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NAMEConfig::Model::Iterator - Iterates forward or backward a configuration treeVERSIONversion 2.149SYNOPSISuse Config::Model; # define configuration tree object my $model = Config::Model->new; $model->create_config_class( name => "Foo", element => [ [qw/bar baz/] => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string', level => 'important' , }, ] ); $model->create_config_class( name => "MyClass", element => [ foo_nodes => { type => 'hash', # hash id index_type => 'string', level => 'important' , cargo => { type => 'node', config_class_name => 'Foo' }, }, ], ); my $inst = $model->instance( root_class_name => 'MyClass' ); # create some Foo objects $inst->config_root->load("foo_nodes:foo1 - foo_nodes:foo2 ") ; my $my_leaf_cb = sub { my ($iter, $data_r,$node,$element,$index, $leaf_object) = @_ ; print "leaf_cb called for ",$leaf_object->location,"\n" ; } ; my $my_hash_cb = sub { my ($iter, $data_r,$node,$element,@keys) = @_ ; print "hash_element_cb called for element $element with keys @keys\n" ; } ; my $iterator = $inst -> iterator ( leaf_cb => $my_leaf_cb, hash_element_cb => $my_hash_cb , ); $iterator->start ; ### prints # hash_element_cb called for element foo_nodes with keys foo1 foo2 # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo1 bar # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo1 baz # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo2 bar # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo2 baz DESCRIPTIONThis module provides a class that is able to iterate forward or backward a configuration tree. The iterator stops and calls back user defined subroutines on one of the following condition:
The iterator supports going forward and backward (to support "back" and "next" buttons on a wizard widget). CONSTRUCTORThe constructor should be used only by Config::Model::Instance with the iterator method.Creating an iteratorA iterator requires at least two kind of call-back: a call-back for leaf elements and a call-back for hash elements (which is also used for list elements).These call-back must be passed when creating the iterator (the parameters are named "leaf_cb" and "hash_element_cb") Here are the the parameters accepted by "iterator": call_back_on_importantWhether to call back when an important element is found (default 0).call_back_on_warningWhether to call back when an item with warnings is found (default 0).statusSpecifies the status of the element scanned by the wizard (default 'standard').leaf_cbSubroutine called backed for leaf elements. See "Callback prototypes" in Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner for signature and details. (mandatory)hash_element_cbSubroutine called backed for hash elements. See "Callback prototypes" in Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner for signature and details. (mandatory)Custom callbacksBy default, "leaf_cb" is called for all types of leaf elements (i.e enum. integer, strings, ...). But you can provide dedicated call-back for each type of leaf:enum_value_cb, integer_value_cb, number_value_cb, boolean_value_cb, uniline_value_cb, string_value_cb Likewise, you can also provide a call-back dedicated to list elements with "list_element_cb" MethodsstartStart the scan and perform call-back when needed. This function returns when the scan is completely done.bail_outWhen called, a variable is set so that all call_backs returns as soon as possible. Used to abort wizard.go_forwardSet wizard in forward (default) mode.go_backwardSet wizard in backward mode.AUTHORDominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)SEE ALSOConfig::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::Node, Config::Model::HashId, Config::Model::ListId, Config::Model::Value, Config::Model::CheckList, Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner,AUTHORDominique DumontCOPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by Dominique Dumont.This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999