Class::Workflow::State::AutoApply - Automatically apply a transition upon
arriving into a state.
package MyState;
use Moose;
with qw/Class::Workflow::State::AutoApply/;
my $state = Mystate->new( auto_transition => $t );
my $i2 = $state->accept_instance( $i, @args ); # automatically calls $t->apply( $i, @args )
This state role is used to automatically apply a transition
If an auto-application may fail validation or something of the sort you can do
something like:
around apply_auto_transition => sub {
my $next = shift;
my ( $self, $instance, @args ) = @_;
eval { $self->$next( $instance, @args ) }
die $@ unless $@->isa("SoftError");
If apply_auto_transition returns a false value then the original
instance will be returned automatically, at which point the intermediate
state is the current state.