my $schema = ... # Get your schema!
my $ql = DBIx::Class::QueryLog::NotifyOnMax->new(
max_count => 100,
... # get warning when you do more than 100 queries
More than once I've run into memory leaks that are caused by the user using
DBIx::Class::QueryLog and forgetting to call "reset" in
DBIx::Class::QueryLog. This subclass of
"DBIx::Class::QueryLog" simply warns after
"1_000" queries have gone through it. If you
want to do something more complex, subclasses which override the
"notify" method are a good idea.
Overridden version of "new" in DBIx::Class::QueryLog, simply adds an
optional "max_count" parameter which
defaults to "1_000".
This is the method that runs when the
"max_count" has been exceeded. Takes no
parameters. Make sure to call
"$self->notified(1)" if you want the
event to only take place once after the threshold has been exceeded.
- Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux+cpan@gmail.com>
- Cory G Watson <gphat at cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Cory G Watson <gphat at cpan.org>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.