NAMEDBICx::Deploy - deploy a DBIx::Class schemaSYNOPSISuse DBICx::Deploy; DBICx::Deploy->deploy('My::Schema' => 'DBI:SQLite:root/database'); or $ dbicdeploy -Ilib My::Schema DBI:SQLite:root/database METHODSdeploy($schema, $dsn, @args)Loads the DBIC schema $schema, connects to $dsn (with extra args @args like username, password, and options), and deploys the schema. Dies on failure.If $dsn doesn't start with "DBI", "deploy" assumes that you want to write the SQL to generate the schema to a directory called $dsn. If $dsn doesn't exist, it (and its parents) will be created for you. When deploying to SQL files, @args is a list of database engines you want to generate SQL for. It defauts to "MySQL", "SQLite", and "PostgreSQL". See SQL::Translator for a list of possible engines. SEE ALSOdbicdeploy, included with this distribution.AUTHORJonathan Rockway "<jrockway@cpan.org>"CONTRIBUTORSThe following people have contributed code or bug reports:
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