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DBIx::Class::Manual::Features(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Class::Manual::Features(3)

DBIx::Class::Manual::Features - A boatload of DBIx::Class features with links to respective documentation

There are hundres of DBIC contributors listed in AUTHORS. That ranges from documentation help, to test help, to added features, to entire database support.

Currently (June 9, 2010) 6 active branches (committed to in the last two weeks) in git. Last release (0.08122) had 14 new features, and 16 bug fixes. Of course that ebbs and flows <>.)

I needed MSSQL order-by support; the community helped me add support
generally very welcoming of people willing to help

These are things that are in most other ORMs, but are still reasons to use DBIC over raw SQL.

The vast majority of code should run on all databases without needing tweaking

C - Create
R - Retrieve
U - Update
D - Delete

 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('
    INSERT INTO books
    (title, author_id)
    values (?,?)

 $sth->execute( 'A book title', $author_id );

 my $book = $book_rs->create({
    title     => 'A book title',
    author_id => $author_id,

See "create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet

No need to pair placeholders and values
Automatically gets autoincremented id for you
Transparently uses INSERT ... RETURNING for databases that support it

 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('
    SELECT title, as author_name
    FROM books, authors
    WHERE =

 while ( my $book = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
   say "Author of $book->{title} is $book->{author_name}";

 my $book = $book_rs->find($book_id);


 my $book = $book_rs->search({ title => 'A book title' }, { rows => 1 })->next;


 my @books = $book_rs->search({ author => $author_id })->all;


 while( my $book = $books_rs->next ) {
   printf "Author of %s is %s\n", $book->title, $book->author->name;

See "find" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, "search" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, "next" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, and "all" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet


 my $update = $dbh->prepare('
    UPDATE books
    SET title = ?
    WHERE id = ?

 $update->execute( 'New title', $book_id );

 $book->update({ title => 'New title' });

See "update" in DBIx::Class::Row

Will not update unless value changes

 my $delete = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM books WHERE id = ?');



See "delete" in DBIx::Class::Row

 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('
   SELECT title, as author_name
   FROM books
   WHERE LIKE "%monte cristo%" AND
   books.topic = "jailbreak"
 my $book = $book_rs->search({
    ''  => { -like => '%monte cristo%' },
    'me.topic' => 'jailbreak',
See SQL::Abstract::Classic, "next" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, and "search" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet
(kinda) introspectible
Prettier than SQL

Override new if you want to do validation
Override delete if you want to disable deletion
and on and on

"find_or_create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet
"update_or_create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet

Need a method to get a user's gravatar URL? Add a "gravatar_url" method to the Result class

"belongs_to" in DBIx::Class::Relationship
"has_many" in DBIx::Class::Relationship
"might_have" in DBIx::Class::Relationship
"has_one" in DBIx::Class::Relationship
"many_to_many" in DBIx::Class::Relationship

These things may be in other ORM's, but they are very specific, so doubtful

Create a database from your DBIx::Class schema.

 my $schema = Frew::Schema->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );


See "deploy" in DBIx::Class::Schema.

See also: DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler

Create a DBIx::Class schema from your database.

 package Frew::Schema;

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader';

    naming => 'v7',
    debug  => $ENV{DBIC_TRACE},


 # elsewhere...

 my $schema = Frew::Schema->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );

See DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader and "CONSTRUCTOR OPTIONS" in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base.

Made for inserting lots of rows very quickly into database

 $schema->populate([ Users =>
    [qw( username password )],
    [qw( frew     >=4char$ )],
    [qw(      ...          )],
    [qw(      ...          )],

See "populate" in DBIx::Class::Schema

I use populate here <> to export our whole (200M~) db to SQLite

Create an object and its related objects all at once

    name => 'Stephen King',
    books => [{ title => 'The Dark Tower' }],
    address => {
       street => '123 Turtle Back Lane',
       state  => { abbreviation => 'ME' },
       city   => { name => 'Lowell'     },

See "create" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet

books is a has_many
address is a belongs_to which in turn belongs to state and city each
for this to work right state and city must mark abbreviation and name as unique

DBIx::Class helped pioneer fast MI in Perl 5 with Class::C3, so it is made to allow extensions to nearly every part of it.


See DBIx::Class::TimeStamp
Cross DB

See DBIx::Class::Schema::KiokuDB
Kioku is the new hotness
Mix RDBMS with Object DB

Result == Row
ResultSet == Query Plan
Internal Join Optimizer for all DB's (!!!)
(less important but...)
ResultSource == Queryable collection of rows (Table, View, etc)
Storage == Database
Schema == associates a set of ResultSources with a Storage

 package MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Book;

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';

 sub good {
    my $self = shift;
       $self->current_source_alias . '.rating' => { '>=' => 4 }

 sub cheap {
    my $self = shift;
       $self->current_source_alias . '.price' => { '<=' => 5}

 # ...


See "Predefined searches" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook

All searches should be ResultSet methods
Name has obvious meaning
"current_source_alias" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet helps things to work no matter what


 my $score = $schema->resultset('User')
    ->search({'me.userid' => 'frew'})
    ->search_related( shops => {
       'shops.datecompleted' => {
          -between => ['2009-10-01','2009-10-08']
    ->search(undef, { rows => 1})

The SQL that this produces (with placeholders filled in for clarity's sake) on our system (Microsoft SQL) is:

 SELECT raw_scores
   FROM (
     SELECT raw_scores, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
         ORDER BY (
             SELECT (1)
       ) AS rno__row__index
       FROM (
         SELECT rpt_score.raw_scores
           FROM users me
           JOIN access access
             ON access.userid = me.userid
           JOIN mgmt mgmt
             ON mgmt.mgmtid = access.mgmtid
           JOIN [order] orders
             ON orders.mgmtid = mgmt.mgmtid
           JOIN shop shops
             ON shops.orderno = orders.orderno
           JOIN rpt_scores rpt_score
             ON rpt_score.shopno = shops.shopno
         WHERE (
           datecompleted IS NOT NULL AND
             (shops.datecompleted BETWEEN '2009-10-01' AND '2009-10-08')  AND
             (type = '1' AND me.userid = 'frew')
       ) rpt_score
   ) rpt_score
 WHERE rno__row__index BETWEEN 1 AND 1

See: "related_resultset" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, "search_related" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, and "get_column" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet.

 my $book = $author->create_related(
    books => {
       title => 'Another Discworld book',

 my $book2 = $pratchett->add_to_books({
    title => 'MOAR Discworld book',

See "create_related" in DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base and "add_to_$rel" in DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base

Note that it automatically fills in foreign key for you

 $schema->txn_do(sub {

 $schema->txn_begin; # <-- low level
 # ...

See "txn_do" in DBIx::Class::Schema, "txn_begin" in DBIx::Class::Schema, and "txn_commit" in DBIx::Class::Schema.

 package Frew::Schema::Result::Book;

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';

 use DateTime::Format::MySQL;

 # Result code here


    date_published => {
       inflate => sub { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( shift ) },
       deflate => sub { shift->ymd },

See DBIx::Class::InflateColumn, "inflate_column" in DBIx::Class::InflateColumn, and DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime.


 say $book->date_published->month_abbr; # Nov

 package Frew::Schema::Result::Book;

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';

 # Result code here


    length => {
       to_storage   => 'to_metric',
       from_storage => 'to_imperial',

 sub to_metric   { $_[1] * .305 }
 sub to_imperial { $_[1] * 3.28 }

See DBIx::Class::FilterColumn and "filter_column" in DBIx::Class::FilterColumn

 my $rsc = $schema->resultset('Book')->get_column('price');

See DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn

 my @res = $rs->search(undef, {
    select   => [
       { max => price },
       { avg => price },
    as       => [
       qw(price genre max_price avg_price)
    group_by => [qw(price genre)],
 for (@res) {
    say $_->price . ' ' . $_->genre;
    say $_->get_column('max_price');
    say $_->get_column('avg_price');

See "select" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, "as" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet, and "group_by" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet

Careful, get_column can basically mean three things
private in which case you should use an accessor
public for what there is no accessor for
public for get resultset column (prev example)

 $rs->search(undef, {
   result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',

See "result_class" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet and DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator.

Easy on memory
Mega fast
Great for quick debugging
Great for performance tuning (we went from 2m to < 3s)

 my $inner_query = $schema->resultset('Artist')
     name => [ 'Billy Joel', 'Brittany Spears' ],

 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({
     artist_id => { -in => $inner_query },

See "Subqueries" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook

    price => \"price + $inc", # DON'T DO THIS


    price => \['price + ?', [inc => $inc]],

See "Literal SQL with placeholders and bind values (subqueries)" in SQL::Abstract::Classic

Check the list of additional DBIC resources.

This module is free software copyright by the DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the DBIx::Class library.
2020-03-29 perl v5.32.1

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