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NAMEDBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet - Sugar for your resultsetsSYNOPSISpackage MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Artist; use DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet -components => ['Helper::ResultSet::Me']; use experimental 'signatures'; sub by_name ($self, $name) { $self->search({ $self->me . 'name' => $name }) } 1; DESCRIPTION"DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet" is an initial sugar layer in the spirit of DBIx::Class::Candy. Unlike the original it does not define a DSL, though I do have plans for that in the future. For now all it does is set some imports:
IMPORT OPTIONSSee "SETTING DEFAULT IMPORT OPTIONS" for information on setting these schema wide.-baseuse DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet -base => 'MyApp::Schema::ResultSet'; The first thing you can do to customize your usage of "DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet" is change the parent class. Do that by using the "-base" import option. -componentsuse DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet -components => ['Helper::ResultSet::Me']; "DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet" allows you to set which components you are using at import time. -perl5use DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet -perl5 => v20; I love the new features in Perl 5.20, so I felt that it would be nice to remove the boiler plate of doing "use feature ':5.20'" and add it to my sugar importer. Feel free not to use this. SETTING DEFAULT IMPORT OPTIONSEventually you will get tired of writing the following in every single one of your resultsets:use DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet -base => 'MyApp::Schema::ResultSet', -perl5 => v20, -experimental => ['signatures']; You can set all of these for your whole schema if you define your own "Candy::ResultSet" subclass as follows: package MyApp::Schema::Candy::ResultSet; use base 'DBIx::Class::Candy::ResultSet'; sub base { $_[1] || 'MyApp::Schema::ResultSEt' } sub perl_version { 20 } sub experimental { ['signatures'] } Note the "$_[1] ||" in "base". All of these methods are passed the values passed in from the arguments to the subclass, so you can either throw them away, honor them, die on usage, or whatever. To be clear, if you define your subclass, and someone uses it as follows: use MyApp::Schema::Candy::ResultSet -base => 'MyApp::Schema::ResultSet', -perl5 => v18, -experimental => ['postderef']; Your "base" method will get "MyApp::Schema::ResultSet", your "experimental" will get "['postderef']", and your "perl_version" will get 18. AUTHORArthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux+cpan@gmail.com>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2017 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.