Lenzo and Alan W Black, Carnegie Mellon Unversity.
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