NAMEDBIx::Class::DynamicSubclass - Convenient way to use dynamic subclassing.SYNOPSISpackage My::Schema::Game; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/DynamicSubclass Core/); __PACKAGE__->add_column(qw/id name data type/); __PACKAGE__->typecast_map(type => { 1 => 'My::Schema::Game::Online', 2 => 'My::Schema::Game::Shareware', 3 => 'My::Schema::Game::PDA', }); $game = $schema->resultset('Game')->new({..., type => 1}); # ref $game = 'My::Schema::Game::Online' @games = $game->search({type => 2}); # @games are all of class My::Schema::Game::Shareware $game->type(3); # game is now of class My::Schema::Game::PDA $game = $schema->resultset('Game')->new({}); # or $game->type(undef); # game is now of type My::Schema::Game #Dynamic properties with DBIx::Class::FrozenColumns package My::Schema::Game; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/... FrozenColumns .../); package My::Schema::Game::Online; use base 'My::Schema::Game'; __PACKAGE__->add_frozen_columns(data => qw/flash server_host server_port/); package My::Schema::Game::Shareware; use base 'My::Schema::Game'; __PACKAGE__->add_frozen_columns(data => qw/price download_url/); ... $game->type(1); #game would have now additional columns 'flash', 'server_host', etc. $game->server_host('...'); #(stored in 'data') $game->type(2); $game->server_host; #error $game->price('$3.00'); #ok $game = $rs->new({ type => 1, flash => 'game.swf', }); #ok #More flexible way package My::Schema::Game; __PACKAGE__->typecast_column('type'); sub classify { #called each time the object gets or losses its 'type' my $self = shift; #decide which class do you want bless $self, $class; } DESCRIPTIONThis plugin implements methodics described here "Dynamic_Sub-classing_DBIx::Class_proxy_classes_(AKA_multi-class_object_inflation_from_one_table)" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook.DynamicSubclass has 2 ways to work: static defining and dynamic defining. Static defining is used in most cases. This is when you define __PACKAGE__->typecast_map(defining_column => {column_value => 'subclass', ...}); The plugin preloads all of the subclasses and changes the class of the row object when you are creating new object or fetching it from a database or changing 'defining_column' value. If the value is not exists in the 'typecast_map' then object is blessed into the base class and losses all of its additional methods/columns/etc. Dynamic defining is when you only say __PACKAGE__->typecast_column('defining_column'); and define a method 'classify' that would bless a row object into proper class. This method is called when object is created, fetched or have its 'defining_column' value changed. METHODStypecast_mapArguments: $column, %typecast_hash%typecast_hash is a hash with keys equal to possible $column values and with subclasses as values. classifyA standart method for static subclassing. You should redefine this method in your result source in order to use dynamic subclassing (second way).OVERLOADED METHODSnew, inflate_result, store_columnSEE ALSODBIx::Class, DBIx::Class::FrozenColumns.AUTHORPronin Oleg <syber@cpan.org>LICENSEYou may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
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