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DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help(3)

DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help - Summary of the commands

  dbic-migration [options] Command

The following is a summary of available commands

  help                : Summary of commandline Help.
  help [word]         : Detailed help for [command] or [option].
  version             : The version of DBIx::Class::Migration you are using.
  status              : Current database and schema version

  prepare             : Makes deployment files for your schema_class
  install             : Install a version to the database.
  upgrade             : Upgrade the database.
  downgrade           : Downgrade the database.
  install_if_needed   : Install the database if its not installed
  install_version_storage : populate the DBIC:DH metadata tables

  dump_named_sets     : Created fixture sets for the named sets
  dump_all_sets       : Dump all available fxture sets
  populate            : Deploy the current database from fixtures

  drop_tables         : drops all tables in the target database.  CAREFUL!
  delete_table_rows   : truncate all the tables (no data, keep structure).
  make_schema         : Reverse engineer your database into DBIx::Class
  diagram             : Create an image schematic of your schema

  include/s (I,lib/s) : Adds the listed paths to @INC.
  schema_class (S)    : The DBIx::Class::Schema subclass you are migrating
  target_dir (D)      : Where to put (or find) your migration files
  sandbox_dir         : Specific an alternative path for your database sandbox
  username (U)
  password (P)
  dsn                 : connection info to the database you are migrating
  force_overwrite (O) : Allow overwriting of existing migration files
  to_version (V)      : Use the given migration version
  database/s          : The type of database we are preparing migrations for.
  fixture_set/s       : Control the fixture sets used for dumping or populating
  sandbox_class (T)   : Make any of SqliteSandbox, MySQLSandbox, PostgresqlSandbox
  dbic_fixture_class  : Name an alternative subclass of DBIx::Class::Fixtures
  dbic_connect_attrs  : Pass custom args to DBIx::Class::Schema->connect
  dbi_connect_attrs   : Pass custom args to DBI via DBIx::Class::Schema->connect
  extra_schemaloader_args  : Pass custom args to DBIx::Class::Migration::SchemaLoader
  dbic_fixtures_extra_args : Pass custom args to DBIx::Class::Fixtures

    dbic-migration status \
      --libs="lib" \
      --schema_class='MyApp::Schema' \

DBIx::Class::Migration, DBIx::Class::Migration::Script, DBIx::Class::Migration::Features, DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial

See DBIx::Class::Migration for author information

See DBIx::Class::Migration for copyright and license information
2020-06-02 perl v5.32.1

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