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Columns(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Columns(3) |
Tk::Columns - A multicolumn list widget with sortable & sizeable columns
use Tk::Columns;
$Columns = $parent->B<Columns>
'-columnlabels' => [qw (column1 column2)]
'-listbackground' => 'white',
'-listforeground' => 'black',
'-buttonforeground' => 'black',
'-buttonbackground' => 'blue',
$ColumnHeader = $Columns->B<ColumnButton>
'-listfont' => '-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',
'-buttoncolor' => 'beige',
'-text' => 'column3',
'-width' => 15,
'-trimcount' => 2,
'-listbackground' => 'white',
'-listforeground' => 'black',
'-buttonforeground' => 'black',
'-buttonbackground' => 'blue',
'-sort' => 'true',
'-sortcommand' => '$a cmp $b',
'-image' => $icon_image,
'-buttoncommand' => sub {...},
'-selectcommand' => sub {...}
$Columns->insert ('end', ['List', 'Row', 'Contents']);
$Columns->insert ('end', {'column1' => 'List', 'column2' => 'Row', 'column3' => 'Contents'});
$Columns->insert ('end', 'List', 'Row', 'Contents');
$Columns->delete (0, 'end');
Implements a multicolumn list with resizeable, scrollable columns and
configurable sorting by column. Other features include column selection
callbacks and row selection callbacks, global and per-column color and font
selection, and column insertion data specified by column label (hash) or by
index (list).
- Columns
- -background -foreground -font -bg
- ColumnButton
- -font -image -foreground -background -borderwidth -relief -text -width
See Tk for details of the standard options.
- Name: buttonbackground
- Class: ButtonBackground
- Switch: -buttonbackground
- Aliases: -buttoncolor -color
- Specifies the background (surface) color for all existing buttons
- Name: buttoncommand
- Class: ButtonCommand
- Switch: -buttoncommand
- Specifies a callback to be executed when a column header is clicked. The
callback is passed the list index. When specified, this callback is
registered for every existing listbox and sets the default for new ones.
If the -sort option is turned on, it overrides this option but does
not negate it, allowing it to return when the -sort option is
turned off.
- Name: buttonfont
- Class: ButtonFont
- Switch: -buttonfont
- Specifies the font to use for all the existing column header labels
- Name: columns
- Class: Columns
- Switch: -columns
- Aliases: -columnlabels
- This option takes a reference to a list of options. If the list consists
of scalar values, these are assumed to be the labels for column headers.
These elements are created with default options which should normally be
alright. If the list consists of references to arrays, then these are
assumed to be key => value pairs specifying the options to pass to
- Name: image
- Class: Image
- Switch: -image
- Setting this to a reference to a Tk::Image causes that image to be set for
all of the column labels and sets the default for all future columns. By
default column headers are displayed without icons.
See Tk::Label
- Name: listbackground
- Class: ListBackground
- Switch: -listbackground
- Aliases: -listcolor -background -bg
- Specifies the background (surface) color for all existing listboxes and
sets the default for all new ones. Default is 'white'
- Name: listfont
- Class: ListFont
- Switch: -listfont
- Alias: -font
- Specifies the font for all existing listboxes and sets the default for all
new ones. The default is to use the system default font.
- Name: listforeground
- Class: ListForeground
- Switch: -listforeground
- Specifies the foreground (writing) color for all existing listboxes and
sets the default for all new ones. Default is 'black'
- Name: selectcommand
- Class: SelectCommand
- Switch: -selectcommand
- Aliases: -command
- Specifies a callback to be executed when a list entry is double-clicked.
The callback is passed the list index. When specified, this callback is
registered for every existing listbox and sets the default for new
- Name: selectmode
- Class: SelectMode
- Switch: -selectmode
- Sets the selection mode for all existing listboxes and sets the default to
use for new ones. The default is 'browse'.
- Name: trimcount
- Class: TrimCount
- Switch: -trimcount
- Specifies the number of button trim 'handles' for all existing
- Name: zoom
- Class: Zoom
- Switch: -zoom
- This option takes a boolean argument. When set to 1, all the existing
columns are 'zoomed', that is, reduced to their smallest width. When set
to 0, all the columns are returned to the original widths
- $Button =
$Columns->ColumnButton (option =>
value, ...)
- $Button =
$Columns->addcolumn (option =>
value, ...)
- $Button =
$Columns->Column (option =>
value, ...)
- $Button =
$Columns->Button (option =>
value, ...)
- $Button =
$Columns->column (option =>
value, ...)
- Creates a column header and an attached listbox. The listbox is 'tied' to
any preexisting ones. The new listbox is padded with empty rows to match
its siblings. This method really invokes an instantiation of the
ColumnButton class. All the options given apply to the ColumnButton. The
widget reference returned can be used to alter the column's behaviour
later. The following options are available :-
-background => color
-buttonbackground => color
-bg => color
-buttoncolor => color
-color => color
Specifies the button's background (surface) color.
-buttoncommand => callback
Specifies a callback to be executed when a column header is
clicked. The callback is passed the list index. If the -sort option
is turned on, it overrides this option but does not negate it, allowing it
to return when the -sort option is turned off.
-font => fontspec
-buttonfont => fontspec
Specifies the font for the text in the button label.
-foreground => color
-buttonforeground => color
-fg => color
Specifies the button's foreground (text) color. Defaults to
-image => image
Setting this to a reference to a Tk::Image causes that image to be
displayed in the column label.
See Tk::Label
-listbackground => color
-slavecolor => color
Sets the background color for the attached listbox
-listfont => fontspec
Specifies the font for the text in the attached listbox.
-listforeground => color
Sets the foreground (text) color for the attached listbox.
-listselectmode => mode
Sets the selection mode for the attached listbox.
-selectcommand => callback
-command => callback
Specifies a callback to be executed when a list entry is
double-clicked. The callback is passed the list index.
-slave => widget
DO NOT USE ! This option is use to inform the button which widget
it must manage. It is provided here only for completeness.
-sort => boolean
Setting this to boolean 'true' allows all columns to be sorted by
this column when the button is pressed. Each invocation reverses the sort
order. The sort method can be specified with -sortcommand. Setting
this to boolean false (0) disables the sorting. When active, this option
overrides any existing -buttoncommand. When inactive, any preexisting
-buttoncommand is re-enabled.
-sortcommand => string
-sortfunction => string
-sortmethod => string
This specifies the sort function to pass to the sort Perl
function for sorting of this column. The default is '{lc ($a) cmp lc ($b)}'
for (caseless) alphanumeric comparison.
Read the perlfunc documentation for more details on
-trimcount => integer
Specifies the number of trim 'handles' for the button. It defaults
to 2. Setting it to 0 makes the column unresizeable.
-width => integer
Set this to the desired width of the column, in characters. The
default is the natural width of the text and image parts combined.
-zoom => boolean
This option takes a boolean argument. When set to 1, the column is
'zoomed', that is, its width is reduced to the smallest possible setting.
When set to 0, the column is returned to its original width.
- $Columns->activate(index)
- Sets the row element to the one indicated by index. If index is outside
the range of elements in the listbox then the closest element is
activated. The active element is drawn with an underline when the widget
has the input focus, and its index may be retrieved with the index active.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->bbox(index,
- Returns a list of four numbers describing the bounding box of the text in
the element given by index in the listbox specified by column or
the first listbox in the composite. The first two elements of the list
give the x and y coordinates of the upper-left corner of the screen area
covered by the text (specified in pixels relative to the widget) and the
last two elements give the width and height of the area, in pixels. If no
part of the element given by index is visible on the screen, or if index
refers to a non-existent element, then the result is an empty string; if
the element is partially visible, the result gives the full area of the
element, including any parts that are not visible.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->buttonhash()
- Returns a hash of column buttons keyed by column label
- $Columns->buttons()
- Returns an ordered list of the column buttons
- $Columns->buttonwidth(columnspec,
- $Columns->columnwidth(columnspec,
- $Columns->width(columnspec,
- This uses the numeric or textual columnspec to locate a column
header and sets the width to newwidth if present, or returns the
current width of that column. It the column doesn't exist then the return
value 0 is quietly returned.
- $Columns->columnlabels(array
- $Columns->columns(array
- This invokes $Columns->configure
(-columnlabels => array reference). See
-columnlabels for details as this is a convenience method.
- $Columns->curselection()
- Returns a list containing the numerical indices of all of the elements in
the listbox that are currently selected. If there are no elements selected
in the listbox then an empty string is returned.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->delete(where,
- This has identical behaviour to listbox->delete.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->get(from, to)
- Retrieves the rows in the range from .. to. This method is
an analog of the listbox->get method. The data returned
is an array of references to the row lists specified.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->index(index)
- Returns the integer index value that corresponds to index. If index is end
the return value is a count of the number of elements in the listbox (not
the index of the last element).
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->indexedbutton(columnspec)
- Returns the column button associated with the numeric column index or the
textual column name.
- $Columns->indexedlist(columnspec)
- Returns the listbox associated with the numeric column index or the
textual column name.
- $Columns->insert(where,
?<option>?, ...)
- This method inserts rows across all listboxes. where is the same as
documented in the listbox pod. The following options can be a list
of scalars, a list of references to hashes, or a list of references to
arrays. These can appear in any order. A list of scalars will be
interpreted up to an array reference or the end of the parameter list,
whichever comes first. The list is padded out so it can be applied to all
listboxes. It is then inserted using where.
An array reference is dereferenced and applied just as the
inline list. A hash is assumed to be keyed by the column header labels.
It is converted into a list using the column header order and applied
normally after 'padding'.
NOTE: The insertions are 'cached' and then applied to each
listbox at once, avoiding flicker and slow updates.
- $Columns->labels()
- Returns an ordered list of the column names
- $Columns->listhash()
- $Columns->hash()
- Returns a hash of listboxes keyed by column label
- $Columns->lists()
- Returns an ordered list of the column listboxes
- $Columns->nearest(y)
- Given a y-coordinate within the listbox window, this command returns the
index of the (visible) listbox element nearest to that y-coordinate.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->selection (option,
- Adjusts the selection. It has several forms, depending on option.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->see(index)
- Makes row index visible.
See listbox for more details.
- $Columns->size()
- $Columns->rows()
- Returns the number of rows.
- $Columns->update(where, ...)
- $Columns->replace(where, ...)
- This takes the same options as <$Columns>->insert but
deletes the row found there first.
- [1]
- Pressing and releasing the left mouse button on a columns label will cause
the -sortcommand or the default sort method to be invoked if the
-sort option has been enabled. Otherwise, the callback specified in
-buttoncommand is invoked if it is defined.
- [2]
- Double-clicking the left mouse button on any listbox will cause the
callback specified by -selectcommand to be invoked with the row
index of the selected listbox item.
- [3]
- Pressing and releasing the right mouse button on the column label trim
elements will cause that column to 'zoom'. That is, it will collapse the
column to its smallest size without the need to drag it. When pressed
again, the column will return to its original size. The mouse pointer will
change to a 'resize' form when this action is possible.
- [4]
- Pressing the left mouse button on the column label trim elements will
initiate resizing of that column. The edge of the column will follow the
mouse horizontally until the button is released whereupon the column will
remain at the selected size. The mouse pointer will change to a 'resize'
form when this action is possible.
- Tk::TiedListbox from Tk-Contrib-0.06
I regret that there appears to be no way to justify the listboxes. If anyone
knows, please tell me how.
Damion K. Wilson, dwilson@ibl.bm, http://pwp.ibl.bm/~dkw
Copyright (c) 1999 Damion K. Wilson.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software, you may redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- July 4, 1999: fixed scrollbar redisplay failure after insertion
- September 1, 1999: Rewrite with legacy support
- November 25, 1999: Fixed index and delete methods
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- Around line 1393:
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- Around line 1640:
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