NAMEDBIx::Custom::Where - Where clauseSYNOPSYS# Create DBIx::Custom::Where object my $where = $dbi->where; # Clause $where->clause(['and', 'title like :title', 'price = :price']); $where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']); # Stringify where clause my $where_clause = "$where"; my $where_clause = $where->to_string; # -> where title like :title and price = :price # Only price condition $where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']); $where->param({price => 1900}); # -> where price = :price # Only title condition $where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']); $where->param({title => 'Perl'}); # -> where title like :title # Nothing $where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']); $where->param({}); # => Nothing # or condition $where->clause(['or', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']); # -> where title = :title or price like :price # More than one parameter $where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']); $where->param({price => [1000, 2000]}); # -> where price > :price and price < :price # Only first condition $where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']); $where->param({price => [1000, $dbi->not_exists]}); # -> where price > :price # Only second condition $where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']); $where->param({price => [$dbi->not_exists, 2000]}); # -> where price < :price # More complex condition $where->clause( [ 'and', ':price{=}', ['or', ':title{=}', ':title{=}', ':title{=}'] ] ); # -> pirce = :price and (title = :title or title = :title or tilte = :title) # Using Full-qualified column name $where->clause(['and', ':book.title{like}', ':book.price{=}']); # -> book.title like :book.title and book.price = :book.price ATTRIBUTESclausemy $clause = $where->clause; $where = $where->clause( ['and', ':title{=}', ['or', ':date{<}', ':date{>}'] ] ); Where clause. Above one is expanded to the following SQL by to_string If all parameter names is exists. where title = :title and ( date < :date or date > :date ) parammy $param = $where->param; $where = $where->param({ title => 'Perl', date => ['2010-11-11', '2011-03-05'], }); dbimy $dbi = $where->dbi; $where = $where->dbi($dbi); DBIx::Custom object. joinmy $join = $where->join; $join = $where->join($join); join information. This values is addd to select method "join" option values. $where->join(['left join author on book.author = authro.id']); METHODSDBIx::Custom::Where inherits all methods from Object::Simple and implements the following new ones.to_string$where->to_string; Convert where clause to string. double quote is override to execute "to_string" method. my $string_where = "$where";
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