NAMEDBIx::Admin::TableInfo - A wrapper for all of table_info(), column_info(), *_key_info()SynopsisThis is scripts/synopsis.pl:#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use DBIx::Admin::TableInfo 3.02; use Lingua::EN::PluralToSingular 'to_singular'; use Text::Table::Manifold ':constants'; # --------------------- my($attr) = {}; $$attr{sqlite_unicode} = 1 if ($ENV{DBI_DSN} =~ /SQLite/i); my($dbh) = DBI -> connect($ENV{DBI_DSN}, $ENV{DBI_USER}, $ENV{DBI_PASS}, $attr); my($vendor_name) = uc $dbh -> get_info(17); my($info) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo -> new(dbh => $dbh) -> info; $dbh -> do('pragma foreign_keys = on') if ($ENV{DBI_DSN} =~ /SQLite/i); my($temp_1, $temp_2, $temp_3); if ($vendor_name eq 'MYSQL') { $temp_1 = 'PKTABLE_NAME'; $temp_2 = 'FKTABLE_NAME'; $temp_3 = 'FKCOLUMN_NAME'; } else # ORACLE && POSTGRESQL && SQLITE (at least). { $temp_1 = 'UK_TABLE_NAME'; $temp_2 = 'FK_TABLE_NAME'; $temp_3 = 'FK_COLUMN_NAME'; } my(%special_fk_column) = ( spouse_id => 'person_id', ); my($destination_port); my($fk_column_name, $fk_table_name, %foreign_key); my($pk_table_name, $primary_key_name); my($singular_name, $source_port); for my $table_name (sort keys %$info) { for my $item (@{$$info{$table_name}{foreign_keys} }) { $pk_table_name = $$item{$temp_1}; $fk_table_name = $$item{$temp_2}; $fk_column_name = $$item{$temp_3}; if ($pk_table_name) { $singular_name = to_singular($pk_table_name); if ($special_fk_column{$fk_column_name}) { $primary_key_name = $special_fk_column{$fk_column_name}; } elsif (defined($$info{$table_name}{columns}{$fk_column_name}) ) { $primary_key_name = $fk_column_name; } elsif (defined($$info{$table_name}{columns}{id}) ) { $primary_key_name = 'id'; } else { die "Primary table '$pk_table_name'. Foreign table '$fk_table_name'. Unable to find primary key name for foreign key '$fk_column_name'\n" } $foreign_key{$fk_table_name} = {} if (! $foreign_key{$fk_table_name}); $foreign_key{$fk_table_name}{$fk_column_name} = {} if (! $foreign_key{$fk_table_name}{$fk_column_name}); $primary_key_name =~ s/${singular_name}_//; $foreign_key{$fk_table_name}{$fk_column_name}{$table_name} = $primary_key_name; } } } my(@header) = ( 'Name', 'Type', 'Null', 'Key', 'Auto-increment', ); my($table) = Text::Table::Manifold -> new ( alignment => [ align_left, align_left, align_left, align_left, align_left, ], format => format_text_unicodebox_table, headers => \@header, join => "\n", ); my(%type) = ( 'character varying' => 'varchar', 'int(11)' => 'integer', '"timestamp"' => 'timestamp', ); my($auto_increment); my(@data); my($index); my($nullable); my($primary_key); my($type); for my $table_name (sort keys %$info) { print "Table: $table_name.\n\n"; @data = (); $index = undef; for my $column_name (keys %{$$info{$table_name}{columns} }) { $type = $$info{$table_name}{columns}{$column_name}{TYPE_NAME}; $type = $type{$type} ? $type{$type} : $type; $nullable = $$info{$table_name}{columns}{$column_name}{IS_NULLABLE} eq 'NO'; $primary_key = $$info{$table_name}{primary_keys}{$column_name}; $auto_increment = $primary_key; # Database server-independent kludge :-(. push @data, [ $column_name, $type, $nullable ? 'not null' : '', $primary_key ? 'primary key' : '', $auto_increment ? 'auto_increment' : '', ]; $index = pop @data if ($column_name eq 'id'); } @data = sort{$$a[0] cmp $$b[0]} @data; unshift @data, $index if ($index); $table -> data(\@data); print $table -> render_as_string, "\n\n"; } If the environment vaiables DBI_DSN, DBI_USER and DBI_PASS are set (the latter 2 are optional [e.g. for SQLite), then this demonstrates extracting a lot of information from a database schema. Also, for Postgres, you can set DBI_SCHEMA to a list of schemas, e.g. when processing the MusicBrainz database. For details, see <http://blogs.perl.org/users/ron_savage/2013/03/graphviz2-and-the-dread-musicbrainz-db.html>. See also xt/author/fk.t, xt/author/mysql.fk.pl and xt/author/person.spouse.t. Description"DBIx::Admin::TableInfo" is a pure Perl module.It is a convenient wrapper around all of these DBI methods:
DistributionsThis module is available both as a Unix-style distro (*.tgz) and an ActiveState-style distro (*.ppd). The latter is shipped in a *.zip file.See http://savage.net.au/Perl-modules.html for details. See http://savage.net.au/Perl-modules/html/installing-a-module.html for help on unpacking and installing each type of distro. Constructor and initializationnew(...) returns a "DBIx::Admin::TableInfo" object.This is the class contructor. Usage: DBIx::Admin::TableInfo -> new(). This method takes a set of parameters. Only the dbh parameter is mandatory. For each parameter you wish to use, call new as new(param_1 => value_1, ...).
Methodscolumns($table_name, $by_position)Returns an array ref of column names.By default they are sorted by name. However, if you pass in a true value for $by_position, they are sorted by the column attribute ORDINAL_POSITION. This is Postgres-specific. dbh2schema($dbh)Warning: This is a function, not a method. It is called like this:my($schema) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo::dbh2schema($dbh); The code is just: my($dbh) = @_; my($vendor) = uc $dbh -> get_info(17); # SQL_DBMS_NAME. my(%schema) = ( MYSQL => undef, ORACLE => uc $$dbh{Username}, POSTGRESQL => 'public', SQLITE => 'main', ); return $schema{$vendor}; info()Returns a hash ref of all available data.The structure of this hash is described next:
refresh()Returns the same hash ref as info().Use this after changing the database schema, when you want this module to re-interrogate the database server. tables()Returns an array ref of table names.They are sorted by name. See the "FAQ" for which tables are ignored under which databases. Example codeHere are tested parameter values for various database vendors:
See the examples/ directory in the distro. FAQWhich versions of the servers did you test?Versions as at 2014-08-06: +----------|-------------+ | Vendor | V | +----------|-------------+ | MariaDB | 5.5.38 | +----------|-------------+ | Oracle | | (Not tested for years) +----------|-------------+ | Postgres | 9.1.3 | +----------|-------------+ | SQLite | | +----------|-------------+ But see these warnings <https://metacpan.org/pod/DBIx::Admin::TableInfo#Description> when using MySQL/MariaDB. Which tables are ignored for which databases?Here is the code which skips some tables:next if ( ($vendor eq 'ORACLE') && ($table_name =~ /^BIN\$.+\$./) ); next if ( ($vendor eq 'POSTGRESQL') && ($table_name =~ /^(?:pg_|sql_)/) ); next if ( ($vendor eq 'SQLITE') && ($table_name eq 'sqlite_sequence') ); How do I identify foreign keys?
Beware: Slightly differing spellings depending on the database server. This is documented in <https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI#foreign_key_info>. Look closely at the presence or absence of the '_' character.
You can also play with xt/author/fk.t and xt/author/dsn.ini (especially the 'active' option). fk.t does not delete the tables as it exits. This is so xt/author/mysql.fk.pl has something to play with. See also xt/author/person.spouse.t. Does DBIx::Admin::TableInfo work with SQLite databases?Yes. As of V 2.08, this module uses the SQLite code "pragma foreign_key_list($table_name)" to emulate the DBI call to foreign_key_info(...).What is returned by the SQLite "pragma foreign_key_list($table_name)" call?An arrayref is returned. Indexes and their interpretations:0: COUNT (0, 1, ...) 1: KEY_SEQ (0, or column # (1, 2, ...) within multi-column key) 2: PK_TABLE_NAME 3: FK_COLUMN_NAME 4: PK_COLUMN_NAME 5: UPDATE_RULE 6: DELETE_RULE 7: 'NONE' (Constant string) As these are stored in an arrayref, I use $$row[$i] just below to refer to the elements of the array. How are these values mapped into the output?See also the next point.my(%referential_action) = ( 'CASCADE' => 0, 'RESTRICT' => 1, 'SET NULL' => 2, 'NO ACTION' => 3, 'SET DEFAULT' => 4, ); The hashref returned for foreign keys contains these key-value pairs: { DEFERABILITY => undef, DELETE_RULE => $referential_action{$$row[6]}, FK_COLUMN_NAME => $$row[3], FK_DATA_TYPE => undef, FK_NAME => undef, FK_TABLE_CAT => undef, FK_TABLE_NAME => $table_name, FK_TABLE_SCHEM => undef, ORDINAL_POSITION => $$row[1], UK_COLUMN_NAME => $$row[4], UK_DATA_TYPE => undef, UK_NAME => undef, UK_TABLE_CAT => undef, UK_TABLE_NAME => $$row[2], UK_TABLE_SCHEM => undef, UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY => undef, UPDATE_RULE => $referential_action{$$row[5]}, } This list of keys matches what is returned when processing a Postgres database. Have you gotten FK and PK backwards?I certainly hope not. To me the FK_TABLE_NAME points to the UK_TABLE_NAME.The "pragma foreign_key_list($table_name)" call for SQLite returns data from the create statement, and thus it reports what the given table points to. The DBI call to foreign_key_info(...) returns data about foreign keys referencing (pointing to) the given table. This can be confusing. Here is a method from the module App::Office::Contacts::Util::Create, part of App::Office::Contacts. sub create_organizations_table { my($self) = @_; my($table_name) = 'organizations'; my($primary_key) = $self -> creator -> generate_primary_key_sql($table_name); my($engine) = $self -> engine; my($result) = $self -> creator -> create_table(<<SQL); create table $table_name ( id $primary_key, visibility_id integer not null references visibilities(id), communication_type_id integer not null references communication_types(id), creator_id integer not null, role_id integer not null references roles(id), deleted integer not null, facebook_tag varchar(255) not null, homepage varchar(255) not null, name varchar(255) not null, timestamp timestamp not null default localtimestamp, twitter_tag varchar(255) not null, upper_name varchar(255) not null ) $engine SQL $self -> dbh -> do("create index ${table_name}_upper_name on $table_name (upper_name)"); $self -> report($table_name, 'created', $result); } # End of create_organizations_table. Consider this line: visibility_id integer not null references visibilities(id), That means, for the 'visibilities' table, the info() method in the current module will return a hashref like: { visibilities => { ... foreign_keys => { ... organizations => { UK_COLUMN_NAME => 'id', DEFERABILITY => undef, ORDINAL_POSITION => 0, FK_TABLE_CAT => undef, UK_NAME => undef, UK_DATA_TYPE => undef, UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY => undef, UK_TABLE_SCHEM => undef, UK_TABLE_CAT => undef, FK_COLUMN_NAME => 'visibility_id', FK_TABLE_NAME => 'organizations', FK_TABLE_SCHEM => undef, FK_DATA_TYPE => undef, UK_TABLE_NAME => 'visibilities', DELETE_RULE => 3, FK_NAME => undef, UPDATE_RULE => 3 }, }, } This is saying that for the table 'visibilities', there is a foreign key in the 'organizations' table. That foreign key is called 'visibility_id', and it points to the key called 'id' in the 'visibilities' table. How do I use schemas in Postgres?You may need to do something like this:$dbh -> do("set search_path to $ENV{DBI_SCHEMA}") if ($ENV{DBI_SCHEMA}); $ENV{DBI_SCHEMA} can be a comma-separated list, as in: $dbh -> do("set search_path to my_schema, public"); See DBD::Pg for details. See AlsoDBIx::Admin::CreateTable.DBIx::Admin::DSNManager. Version NumbersVersion numbers < 1.00 represent development versions. From 1.00 up, they are production versions.Repository<https://github.com/ronsavage/DBIx-Admin-TableInfo>SupportBugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at<https://github.com/ronsavage/DBIx-Admin-TableInfo/issues> Author"DBIx::Admin::TableInfo" was written by Ron Savage <ron@savage.net.au> in 2004.Home page: http://savage.net.au/index.html CopyrightAustralian copyright (c) 2004, Ron Savage.All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software'; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of The Perl License, a copy of which is available at: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/index.html
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