DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::includes - Add a path to @INC
dbic-migration --includes /opt/perl/lib -Ilib
- Aliases
- I, lib, libs, include
- Value
- String or Array of Strings
Does the same thing as the Perl command line interpreter flag
"I". Adds all the listed paths to
@INC. You will likely use this in order to find your
application schema (subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema.
You can add multiply paths by using the option more than once. We
don't check the path given for validity or accessibility.
DBIx::Class::Migration, DBIx::Class::Migration::Script,
DBIx::Class::Migration::Features, DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial
See DBIx::Class::Migration for author information
See DBIx::Class::Migration for copyright and license information