Config::Model::Role::Grab - Role to grab data from elsewhere in the tree
$root->grab('foo:2 bar');
$root->grab(steps => 'foo:2 bar');
$root->grab(steps => 'foo:2 bar', type => 'leaf');
$root->grab_value(steps => 'foo:2 bar');
Role used to let a tree item (i.e. node, hash, list or leaf) to grab another
item or value from the configuration tree using a path (a bit like an xpath
path with a different syntax).
Grab an object from the configuration tree.
Parameters are:
- "steps" (or "step")
- A string indicating the steps to follow in the tree to find the required
item. (mandatory)
- "mode"
- When set to "strict",
"grab" throws an exception if no object
is found using the passed string. When set to
"adaptative", the object found last is
returned. For instance, for the steps "good_step
wrong_step", only the object held by
"good_step" is returned. When set to
"loose", grab returns undef in case of
problem. (default is "strict")
- "type"
- Either "node",
"hash" or
"list" or an array ref containing these
values. Returns only an object of requested type. Depending on
"strict" value,
"grab" either throws an exception or
returns the last object found with the requested type. (optional, default
to "undef", which means any type of
$root->grab(steps => 'foo:2 bar', type => 'leaf')
$root->grab(steps => 'foo:2 bar', type => ['leaf','check_list'])
- "autoadd"
- When set to 1, "hash" or
"list" configuration element are created
when requested by the passed steps. (default is 1).
- grab_non_available
- When set to 1, grab returns an object even if this one is not available.
I.e. even if this element was warped out. (default is 0).
The "steps" parameters is made
of the following items separated by spaces:
- -
- Go up one node
- !
- Go to the root node.
- !Foo
- Go up the configuration tree until the
"Foo" configuration class is found.
Raise an exception if no "Foo" class is
found when root node is reached.
- xxx
- Go down using "xxx" element.
- xxx:yy
- Go down using "xxx" element and id
"yy" (valid for hash or list
- ?xxx
- Go up the tree until a node containing element
"xxx" is found. Then go down the tree
like item "xxx".
"?xxx:yy" goes up the tree
the same way. But no check is done to see if id
"yy" key actually exists or not. Only
the element "xxx" is considered when
going up the tree.
Like "grab", but returns the value of a leaf or check_list object, not
just the leaf object.
"grab_value" raises an exception
if following the steps ends on anything but a leaf or a check_list.
Like "grab", but returns the annotation of an object.
Returns the root of the configuration tree.
Parameter: a configuration class name
Go up the configuration tree until a node using the configuration
class is found. Returns the found node or undef.
# returns a Config::Model::Node object for a Systemd::Service config class
This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by Dominique Dumont.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999