| |
Crypt::JWT(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Crypt::JWT(3) |
Crypt::JWT - JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515,
# encoding
use Crypt::JWT qw(encode_jwt);
my $jws_token = encode_jwt(payload=>$data, alg=>'HS256', key=>'secret');
my $jwe_token = encode_jwt(payload=>$data, alg=>'PBES2-HS256+A128KW', enc=>'A128GCM', key=>'secret');
# decoding
use Crypt::JWT qw(decode_jwt);
my $data1 = decode_jwt(token=>$jws_token, key=>'secret');
my $data2 = decode_jwt(token=>$jwe_token, key=>'secret');
Implements JSON Web Token (JWT) -
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519>. The implementation covers not
only JSON Web Signature (JWS) -
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515>, but also JSON Web Encryption
(JWE) - <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7516>.
The module implements all (100%) algorithms defined in
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518> - JSON Web Algorithms
This module supports Compact JWS/JWE and Flattened
JWS/JWE JSON serialization, general JSON serialization is not supported
Nothing is exported by default.
You can export selected functions:
use Crypt::JWT qw(decode_jwt encode_jwt);
Or all of them at once:
use Crypt::JWT ':all';
my $data = decode_jwt(%named_args);
Named arguments:
- token
- Mandatory argument, a string with either JWS or JWE JSON Web Token.
### JWS token example (3 segments)
$t = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.dGVzdA.ujBihtLSr66CEWqN74SpLUkv28lra_CeHnxLmLNp4Jo";
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k);
### JWE token example (5 segments)
$t = "eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiQTEyOEtXIn0.UusxEbzhGkORxTRq0xkFKhvzPrXb9smw.VGfOuq0Fxt6TsdqLZUpnxw.JajIQQ.pkKZ7MHS0XjyGmRsqgom6w";
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k);
- key
- A key used for token decryption (JWE) or token signature validation (JWS).
The value depends on the "alg" token
header value.
JWS alg header key value
------------------ ----------------------------------
none no key required
HS256 string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
HS384 dtto
HS512 dtto
RS256 public RSA key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
object: Crypt::PK::RSA, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, Crypt::X509 or Crypt::OpenSSL::X509
RS384 public RSA key, see RS256
RS512 public RSA key, see RS256
PS256 public RSA key, see RS256
PS384 public RSA key, see RS256
PS512 public RSA key, see RS256
ES256 public ECC key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::ECC
ES256K public ECC key, see ES256
ES384 public ECC key, see ES256
ES512 public ECC key, see ES256
EdDSA public Ed25519 key
JWE alg header key value
------------------ ----------------------------------
dir string (raw octects) or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct', length depends on 'enc' algorithm
A128KW string (raw octects) 16 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A192KW string (raw octects) 24 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A256KW string (raw octects) 32 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A128GCMKW string (raw octects) 16 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A192GCMKW string (raw octects) 24 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A256GCMKW string (raw octects) 32 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS256+A128KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS384+A192KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS512+A256KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
RSA-OAEP private RSA key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::RSA or Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
RSA-OAEP-256 private RSA key, see RSA-OAEP
RSA1_5 private RSA key, see RSA-OAEP
ECDH-ES private ECC or X25519 key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::ECC
ECDH-ES+A128KW private ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
ECDH-ES+A192KW private ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
ECDH-ES+A256KW private ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
Example using the key from
"jwk" token header:
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key_from_jwk_header=>1);
my ($header, $data) = decode_jwt(token=>$t, decode_header=>1, key_from_jwk_header=>1);
Examples with raw octet keys:
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>'secretkey');
#binary key
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>pack("H*", "788A6E38F36B7596EF6A669E94"));
#perl HASH ref with JWK structure (key type 'oct')
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>{kty=>'oct', k=>"GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg"});
Examples with RSA keys:
my $pem_key_string = <<'EOF';
my $jwk_key_json_string = '{"kty":"RSA","n":"0vx7agoebG...L6tSoc_BJECP","e":"AQAB"}';
#a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$pem_key_string);
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$der_key_string);
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$jwk_key_json_string);
#instance of Crypt::PK::RSA
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::PK::RSA->new('keyfile.pem'));
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::PK::RSA->new(\$pem_key_string));
#instance of Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($pem_key_string));
#instance of Crypt::X509 (public key only)
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::X509->new(cert=>$cert));
#instance of Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 (public key only)
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::OpenSSL::X509->new_from_file('cert.pem'));
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::OpenSSL::X509->new_from_string($cert));
#perl HASH ref with JWK structure (key type 'RSA')
my $rsa_priv = {
kty => "RSA",
n => "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZpt...eZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqbw0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw",
e => "AQAB",
d => "X4cTteJY_gn4FYPsXB8rdXi...FLN5EEaG6RoVH-HLKD9Mdx5ooGURknhnrRwUkC7h5fJLMWbFAKLWY2v7B6NqSzUvx0_YSf",
p => "83i-7IvMGXoMXCskv73TKr8...Z27zvoj6pbUQyLPBQxtPnwD20-60eTmD2ujMt5PoMrm8RmNhVWtjjMmMjOpSicFHjXOuVI",
q => "3dfOR9cuYq-0S-mkFLzgItg...q3hWeMuG0ouqnb3obLyuqjVZQ1dIrdgTnCdYzBcOW5r37AFXjift_NGiovonzhKpoVVS78",
dp => "G4sPXkc6Ya9y8oJW9_ILj4...zi_H7TkS8x5SdX3oE0oiYwxIiemTAu0UOa5pgFGyJ4c8t2VF40XRugKTP8akhFo5tA77Qe",
dq => "s9lAH9fggBsoFR8Oac2R_E...T2kGOhvIllTE1efA6huUvMfBcpn8lqW6vzzYY5SSF7pMd_agI3G8IbpBUb0JiraRNUfLhc",
qi => "GyM_p6JrXySiz1toFgKbWV...4ypu9bMWx3QJBfm0FoYzUIZEVEcOqwmRN81oDAaaBk0KWGDjJHDdDmFW3AN7I-pux_mHZG",
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$rsa_priv});
Examples with ECC keys:
my $pem_key_string = <<'EOF';
my $jwk_key_json_string = '{"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"MKB..7D4","y":"4Et..FyM"}';
#a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$pem_key_string);
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$der_key_string);
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>\$jwk_key_json_string);
#instance of Crypt::PK::ECC
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::PK::ECC->new('keyfile.pem'));
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>Crypt::PK::ECC->new(\$pem_key_string));
#perl HASH ref with JWK structure (key type 'EC')
my $ecc_priv = {
kty => "EC",
crv => "P-256",
x => "MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4",
y => "4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM",
d => "870MB6gfuTJ4HtUnUvYMyJpr5eUZNP4Bk43bVdj3eAE",
my $data = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$ecc_priv});
- keypass
- When 'key' parameter is an encrypted private RSA or ECC key this optional
parameter may contain a password for private key decryption.
- kid_keys
- This parametes can be either a JWK Set JSON string (see RFC7517) or a perl
HASH ref with JWK Set structure like this:
my $keylist = {
keys => [
{ kid=>"key1", kty=>"oct", k=>"GawgguFyGrWKav7AX4VKUg" },
{ kid=>"key2", kty=>"oct", k=>"ulxLGy4XqhbpkR5ObGh1gX" },
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, kid_keys=>$keylist);
The structure described above is used e.g. by
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $google_keys => $ua->get('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/certs')->result->json;
my $payload = decode_jwt(token => $t, kid_keys => $google_keys);
SINCE 0.019 we also support alternative structure used
e.g. by <https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs>:
use LWP::Simple;
my $google_certs = get('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs');
my $payload = decode_jwt(token => $t, kid_keys => $google_certs);
When the token header contains
"kid" item the corresponding key is
looked up in "kid_keys" list and used
for token decoding (you do not need to pass the explicit key via
"key" parameter).
"kid_keys" is specified it croaks if
token header does not contain "kid"
value or if "kid" was not found in
- key_from_jwk_header
- SINCE 0.023
1 - use
"jwk" header value for validating JWS
signature if neither "key" nor
"kid_keys" specified, BEWARE:
0 (default) - ignore
"jwk" header value when validating JWS
Keep in mind that enabling
"key_from_jwk_header" requires
"jwk" header to exist and be an valid
RSA/ECDSA public key (otherwise it croaks).
- allow_none
- 1 - accept JWS tokens with
"none" 'alg' header value (which means
that token has no signature), BEWARE: DANGEROUS, UNSECURE!!!
0 (default) - do not allow JWS with
"none" 'alg' header value
- ignore_signature
- 1 - do not check signature on JWS tokens,
0 (default) - check signature on JWS
- accepted_alg
- "undef" (default) means accept all 'alg'
algorithms except 'none' (for accepting 'none' use
"string" name of accepted
'alg' algorithm (only one)
"ARRAY ref" a list of
accepted 'alg' algorithms
"Regexp" that has to match
'alg' algorithm name
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_alg=>'HS256');
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_alg=>['HS256','HS384']);
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_alg=>qr/^HS(256|384|512)$/);
- accepted_enc
- "undef" (default) means accept all 'enc'
"string" name of accepted
'enc' algorithm (only one)
"ARRAY ref" a list of
accepted 'enc' algorithms
"Regexp" that has to match
'enc' algorithm name
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_enc=>'A192GCM');
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_enc=>['A192GCM','A256GCM']);
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, accepted_enc=>qr/^A(128|192|256)GCM$/);
- decode_payload
- 0 - do not decode payload, return it as a raw
string (octects).
1 - decode payload from JSON string,
return it as perl hash ref (or array ref) - decode_json failure means
fatal error (croak).
"undef" (default) - if
possible decode payload from JSON string, if decode_json fails return
payload as a raw string (octets).
- decode_header
- 0 (default) - do not return decoded header as a
return value of decode_jwt()
1 - return decoded header as a return
value of decode_jwt()
my $payload = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k);
my ($header, $payload) = decode_jwt(token=>$t, key=>$k, decode_header=>1);
- verify_iss
"verify_iss" is specified and claim
"iss" (Issuer) is completely missing it
is a failure since 0.024
"CODE ref" - subroutine
(with 'iss' claim value passed as argument) should return
"true" otherwise verification
"Regexp ref" - 'iss' claim
value has to match given regexp otherwise verification fails
"Scalar" - 'iss' claim value
has to be equal to given string (since 0.029)
"undef" (default) - do not
verify 'iss' claim
- verify_aud
"verify_aud" is specified and claim
"aud" (Audience) is completely missing
it is a failure since 0.024
"CODE ref" - subroutine
(with 'aud' claim value passed as argument) should return
"true" otherwise verification
"Regexp ref" - 'aud' claim
value has to match given regexp otherwise verification fails
"Scalar" - 'aud' claim value
has to be equal to given string (since 0.029)
"undef" (default) - do not
verify 'aud' claim
- verify_sub
"verify_sub" is specified and claim
"sub" (Subject) is completely missing it
is a failure since 0.024
"CODE ref" - subroutine
(with 'sub' claim value passed as argument) should return
"true" otherwise verification
"Regexp ref" - 'sub' claim
value has to match given regexp otherwise verification fails
"Scalar" - 'sub' claim value
has to be equal to given string (since 0.029)
"undef" (default) - do not
verify 'sub' claim
- verify_jti
"verify_jti" is specified and claim
"jti" (JWT ID) is completely missing it
is a failure since 0.024
"CODE ref" - subroutine
(with 'jti' claim value passed as argument) should return
"true" otherwise verification
"Regexp ref" - 'jti' claim
value has to match given regexp otherwise verification fails
"Scalar" - 'jti' claim value
has to be equal to given string (since 0.029)
"undef" (default) - do not
verify 'jti' claim
- verify_iat
- "undef" - Issued At 'iat' claim must be
valid (not in the future) if present
0 (default) - ignore 'iat' claim
1 - require valid 'iat' claim
- verify_nbf
- "undef" (default) - Not Before 'nbf'
claim must be valid if present
0 - ignore 'nbf' claim
1 - require valid 'nbf' claim
- verify_exp
- "undef" (default) - Expiration Time
'exp' claim must be valid if present
0 - ignore 'exp' claim
1 - require valid 'exp' claim
- leeway
- Tolerance in seconds related to
"verify_nbf" and
"verify_iat". Default is
- ignore_claims
- 1 - do not check claims (iat, exp, nbf, iss, aud,
0 (default) - check claims
my $token = encode_jwt(%named_args);
Named arguments:
- payload
- Value of this mandatory parameter can be a string/buffer or HASH ref or
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>"any raw data", key=>$k, alg=>'HS256');
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>{a=>1,b=>2}, key=>$k, alg=>'HS256');
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>[11,22,33,44], key=>$k, alg=>'HS256');
HASH refs and ARRAY refs payloads are serialized as JSON
- alg
- The 'alg' header value is mandatory for both JWE and JWS tokens.
Supported JWE 'alg' algorithms:
Supported JWS algorithms:
none ... no integrity (NOTE: disabled by default)
HS256 ... HMAC+SHA256 integrity
HS384 ... HMAC+SHA384 integrity
HS512 ... HMAC+SHA512 integrity
RS256 ... RSA+PKCS1-V1_5 + SHA256 signature
RS384 ... RSA+PKCS1-V1_5 + SHA384 signature
RS512 ... RSA+PKCS1-V1_5 + SHA512 signature
PS256 ... RSA+PSS + SHA256 signature
PS384 ... RSA+PSS + SHA384 signature
PS512 ... RSA+PSS + SHA512 signature
ES256 ... ECDSA + SHA256 signature
ES256K ... ECDSA + SHA256 signature
ES384 ... ECDSA + SHA384 signature
ES512 ... ECDSA + SHA512 signature
EdDSA ... Ed25519 signature
- enc
- The 'enc' header is mandatory for JWE tokens.
Supported 'enc' algorithms:
- key
- A key used for token encryption (JWE) or token signing (JWS). The value
depends on "alg" token header value.
JWS alg header key value
------------------ ----------------------------------
none no key required
HS256 string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
HS384 dtto
HS512 dtto
RS256 private RSA key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
object: Crypt::PK::RSA, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, Crypt::X509 or Crypt::OpenSSL::X509
RS384 private RSA key, see RS256
RS512 private RSA key, see RS256
PS256 private RSA key, see RS256
PS384 private RSA key, see RS256
PS512 private RSA key, see RS256
ES256 private ECC key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::ECC
ES256K private ECC key, see ES256
ES384 private ECC key, see ES256
ES512 private ECC key, see ES256
EdDSA private Ed25519 key
JWE alg header key value
------------------ ----------------------------------
dir string (raw octects) or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct', length depends on 'enc' algorithm
A128KW string (raw octects) 16 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A192KW string (raw octects) 24 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A256KW string (raw octects) 32 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A128GCMKW string (raw octects) 16 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A192GCMKW string (raw octects) 24 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
A256GCMKW string (raw octects) 32 bytes (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS256+A128KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS384+A192KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
PBES2-HS512+A256KW string (raw octects) of any length (or perl HASH ref with JWK, kty=>'oct')
RSA-OAEP public RSA key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::RSA or Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
RSA-OAEP-256 public RSA key, see RSA-OAEP
RSA1_5 public RSA key, see RSA-OAEP
ECDH-ES public ECC or X25519 key, perl HASH ref with JWK key structure,
a reference to SCALAR string with PEM or DER or JSON/JWK data,
an instance of Crypt::PK::ECC
ECDH-ES+A128KW public ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
ECDH-ES+A192KW public ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
ECDH-ES+A256KW public ECC or X25519 key, see ECDH-ES
- keypass
- When 'key' parameter is an encrypted private RSA or ECC key this optional
parameter may contain a password for private key decryption.
- allow_none
- 1 - allow JWS with
"none" 'alg' header value (which means
that token has no signature), BEWARE: DANGEROUS, UNSECURE!!!
0 (default) - do not allow JWS with
"none" 'alg' header value
- extra_headers
- This optional parameter may contain a HASH ref with items that will be
added to JWT header.
If you want to use PBES2-based 'alg' like
"PBES2-HS512+A256KW" you can set PBES2
salt len (p2s) in bytes and iteration count (p2c) via
"extra_headers" like this:
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>$p, key=>$k, alg=>'PBES2-HS512+A256KW', extra_headers=>{p2c=8000, p2s=>32});
#NOTE: handling of p2s header is a special case, in the end it is replaced with the generated salt
- unprotected_headers
- A hash with additional integrity unprotected headers - JWS and JWE (not
available for "compact"
- shared_unprotected_headers
- A hash with additional integrity unprotected headers - JWE only (not
available for "compact"
- aad
- Additional Authenticated Data - scalar value with any (even raw octects)
data - JWE only (not available for
"compact" serialization);
- serialization
- Specify serialization method: "compat"
(= default) for Compact JWS/JWE serialization or
"flattened" for Flattened JWS/JWE JSON
General JSON serialization is not supported yet.
- zip
- Compression method, currently 'deflate' is the only one supported.
"undef" (default) means no compression.
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>$p, key=>$k, alg=>'HS256', zip=>'deflate');
#or define compression level
my $token = encode_jwt(payload=>$p, key=>$k, alg=>'HS256', zip=>['deflate', 9]);
- auto_iat
- 1 - set 'iat' (Issued At) claim to current time
(epoch seconds since 1970) at the moment of token encoding
0 (default) - do not set 'iat'
NOTE: claims are part of the payload and can be used only if
the payload is a HASH ref!
- relative_exp
- Set 'exp' claim (Expiration Time) to current time +
"relative_exp" value (in seconds).
NOTE: claims are part of the payload and can be used only if
the payload is a HASH ref!
- relative_nbf
- Set 'nbf' claim (Not Before) to current time +
"relative_nbf" value (in seconds).
NOTE: claims are part of the payload and can be used only if
the payload is a HASH ref!
Crypt::Cipher::AES, Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM, Crypt::PK::RSA, Crypt::PK::ECC,
Crypt::KeyDerivation, Crypt::KeyWrap
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright (c) 2015-2021 DCIT, a.s. <https://www.dcit.cz> / Karel Miko
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