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DBIx::Lite::Row(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Lite::Row(3)


version 0.33

This class is not supposed to be instantiated manually. You usually get your first Result objects by calling one of retrieval methods on a DBIx::Lite::ResultSet object.

Accessor methods will be provided automatically for all retrieved columns and for related tables (see docs for DBIx::Lite::Schema). If a column does not exist, calling its method will die with an exception (use get if you want to handle this gracefully).

    my $book = $dbix->table('books')->find({ id => 10 });
    print $book->title;
    print $book->author->name;

This method returns a hashref containing column values.

    my $hashref = $book->hashref;
    print "$_ = $hashref->{$_}\n" for keys %$hashref;

This method accepts a column names and returns its value. If the column does not exist, it returns undef.

    print $book->get('title');

This method is only available if you specified a primary key for the table (see docs for DBIx::Lite::Schema).

It accepts a hashref of column values and it will perform a SQL "UPDATE" command.

This method is only available if you specified a primary key for the table (see docs for DBIx::Lite::Schema).

It will perform a SQL "DELETE" command.

This method is only available if you specified a primary key for the table (see docs for DBIx::Lite::Schema).

It accepts the name of the relted column you want to insert into, and a hashref of the column values to pass to the "INSERT" command. It will return the inserted object.

    $dbix->schema->one_to_many('' => 'books.author_id');
    my $book = $author->insert_related('books', { title => 'Camel Tales' });

This method returns the DBIx::Lite object from which this record was retrieved.

Alessandro Ranellucci <>

This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Alessandro Ranellucci.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2021-09-07 perl v5.32.1

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